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Plantatlon and Jubilee Songs. These old rellgious slave-songs have heen made popular by the "jubilee singers" and other companies of colorcd people that have sung tbem tlirougliout the There is a certain welrd pathos in them, and a peculiar somdhing, tliut lias ncver been found in the songs of any otlier people. They are at once droll, pathetic, semi-humorou9 and efl'ective to a great degrec. "Swing Low, Sweet Chariott," "Been a-listenin'," "Steal Away," "GwkM tip," Incliin' Along," and iniiny other ftvorites are found In the new book called "Plantation and Jubilee Songs," whlch contalns a large numberof these popular songs of the old-lime colored ¦Air in the South. It Is published by (Kiver Ditson ifc Co., Boston, and will be Kot by them to any address, pofit-paid", on reeelpt of price, 80 cents. Let mo Show Yuu Wlnit a saving I have made during the last year by being my own doctor. Last year I paid out $90.25 tor doctors and tlieir medicine; tilia year I pHid $5.00 for six Bottlaa of Sulpliur Bitters, and tliey liave kept healtli in my whole family. They are the best and purtst medicine ever madu. - Charles King, (JO Temple Street, Bo;t.n, Mass. All enst-bound expresa traína on the New York Central & Iludson RlTer liiilroad, In'Cling with the Michiran Central - Uw "Nl.igaru Fall9 route'' - now stop at tlicir imigniliriMit new up-town station ut I88th street, New York City. Thls station, which is in the immediate vlcinity of some of the mo9t populous siiburbs of New York, nccommodates a population of over 300,000, and is accessible by Madi.-ou avenue and Tliitd Hvenue street cars from all partí of Harlem at the upper section of the city. The Micliigxn Central trams leaving Chicago at 9:00 n. m., 3:10 p. in., 8:15 p. m., and 9-10 p, in., and Ann Arbor at 5:30 p. m., !):15 p. ni., 4:.'r u. in., 0 08 ft. ni., aml 1 ()(.'! n. in , stop at 138Ü1 street and reac': Grand Central station ten minutes later. Is Constimptlon Incurable} Read the following: Mr. C. II. Mor ris, Newark, Ark., says: "Was down with Abscess of Langa, and frieiuls and pliysliiaiis pniiiiniiiced me aa Inmirable Consumptive. I5egan takin Dr. King's New Discovery for Consiunption, un no w on my third bottle, and ableto oversee the work oh uiy farm. It is the tinest medicino ever made." Jesse Middlewart, Deeatur, OUio, says: "Had it nol been for ür. King's New Discovery Fox Consumptioii 1 would have dicd of Lung Troubles. Was given up by the doctors. Aui now in beat of health." Try it Sample boules f c; al Eberbach & Son's.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News