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Pioneer meeting at Clielsea Dec. 7tl at 10 o'clock a, m. The Livingston couiity teachers mee at Fo wlervilie thw eek. A singing school has been conimencei in the Irwtn district, Sharon. The residence of Dr. E. F. Pyle, of Milan, was burned last week. Mr. Berry. of Augusta, preached to the Baptlttt of Brigbton last Sundiiy. An Episcopal clitirch social at the renidence of L. II. Jones, Dexter, to-monow evening. Geo. J. Nissly, of Saline, is the president of the poultry breeder's assoclation of the county. The buckwheat erop Is said to be excellent thU yenr. This will make people come to the scratch. Jay Everett, of Chelsea, visited hls clilldren in Btockbrldge Satvuday and Sunday.- Stockbridge Sun. The national Merino sheep register asBociation will bold its l?th innual meeting at Jackson, Dec. 11 and 15. The new Dexter school building shows oft' nicely fruin the cais at any rute. It is a beauty arahtteetanUy speaking. The Sküiic Observer man invites Bro. Woodruffot the Ypsilanti Sentinel over lo the Saline skating rink. Dangerous. The Presbyterian society of Milan will give an elabórate entertainment Friday evenlnr, the proceeds to be used to paper the choren. Oh! dcar! It isn't Geo. W. Burnham after all that manages the Worcester team. The Worcetter Iiurnham is no Washington. Miss Lucy Burch was ko snccessful in district No. !, Slniion, that she has been eugaged- j (i -t thiuk of it girls, engnged - to tench the winter term. Sociable BOClals are the latest, and I.inia bas thein. Every one attending bas to converse with every other person lor sixtj seconds, under penalty of a ttne. Five new houses are being built, and many old ones are heilig repairjd in Chelsea.- Leader. Ye?, tbat's the rea' son the supervisors redneed htr valnation. Our people wbo have occasion to go out evenings .are obliged to curry a lantern to (lispel the dal kn esc, Blnee our strect lamps are lighted no more. - Saline Observer. The new M. C. 1'. K. stone depot at Orass Lake isa quuint looking, qmomdm llttie slructurc. The stone work is unique and worthy of reproduction ia more elaboiate structures. Never judge by appearance. A shabby old coat inay cantata an editor, while the man woaring -a liigti-toned silk plug bat and sporting i cane may be a delinquent subscribe r, - Observer. The new time table on the Lake Shore road, does not atleet the running tiiue of trains on Yp-ilanti branch. In fact the time talilc of this branch UM not been ooanged for years.- -Observer. Any pérson or persons who u II go inlo the knrttlng business and "tendto thelr kiiitüng," will be furnished with a three story liriek building therefor by Bi trliton citizens. No yarn about this. "Happy is the iniller that lives by the milt," but if vou are not a niiller and want to be one, Wayne will give a bonus to sorae live man to start il roller procesa mili there. No-.v 8 the only accepted time. The Chelsea Herald speaks of lts "excellent corpse of teachers." Now, really, is the tilinguead oralive? Will Brother Allison idease teil ns ? - Stockbridge Sun. The Sun will probably flnd that it is alive. Marricd - At the residence of the bride'a motber, Mis. Wullae', on the L'Oth of November, Miss Jennie White to Emerson Hall. - Stockbridge Sun. The product of this combination will be Whitehalls, tnulobtedly. Mr. and JIrs. David Failey ot South Albion, who celebrated their golden weddinr last week, were married in the town of Salem, this cont3r, iu 1837. Murriages were not frequent events in the county in thosedays. Clayton lays claim to distinction, because it contains 31 widows. 8ay, Saline can see you once and go you as many better. We don't allow any one-horse town to put us In the shade in the distlnction line. - Observer. Miss Josephlne Costello bas resigned her posltion In the Dexter schools. IU bealtii assigned. Usually when young liulies resign such positions it 3 because of a flxed and determined purpose on their part to change their name. Thos. Fleraniinjr, while dltehing on bis farm last week, dug up a pair of deer liorns. It is supposed that they have been tbere for about 50 years, as It is about that length of time since there was auy deer iu tbat vicinity. - Chelsea Ilerald. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Ilause, arrived from their visit to Wasbtenaw and Lenawee counlies last Thursday in the best of spirits, liaving enjoyed the trip vcry ïnucli. yiv. 11. repons the principal outury for potatoes iu those couutles. - Pinckney Dispatch. Three gentlemen from Ohlo were herc last week with a view of buyinjj Widenuian's grove. If they secure the place snmmer cottages will be erected and other improvemciits will also be made to make it attractive for visitors. - Whituioie Lake cor. So. Lyon Pieket. L. C. Drake bas received from the military iost in Arizona, where bis son was stationcd and murdered, a package of uoy's personal effeets. Among tlie lot is i Mexlcan brMle whlch is hulte a purlosïty, and can be leen iu .1. II. Bortle's museum. - Saline Observer. Tlic following, from the Plyuiouth mail would bc ternu'd "saikasm" by Josh liilliugs were lic aüve: "It is stated on quite good authority that the South Lyou fair people pald out nearly thirty dollars as prciniuins on eïhlblta at their ate fair. Yet, it was a grand success." 'the Kollin Webb estáte has been linally scttleil, I). Webb being now the owuer. UrSi Vclili, widow ot deoeased, bas gone witli her son, llcnry Wood, to his home U OtaofCQ wheit' she will reinaiii through the winter and probably go to a homo aniong her eastern friends in the spring. - Pinekney Disputcli. This slandt-r is taken from the South Lyon Pieket: "A Brighton lady, in her hurry to start for church, took from a closet it pair of her busband's trowsers by uiistakc lor her dolman, threw tliem aeross her arm, and did not discover her niistake until ghe had thrown them oyer the back of the pew in front of her." A young man working for F,red. Kmlcr in Lodi, met with a serious accident terday. Mr. Kader was cutting cornstalks by Iiorsc power, when the heavy balance wbeel on the cutting machine burstcd lo four pleees, one of wliich hit the youDjt man's right leg bolow the knee.breaking the same.-Saline Observer. Our frieiul üregory, of Lima, chairman of the board of supervisors, has liad quite a whulí.-ill lately, and no doubt he feels inuch eluted and very happy In Hs coming. A handsome five-feet-long Germán clay pipe lias been presented to him by one of the party. Is that n boom for the presldency f "Glad of the live-foot comfort wliich wlll come to hlm through the bowl. 8aliue is one of the pretliest located towns in the state, with handsome business blocks and public buildin tjs. As a suburbnn residence village it has few equals. And with a little push and ambition Infused into its people, it could be made to boom and tlirive as it never lias In the past.- Saline Observer. Tliis estímate is nol taken from the supervisor's cqualizcd valuation. The secret rap that gains ndmisslon to the poker room has at last leaked out. It is simply no rap at all, but a scratch tiiis wayandthen tliat way (X) on the door, or vice vers. The naking public of thls enteivign wlll probably cause the combination to bo changed. Old-timers will therefore take the lirst opportunity of going to the G. M. (great mogiil) for the Ml f Word and entcr-sign. - .Milan Leader. How did you (ind it out? Wm. 11 Osband of this city is a well known and deservedly popular gentleman. Was for some years professor of ancient languages in Alblon college, whlch position ill healtb compelled him to resign. Politlcally Mr. Osband is an enthusfastic and prominent republican. In "86, as chairman of the central commlttee of this congressional district, he did good service for his party, and aided materially in electing Capt. E. P. Allen to congres. - Ypsilanti Commercial. Considerable amusement was caused at the county house barn, the other day, by the futilt altempts of one of. the iumates to win a wager of 50 cents by breaking an egg with :i half bushei measure. The only conuition was that he should set the nieasure upon it 'and press down till the ege liroke. The wlly joker, who had the right to lay down the egg, cooly placed it in a corner, where, no matter how the victim turned the measure, the egg uould not be touched. - Wayne lteview. '. II. Pottle starts for Arkansas City, Kansas, soon, where he will engage in the dry goods busiuess with a number of gentlemen who were former friends of bil in Maine, but who llave been in the west long enough to establish a flourishiug trade. Mr. Pottle inforrus us that he assumes the management of the concern, will do tiie buyiug, etc. Our village readers well know the success he has made in business hcre, and we doubt not he is fully qualifled to manage the business there. His family will remain until spring, and will go west with hlm when he returns from New York, where he will go to buy goods. The Enterprise wishes liini áuccess. He has been a good citizeu here, and it the cowboys don't make a target of hlm, the people will find him cipabk' of lilling most any position they see lit to give him.- Enterprise. And the people throughout the connty will all wUb hlna success, though dUliikng to part coiupany with him. Saturday evening last Congiessman Allen and his accomplished wife threw wide open the doors of tbeir spacious residence, and a goodly number of friends - a humlrc-d or thereabouts - assembled to pay tlieir respect?. It was a sort of farewell reception before leaving for Washington. Had a stranger chanced to look In upon the genial host and hostess, stirrounded by the joyous company, they woukl havo been impressed with one fact, at least, that two decades of public life here have not weakened the contidence in whieh the worthy Captain is held by the community in whioh he livos, but on the contrary, have dcvelOMd a feeling of genuine respect and affeotlon, akln to that among those of the same bouaehotd and of the samo blond. In his case, the sharp contcsts wliich ¦NU neecssary in political life have left no taint of' liiitcrncss among those of ' posite boliefs, for here on tlic eve of his daporture were assembled those of every polltioal faitli - all alikc carnest in good wishes that the future may hold for thcir ' friends, the host and boatBU, naught but III best gifts and richest rewards. It certainly is not given to ni.-my men in public life to cnjciy, In such completeness, tlic anicnillfs wliich tlow from klndly ' sentiments such ns were, on thisdelightful occasion, so freely expressed by his oldtlme DelghbOM. The liour was one which will long abldc in the memory of those wlio enjoyed its hospitalities. The Captain leaves tor Washington in about a


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