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Real Estate Transfers

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I'atrlck Donabne, by adminlstrator, to W m. H. Donahue, Ana Arbor $ï,425 Klenegunda Schade to Allmendlnger & Schneider, Ann Arbor 7 2,000 Mry Broderlck to Geo. Qratz Mlller, Cnelsea ' q John Schwab to Chrlstlan Schwab, jr., Brldgewater '....,' 750,, Christlan Sctiwab, Jr. to John Schwab, Brldgewater 7500 Christian Schwab to Eliabeth Kern Manchester .' 500 Huldau J. Cole to Wra. Tuttle, Ypsllant1 f... 900 Napcy Raldwln 'to Andrew AUmendlnger, Ann Arbor 050 Warren Wood, by helrs, to JeS. Kahoe, ürldgewater oy Alan'?C BllS8 t0 ChaS' B stuck' "yp'sVHannah Slock, by helrs to Chas. B Stuck, Ypsllanti Henry M. Curtís to Emmo Draper. Ypsa"tl 0,000 Jus. II. Leonard to Thos. Nlue, Superlor 100 1 lirlst lan Halbllch to ByroD W, Cheever Ann Arbor j -gg