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The Reaper, Death!

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Almost ii startling numbcr of deaths have been reported from tlus county during the last few ilays. HIK LATÍ IION. KKXKST KMAMII. M (NS. Ifon. Ernest Emanuel Mann, one of the most prominent and respected citizens of Michigan, departed tlus life Nov. 24tli, at Ml residence on South Main street in this city. He was taken ill with jauudicc some six weeks ago, and while iiis t'ainily and frieuds had entortained hopes of his recovery, he Jiimsclf dld not. As lie grew weaker l'rom day to day, it bccame evident thul his end was near, and lic feil asleep quictlv about 8 o'clook in tlio inorning. He was R man wlio left his impres8 on the city and state and was greatly csteeined by all. He was boni in Stuttgart, Kingdom of Wurtcmberg, June 4th, 1814. In 182G, he with his mother and his two sister?, Mrs. Louise Schmid and Mrs. Sophia Hutzel, joined his father, Henry Mann, who had come to lïeadinjr, Pa. the year before. The family resided there tilt 18;IO. In the spring of this year they carne to Detroit, and at tri a stay of about tlirce weeks bis father, Henry Mann, d.cided to lócate his tanncry in tlio vlllage now the city of Ann Arbor. 'l'hc family arrived herc June 2Oth, and was the first Germán fam lly tosettle In Ann Arbor; they had many privations. It was at this time that the subject of our sketch was the mcans of influeticitip: a large part of Wurtemberg Germán population to settle in Washtenaw County. After arrlving here, he wrotc a long letter to an unele in Stuttgart dt'scribing the country. This letter so much pleascd his unele that bc had it published in the Schwaeblsahcr Merkur, one of the most nfluential papers published in Wurtemberg. In consequence of this letter, for years after Germans from that part nf the country carne direct to Ann Arbor on landing in America. At one time a party of seventy-three souls arrived and were cared for by the Mann family till they found places to work or land to cultívate. He operated a tannery for some years, and then associated himself with his couain, Mr. Christian Eberbach in the drug business, and for the next two years he was a partner of his brother iii-law, August Hutzel, in the iniiits, oil and glass business. He then established himself In the drug business which is still continued by his sons Eugene and Albert Mann. He was a man of unusually wide range of readlng which he thoroughly understood and reasoned upon, and there were few subjects apon which he was not well posted and upon which he could not express his views. His careful and correct business habits and etrict integrity secured him the confidence of all. For three years he served as alderman, and was for some time a member of the board of education in this city. In 1870 he was elected as State Senator on the republican ticket and served with great credit to himself and his consjituents. October 21st, 1843, he was united in marriage to Anna Niethainmer, who with one child preceded liim to eternity. He leaves ten living children. Mrs. Eliza Schmid, wife of Frederick Schmid, Henry J. Mann, Miss Emelie Mann, Ernest, Eugene, Charles, Hobert, and Misses Mary and Clara Mann, all of this city except Ernest and Charles who are in business in Detroit. His sisters, Mrs. Louisa Schmid, widow of Rev. W. Schmid. deceased, Mrs. Sophia Hutzel, wife of August Hutzel, also survive him. It is with regret we have to announce the death of Mrs. Theodore E. Wood, of Chelsea, which occurred suddenly on Thanksgiving Day, of apoplexy, it is thought Mr. Wood, who is the bookkeeper nf the Chelsea Savings bank, left his wife in apparent usual healtli, preparing dinner, and upon returning a short time afterward he found her laying upon the rloor dead. She was n woman much respected in Chelsea, and was about V or 40 yeare old. The wife of Caspar E. De Puy, of Stockbridge, died last Mond.iy, aged about 25 years. Mr. De Puy sof the Him of Glazier, De Puy & Co. of Chelsea, w iu also have an establishment at Stockbridge. Mrs. De Puy was very much mpected in thecommunity in which she resided, and her death w'ill be learned with soriow. She had been in poor liealth for some time, besides which she leaves a little babe but four weeks old. E. B. Benton, of the north part of the town of Lima, about two miles south of the villiige of Dexter, died Sunday inorning last. He was a man wc 11 ad vaneed in life, and was one of the first settlers in Lima. His death still further depletes the ranks of the fast departing old pioneers. Lewis L. Haudall, aged 84 years, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Darwin Downer, of Lima, on Thanksgiving day, at a few minutes after 12 o'clock al in. Mr. Haudall had üved in Clielsea and Lima nearly a half century, and was one of the most respected of the old pioneers of the county. Welk Burt, of Detroit, but for many years a resident of Ypsilanti, removiiig tliere froin soine ten years since, died of heart dlsease yeaterday at 1 o'clock p. in. He was one of the iron kings of the state. Word was reoeived tliis morning of the deatli of Frank Elsele, son of the late Antón Eisele. He waslivinjr near Belleville with his wife's faniily, was about 24 yers old, and had been eick tor a lontr time. Timothy E. Carroll, of tho 4tli waid, died Sunday a. m., of conaiimiition. Funeral services yesterday a. ril., from St. Thomas' cliurch. Munnis Kenny, son of John Kenny, of the townsliip of Webster, died last Sunday of typhold fever, ajred 23 years. The wife of John Pfisterer, of the 2il w:inl, ili',l last S:iturJay. of inllanimatory rhenmatism. She leaves two chiklrcn. Wm. Freeman, of the town?hip of Manchester, died last Sun lay of qnick consumption. aged abont 55 yeare. The Item, In a recent Issue, about the ill treatment of a certain patiënt wlio carne to the University hospital to be treated, haa created quite a stir. It seems from investigaron that the facts are as tollows: A gentleman carne from PeMskey, slum? wei ks since, with liig wife and son, bringing the latter for treatment, for curvature of the spine. The partid carne here on excursión rates, and could only remain the limit, and they were obliged to return home before their son could be treatrd. The statement as lirst glveii us was that they were poor people and could ill afford to remain here the weekorten dayg which theydid. Thls 8eems to be dispelled from the fuct that the party Is the keeper of a hotel at Petoskey, a summer resort, and all such people should be very ricb, so tourists who have paid their charges, ver. In fact he was willing to pay well for the euccesuful treatmeot of his child. Dr. Frothinjrham tells us that there are so many patients at the hospital tliat each one must walt the order in which they come.unless it sacase needinglinrnediate attentlon, which is always given. Tfcll purticular case, he says, was of six years etanding, and in no mniediate Imrry ; in in fuct could have been treated (niite as well by physieians right at the gentleman's home. The Doctor further tel Is us in reply to tde statement that one ot the fuculty had made arrangement to meet the gentleman, that it could not have been true,as such arrangements are never made by any member of the medical faculty. They are too busy, and could not possibly teil a few hounj ahead where they would h:ive to be or what demand might bc made for their cervices. It is stili further alleged, and has erery ap pearance of bein;; true, that the University hospital Is more satlsfactorily conducted now than it has been for years.