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Her Sorrowful Story

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About fiftcen years ago the Bev. An(irew Ten Brook was librarían of tlie university in Ann Arbor. He was at Mint lime a widower wltli two sons and one daugliter. On one of liis frequent business visits lo Washington he met Mrs. Kmma Snioot, a widow with two chlldren and a good Ineome left lier by her deceaged husband. Their acquaintanc developed into a marriage after a brief courtship, and Mr. Ten Iirook took hig wife and lier children to his home ia Ann Arbor. He was several y&n ilder tba n his wife, whö was at that time a woman of good social position and nn acknowledged beauty. Her brother, the Hev. Dr. Geo. W. Sainpson, is now one of the lending Baptist clergymen in Washington. Tlie married life of Mrs. Ten Brook, report says, was not happy from the start She went to Ann Arbor thinking that her husband was one of the most learned professors in the university, and was somewhat disappointed to find that he only beid the position of libriarian. Then ¦he had trouble witli his children. The youngest son was an imbecile and required constant attention froin his stepinother. The other son, too, began to sliow symptoma of mental weakness, and died after a piinful linees of three years, durinr which time Mrs. Ten Brook was hls ntirse. The daughter married in '68, and Air. Ten Brook spent f100 out of her own private funds in procuring the gir] a wedding outfit. Ten Brook had a tine house at the time of his mairiage, but later lie bec.ime embarnssed flnancUlly. The result was that he grew worse in his disposition.and finally tlie authorities at the university practically dlspensed wilh his services. ThU was about ten years ago. Soon after liis connection with the uuiverelty ceascd he lelt Ann Arbor. It was rappoMd that he went east mul mi tilliiij,' different pulpits in New York state. Mrs. Ten Urnok remained ii Ann Arbor with her own cliildren and the inibecile sou of her liusband. Two years a ft er her marnare slip. opened a boarding house, and after Ten Brook left for the east she still carried on the business. Beside8 this she was appointed matron of a club house in t'ie city, and managed to make nioney to support her son ut the university. The younj; man grnduitted and removed to Chicago, wheie he is nnw practicing l.nv. His sinter niarried 10. Ihiane Fo, son oí t lio 't'll-known Uol. Fox, of Kent county. Fox is now living with liis wifc in Washington. With her childien svttled in Ufe and lier husband in the east, Mrs. Ten Brook ?rew tired of supporting herself by keeping bo.-ir.lers, and went to hini with her ;liildren. On June 23d last, tlie Bey. A. Fen Brook, who had removed to Detroit, iled a bilí in the Wayne circuit court askng for a divorce from his wife, on the irounds of oruelty and desertion. Mrs. Pen Brook was not notitied, and learsed )f the proceedings bv the inerest chance, l'he sorrows and sufferings of lier life vith the ex-librarian of the university ire fully set forth n lier answer to the leclaration, which was liled TWterduj. Mrs. Ten Brook says that when she narried 1 1 1 - she had a good ticome, which she spent on her husband nd his cbildren by a tonner wife. Vbout two years fier their marriage he opened a house at the re[uest ol her husband, and frora that time he practically supportrd the lamlly, reeivinjf no asslstance from her husband, ltliough he drew a good salary as proessor in the univershy at Ann Arbor. 'he husband, it is also alleged, tried to et possession of his wifo's property and bout foiirteen years ago borrowed $1, 00 from lier which he has never returned. Mrs. Ten Brook also aserta that her usband abused her two chlldren by a t former inarriage, aud tliat although lie professeB to be a minister of the jfospol he is a ram of unsovernable temper. On one occasion, It is allejred, he caught liis wlfe by the thmut and .sliook her uutil she thought abe was killed, wlnle ut auother time he turned her little daurhter out of doors and refused to let her into thehoue until i late hour at niyrlit. The defendant says her lnuband left Ann Arbor in October, 1877, and went to New York, wliile she remained In her boftrdiag house to earn a liring for herself and fnmil}'. Sometíale in the winter of 1880 she visited him by bis own request t a place cal led "The Corners"' in New York state. She remaiued five days and then returned to her home and boiirdiiii house in Aun Arbor to provide for lierself the living wliicli he refneed to furnish. She did not, she Myi, (legert li i in on tliis occasion, as he alleges in bis dcclaration. Sometiuie after tliis she grew weary of trying to support hcrself and accepled a home wlth lier i-hildrcii, but ber husband knew wherc she was stopping, miglit have communicated wlth her hy citer if he had wlsued to do m. Boy the Qold and Bilver Bjiirttni; the Two Sams. Immense bargains tliis week at the Two Sams. D. F. Schairer ndvertiaes a specialty thia week in 00 otnl drM goods. Read what he bas to say about it. A. L. Noble never bnys "Seconds" in underwear, but piefers to btiy rpjriilar goods at the additioiml cost. and give bis cu8tomers better value. SeoomU are frequently, yes, umally retailed at the wme price as clean goods. Huy your underwear of Noble. Mrs. A. M. Knott, Principal of the Detroit Christian Institute, will begin a course of instruction in Chrislian Scienoe Ileallng in Ann Arbor. abont Dec 5th. For teims etc., address Mrs. A. M. Knot', 17 John H. st., Detroit.


Ann Arbor Courier
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