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Salt Rheum The agonles of those who suffer f rom severo galt rheura are Indescribable. Tlie cleansing, lioallng, purif ylng Infiuences of Hood's Sarsaparllla are unequallcd ly any otlicr medicine. "I takc pleasure In rcconimcndlng Hood's Sarsaparllla, for lt lias dono wonders for me. I had salt rheum very scvcrcly, aftectlng me over nearly my entire body. Only those who havo suffered from this dlseasc In its worst lormcan imagine the extentof my affliction. I trlcd many medicines, but failed to receivo benefit until I took Hood's Sarsaparilla. Then the diseaso bcgan to subsidc, the Agonizing Itch and Pain dlsappeared, and now I am entirely freo from the di8case. My blood scenis to bo tbocoughly purifled, and my general lieallh greatly benefltcd." Lnus Ai.lex, Sexton N. E. Church, North Chicago, 111. "Myson liad salt rheum on hls haiuls and the calves of hls lega, so bad thal tlny WOUU crack open and bleed. took liood's Sarsaparilla and Is entirely cured." J. i. Stastok Mt. Veinon, Ohio. From 108 to 135 "I was serlously trovibled witli salt #ieum for threc jears, and receiving 110 benefit from medical trralnu-nt I decidcd to try Hood's Sarsaparllla. I am now entirely cnrod of salt rhenm; my weight has increased trom los Ibs. to 135." ÏIrs. Smitii, Stamford, Coim. If you suffer from salt ïheum, or any bloixl dlgease, try Hood's Sarsaparilla. It liasciirod many others, and will care you. Hood's Sarsaparilla 8oldbyalldru?glsts. Jl; slrforJlS. Propnred only by O. I. HOOD A CO., Apothecarie, Iwell, Mas. IOO Doses One Dollar HfRfMN Kewarded ore those who reiu! H H .Y"üs &"d theu Bct' "'"¦ wl1' ""'I lliyUyi1"1"111''11'1" employment tbnt will not tke them from tholr homes and families. TUe prollta are lurne aml gure Tor every Induxtrlous person, many havn made and are now inaklug swernl liundred dollar R inon th. Il is easy lor nny one t) mke in und upwards per day, who Ik willlriK towork. Kither sex, younii or oíd ; capital not needeil; we start you. Every thing oew No special ublllty ruqnlrcil, you, reader can io lt as well ns aoy one. Write to ns at onco tor full partlculars, whlch wo mail free AdJresa stlnson A Co., Portland, MMne.


Ann Arbor Courier
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