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f 1. (!. MrAlli.ster spent Sunday n Jaekson. Gcc F. Keek relurned to Qrand Kap1 Is Mouday. C. Bliss lias been on tlie sick list for , tlie past week. i Louis D. Taylor spent Tbtnkaglvlng with liis mother. Miss Birdie Dunster la wending the weekin Detroit. Mayor Smith contemplates a trip to ':i liforuia next inonth. Dr. W. W. Nichols and bride are expecttd home this week. Kditor Wm. M. Osbaud, of Ypsilanti, was In the city yesterday. Prof. I!. L. D'Ooge, of Ypsilanti, apent nis Thunksgiving in the city. Deputy C'lcik Artlmr Brown spent Thauksgiving with Saliue friends. J. Spntgue rotnrned Saturday night from a three weeks" trip in Isabella count}-. Will ('loments and wlfe. of Bay Olty, spent several days in the city during the week put. The family of Cha?. Orr have irrivcd in the city and are rooming at present on Williams st. Miss Katie Kyan. now of this city, spent Thanksgiving at her home in Stockbridge. Judgc Joslyn Onlibed the regular term of court in Monroc, and returned home last Tliursday. For the flrst time In 30 years Chas. II. Worden and wife took th'eir Thanksgiviiifr dinser alone. John IJannister, formeily in Goodyear' drug store, now of Eist Saginaw, spent Sumlay at home. Prof. Baur, returned ThaokSKlvingdny from a visit to friends in Cleveland, Olilo and Harmony, Pa. B. U. Giles and family, of Detroit, spint Thanksgiving with Mr. Giles' mother on Ful Ier street. Israel Hall will probably go to Honduras, with hls son C. A.B. Hall, leavtng the city some time during the week. Mrs. Hon. 3. C. Burrows, of Kalamazoo, spent Thanksgiving with her sister, Mrs. Campbell, at 03 South Fourth street. Mrs. Daniel B. Bentley. of Detroit, is ?Uiting friends in the city tor a few days. Mr. Bentley is expected the last of the week. Miss E'litlr Marble, of West BloomticM. N. V., wlio baa been visiting at Mrs. John IJnylan's returned home last Friday. Mis. J. Blscomb, of Grind üapids, and Mrs. W. T. Coffin, of New York i City, are visitmg at W. P. Baillie's, il ington st., E. Dr Luplntkl, of Grand Rfpidt, was in ' the city several days chiriiif; week visitini: old friends. He is well pleased ' with Grand Kapids. A íurprjse vraggiyen David Wllíey, ii Pittsfleld, Tncsdii)' evening, Nov. 22(J, bj forty-live or flfty of liis friends, Míe evenl being his (iStli birthday. On Friday, Nov. 25th", a ntimber of relatives and frienda of Mlss Anim McUollum, on East Hurón street, gave lier surprise party, it being lier 7 1 at btrthday Mrí. I)r. S. Jolmson nee Kinily Niekel'g, wlio h:is heen visitlng her parents Mr. iiiid Mis. .1. H. Nickel, for tereral weck's past, left for her home in Oxford' ville, Wis., Monday evening. Mrs. Win. Honham, gf Hambiirr, and her two little daaghten Loln and Huzel, have been visiting Mr?. B's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jacobus, on Obeervatory street, dniing ihe past week. Emilia Mayer, of Tublngen, Oermany, is visiting ber tUter, Mr. Romlnger, od Fifth street. Bb wat a friend of tbe fanious poet, Uliland, whose Ia8t hours she witnetied, and his sli iwl she bruught with her giving it to Louis Uominger. -Mis. O. W. Romney, of El Paso, Te., who has been spending the past cight montlis Ín Frince aml England, is visiting her sister, Mrs. V. ü. Doty. .Mis. Ií. is a prominent journalist and correspondent, and during her resideuce abroad has been engaged in literair woi k for melropolitan papers and publications. K. W. Noyes and family, of Paw P:nv, Helen M. Jloore and family, of Chelsea.; M. J. Noyes and family, of Chelsea; B. IJ. Noyes and wife, of Mason ; J. P. Hodgeman and wifc, of Pickney; J. A. (i.itis uní Family, of this place, held a family reunión at the home of tbelr parents, Mr. and Mis. I). W, Noyes, a very aged couple of tliis city. and enjoyed :i very good dtnsef of röaat turkis aod other good tliii


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News