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Dont forget the Jubilee Fair at tlic M, Dec. Cth, 7th and 8th. Do not forget the Chnmlmr Concert l'riday evcning, Dec. 2d, at Hobart Hall üev. Saín. Jones, at University hall, Siiturday evening, Dec. 3d. Subject, "Character and Characters." Miss liloomfield, one of the foremosl in the musical world of the day, at Hobart Hall, Friday evening, Dec. 2d. Hemember the coming of the famous Engligh Opera Co. In the Gypsy liaron, next Wednesday evening, Deo. 7. The first of a short series of musical evenings In the program of the Unity Club will be given Dec. 19, under charge of Mr. Edward Bilbie. E very one will desire to hear the famous divine, Rev. Saín Jones, probably the greatest mover of people in Ifcisoonntry to-day. He attracts. At Uimersitv hall Satimlay evening. Therc is a limited number of tickets for the Chamber concerts on sale at $2.50 for the remaining concerts. It might be well to secure one before you get shut out from attendance. l'robably but few men on the stage would care to venture upon a retuni engagement, In fact none hut the very best talent aare attempt it, and iu that class may be placed Uoland Reed, who again comes ta the grand opera house in "The Woman Hater," on Monday, Dec. Btb, Tlic "Jubilee Fair" to be given by the ladies of the Methodist church, will open on Tuesday, Dec. 0, at 4 o'clock p. m., and continue until Dec. 8, each afternoon and evening. Supper will be served tach evening at 6 o'clock, and oysters "hot" and ice cream "cold" whenever desired. There is to be no end to the pretty and useful anieles for old and younsr, all suitable lor Xmas gifts. Friday evening, Dec. 2d, at Hobart Hall, will occur the second of the series of Chamber Concerts. üf Miss Fannie Bloomfield, who will be the principal star of attraclion, Hauslick, the greatest musical critic in all Germany, says: "Miss Bloomfield proved herself a thorough artist and brilliant performer." Nogreater compliment could be paid to a musician than the above to this lady. She will be assisted by Miss Ida Belle Winchell. Conrjed's Opera Co. presenting Strauss's greatest success, "The Gypsy Baron," as originally produced over 150 nights undcr the directlon of Jlr. Conried. in Xew York, will give one performance at the Grand Opera House, Weduesday evening, Dec. 7th. This couipauy is oue that has broughtto itself much praise for its admirable rendition of this great opera. Iu stage appointmeuts, in costurnes, in dress, in scenery, In everything that goes to make up a popular entertainment, this company rank second to none now travclingin this country. The one who miases it will miss a good uMng. The Young People's Missionary Society of theCongiegationnl clmrcli is preparing fora fair, wliich will be held on the afteinoon and evening of Thursday, Dec. 15. The young ladies ;of the society have for eome time past been engaged in nnikimr both fancy and usoful article wJiicli wiii be ofl'ered for sale at that Mme. Do iiot forget the rare opportunity for purchasing Curistmas glfts. In addition ro the sale there wlll be many novel and attractive features, wliich will be well wartli the stnall admittance fee of ten centa. THE OYPSY BARON. The Conrled Opera Company will appear at the Opera House, Wednesday evening, Dec. 7th, in Johann Strauss's'laten and most brilliant success, "The Gypsy Baron." Juliii9 Schnister, who wrote the libretto for the "Gypsy 'Baron" based the incident upon a work by Morlitz Jokay, the fanious Hungarian poet, and tells'a romantic story blended with humor, of the life of the Maggar gypsy of the last century. The opera is divided into three acts. all by the way elaboratelv placed upon the stage : The flrst, the gypsy encampment, tlien a ruined castle, and finally a scène in the outskirts of Vieuna, where the Hungarina troops are seen returiiiiig in triumph from the war. The march introduced in the last act by 40 ihapely frmale hussars, is the most perfect ever witnessed on the stage. Rüland keed. The legitímate commedian Ruland Reed will present "The Woman Hater" at the opera house Monday evening, Dec. 5th. Of this performance the Detroit Evening News says: Roland Reed secured a prize w-lien he bouglit John ï. Ilaymond's comedy of " V woman But, besldes the play itself, Mr. Reed seems to have come into possesslon of some of the urts for whlch the late lamented -Col. Seller" was fumous, for he kept the liirge audlenee ut Wblte's In alraost a constmit roar of laughter last nlglit. Tho pretenaed womaa hater, who Is really a great admirar of the fair sex, and who la only restralned frora proposlng by an abnormal !;islilulness, flnds tilmself Involved In not only one but three entancllng alllances at the same time. ThU unhappy predlcament forms the basis of Innumerable rldiculous sltuallons, not the least amuslngot whlch Is bil lncaroeratloB, by mlstake, in a private lunuticasyluni. Mr. Reed shows noticeable linprovement slnce he was last seen here, and hls iK-ilug Is more flnlshcd and urtlstlc thnn bffore. Hissona "Wever Anln" made ftdeclded hit. The company Is falrly eood. The soubrette part of Mias Lewis, who Is a very prettyand charmlng young girl, was ïmrtlcuiiirlv nlpimliitr. THE GYPSY BARON. The Conried Opera Company will prewni John Strauss' latest and frreatest inuMeal luqceM "The Gypsy Baron,'1 ut the opera house, Wednesday evenlnjr, Dec. ?th, by the author of "The Jklerry War," Queen'a Lace Handkerchief, "1'rince Aletliusalem," and other masterplecea. The opera will bc produced wkh the original scenery, snperb coturnes, and powerful cast, wliich will include : Laura Belllne Prima Donna Louise Hlaiu-hl Prima Hoprnno Helen Von Daerhotr. Prima Donna Contrallo LydiaO'Nelll Soprano I,eK)?lero Jen K.iilertli Mezzo Soprano Hurry De l.orme Primo Tenor Itobuslo Big. Tngllerl Primo Tenor dl Urazla Jaoquey Kruger Huiro Kred. Urbau Primo Bnrltone Ous. F. Hall Primo Basso togrther wilh the unusually large chorus of lil'ty volees, place Hie production of "The Gypsy Baron" at the hcad of llgkt opera companies. TUS WOMAN IIATHU. Roland Keutl willappear Moniluy evcnIrjR In the occentric comedy, "The Womati Hater," written hy Mr. David D. Lloyd for the late John Haymoml. Mr Reed lias been very successfúl ns Samuel Buudy in other purts of the country, andhi' wem to h on the road to prefermënt. The cast will be as follows: Sainut'l üundy, the woman hater _ ;¦ Holand Ueed liorace Mullbrldge, er-professor , ; Harry A. Smith Dr. Lane, a specialist In medical diseases Fred. Hlght George Dobbins, retired ooil'ee iner:liaiil A. O. Dellwyn Torn Klley, a student In medicine . ,¦;;; W.Q, Andrews Orlando Hawkins, a deputy sheriff lullan Heel Thompson, a keeper at Dr. Ijine's ...W.W. Plum Wllllam, servaut flfth uvenue hotel ¦ ¦ C. N.Bliaw James, Dr. Lane's servant 8. W. Oordon lire. Lucy Joy, In search or number three Miss Allee HasÜDgs Miss Allee Vane, very ranch In love , Miss Anule I.ewis Mrs. Walton, ln search of numher tliroo Miss Bessie Hunter