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-- HU R E_ CREAM Baking S2gT PERFECT MPg l l iv Hm Hnited States government. Kndoraedby tlie beadi ol the Oraal ünlverslllea as the StroiiRest, Pnreat.Mid moat BaaltbfOl. Di Prloe'i tbeonly Baking Powderlhal does do oontaln Amrponla, Lima or Mum. 8ota nlylgícE BAKI.NO POWDER CO., RXW ïiiiik. CHICAOOi ST. l.uuis. STto? GreatesUBIood PurifierJQ I ThUGreat (crman Medicine Hic#, III III chenncstanit best, 1Í8 doses of VL-M II llrin KBITTERSfor#1.00,leMthan 3 III eent ¦ d"- lt wlll cure tlu j UI U:i cnininon pimple on the fünw J jj IHto that nu ful dlneaM Scrofula. Li I Isl 1.1'IUII BITTEK8 is ih-f llbi'-t medlatne to in niiJf "" lli-:ivc-; of buoI) itubborn ;n"loln. Kiil-lll U'i'i Bcatcd iliscusi's. !#]„. x . MM',,utl BLUE PILLS JGÍK'Jk'J fi-E in or merourjr.they are (1%Il'#i"u ;i '¦' -ï' k.n Ijl ln,',Mi!mucvcT'. y„]p]Ur BltterS 'III SlsjonrTongoeOoatedJr' rn Qwithayollowsliikj-non't walt iintil yon U Huhi.Mii,''? Uv"ur#ar unal)lotoviilktor Illbivatli foui anMf are flat on yonr back, ¦ 1 lollVrolvey Yinir#t'iit gei nome at onoe, il II lllstoni.'it'li Is outjrwlll cure you. .¦Suliiliurlll III of order. üteWBlwsrtH S6l',VnirKÍ(srie Invalid's Friond.g EdlmiiHliatclyTboyoiinp.tlio april nm[ tot-M [II I - your (Tr-#terlng ure aoon madewell liylll III li' tlilik,#it use. líinii'iiilnTwhat you I II lllropy, clo-jrt-Mil herC it Biav "ull III ul , or#liio, lt ha aaved I II MUunX wait uutll tu-inonuw, Q f Try a Bottle To-day ! E3 I Ê .ro you low .plritod :unl wi';ik.jl II 3 mor snflteríng trova the oxressoá III I 'WwiU eure uu. St'inl ;i S 'int lOintpa to A. 1'. Ofhvay ('o., Bobtuu.Maab., fur Ikm DMÜicsiWOric puliliábcU? , .. - AT FREQUENT DATES EACH MQNTH l7parcpvnHBFR0M CHICAGO, ngiï ] peoría; MC ÉrtTwjsTLouis q mfla I írlJ'cHOlCEOF ¦fl'"'tlI T" routes; via PiiirnDNlA v D E N v E R ' llALIrUn'cDUNCIL BLUFFS, DMAHA, STJaSEPH,ATCHISON or KANSAS CITY. For dates, rates, tickets or further Information apply to Ticket Agents of connecting lines, , or address Pau L M ORTON , Gon. Pass. &Tkt. Agt., Chicago, III. .ARBUCKLES" name on a paokage of COFFEE is a guarantee of excellence. ARIOSA COFFEE is kept in all first-class stores from the Atlantic to the Pacific. COFFEE is never good when exposed to the air. Always buy thls brand in hermetically sealed ONE POUND PACKAGES. Tutt's Pilis MlninlateN Ihe torplci liver. trenifth" en tiitMliuttiic 4rKun4. rrt 11 later the bon els, and are ii.iequiiWd 11 s uu ANTI-BIÜOÜS MEDICINE. In malarlal üslrlots liiclr virtueKsre w illy ''ii nir.-l. as they n-, pcouliur projx 1 1Í1 s lu I rooi lijf I sli 111 froni that poison. EK'anl l Niifur coutvd. Kom' Mii.ill. Ji'rJoe. saeta. Sold Everywhere. Offlcc, 44 Miuray St.5 K;v York "ABOOKFORTKEPEOFIS." CAPTlVATPKJ! l -I II 1. ! Bloqnep Dlculon. and IMploniatlo l'ntx-r 011 Ihe (;riiill'ubllclaeUoimorthe.Pasl anü i'reeut, JAMF.s (;. BLAINE. KmliraoinchlKmastiTly argument on the vltnl Irsup In in, 1 Stñmte. the AU Imiiortattt xiimr Qufution, Prohiidtion. Irih ITumt Rule, etc-, . T-A FOUTI'VK Kolt JiO.iK (.'ANVASSKKÜ ! APPUcatioss kor Tk.eoutouï Comiso is witii a Rush! DAHU.NU BKOS.. Dktuuit, ilKH. AU Druggiiti, lito., 50c., ind Sl.OO. Preptrpd only by Or. 8eth Araold, iieU. Crp.,Voóniockvt, lï. I. THIS PAPER ¦-1'--.'-. 1 mv ¦ ni kii uowell a cos Kcwspapnr Advertising Bureau (10 Sprace Street) .wher.' rl lfnill ti.siiiKi-diitnu-t.-imay MKMf I IKK bo nuulo for it ia Ilklff I UIllXi i PAINT ij ¦" l'aint Friday. run it toChurch Sunday Eigh! 3L lnshiAn.ibte Sh.ules: black. Maroon, Vermfllon . Yellow, Olive I-ake. Brewstcr and Waon i Z$ tgS Greens. No tnrihfnK nccewary lrirh hnl Sm hUIi ñ "hJne." Unc Coat and job is done, .tjg L YOURBUCCY Tip tr.p f r Chain, I.nwn Seat% Sath, Fiowr r gM 1 l'ots. Baby Cacmgw, t urtabi VA. Í itrnflure. L „O LU I root Doon Store-front, Screen Üooi I 2 M "¦¦ii ¦ ¦ -' J"vt =;o ¦" the ttiiMt.' fur tiie ladics to use abom the liuuse = ¦- . L FOR ONE DOLLAR i 2C0ITSH0NEST Ci% Are you fOfag tn I'.iijit tliis Mtui If W, don I ÜT1 .i palnt containing walcr or benj ¦ f.,r ! .-¦ 'J youcan procure - - 1 tlOIT A 108 PUCK T4INT that ís "rraiilrt to - . a ¦" Ir-, ui HOStST, I.KM1MÍ UXttl in-oil. t'iivr Q and free from water and benzine I). 'mand Ik TT brand nl l.iU no ollr. Mcrchantl handUng g g I J it arcour agents and authoriz i byui.ln writing, 'S 'S a eg 1 ÏKtlti llh t O.ITS. OtfT Sli.ules are thr = I.atest Stylcs tiscd in the EJt n-w bccoming ' UJ io popul t in tl - Weit, nd up -.-i'1! the Urna E ïg --. Try thw brand of II0XK8T PAIST and j u wUl -tjg V ncver reyret it. TMs to the wlM is lucltnt ij v o HOUSE PAINT yj Í COIT'SFLOOR PAINT %fJü P.iint v. r drld bevond the stklcy jioml. 3S -¦p w.,ste ; wc . ¦ lM " Ncxt time cali f i COIT X WrM M.MHC PAllT ZZ- ¦F 1 pttpul ir and tuitable ahad i, HHrrnntcri r.i dr)_ - hard ¦¦ rMh niglit. Nu Iroubk No _, ÏHW0NTDRY$TICKY5


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