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In the Arenmlorf trial at Hloux City on the 2lst damaging tcstiinony was introduccd bytho Btato, whieh would make it difflcult tor the arcused tO MMOed iu hls uttemptto establish ah alibi. Patruk (i'Himkn, a plnmbar, was Bhot and killed on the 21st by a Blue Island tTonua (CTÜOêfO) sfrloou-keeper named William K leeman. A bloody flght took iilace on the 2Obh between whltea and blacks, at Jelllco, Ky., in which three men were killed and a nuraber wounded. Whikj was the cause oí the flght Findi-ay, 111., was ahno3t destroycd by flrclatoontho night of the 21st. Dweil-' ing. storeR and churches wcre consumed. tan was a heavy frost thronghout Georgia and the Carolinas on the rnorulng oí the LMst. Jacob Sciiwab was killed at New York on the 21st by falling down an elevator ihaft in hls warehouae. He wub a well-known importcr of la Ftre on the 21st at Mound City, HL, destroyed thirty-tive buildings, iiichidlng two hotelR, the mayor' resldenoe, the i'ain'of, offlee and three dry-goods stores. A negro has been arrested for causinjr the conflagration by setting tire to an tnoocupied saloon. ' Mixneapous elevator men prove notice to patrons on the 2 Int that hereafter they would charge oe. cent for transferring grain, inst-ad ol one-half cent, the figure heretofore. Heney Im-kwood and wife, realding near Marión, Ind., lnft their three children, the younjtit eüroteen months and the oldest elghtyears, in the house alone on the night of the, liUh. When th; párente returned the next duy the buhe was fro.en to death and tho others bitten. Mii.waikee union maUUH on the 21stisBued a circular which, although cleverly worded, has the appearance of a boycott against Irewcrs nol in accord wlth the.m. A general Blrikc was imminent in the Cream City. l'or.EST lires In Tennessee, Arkansas and Mi88ii)Kippi had not been checked on the 21stand a wind-storra which prevailed Satnrday ia supposed to have fanned the flamea and increased ita destructivo forca Frank J. Xokthky, convicted at San Francisco, l'.il, reoentiy of attempting to bribe a jury, was seineneed on the 21st to nine years' inipri.sonment. Heni.y V. and Tames A. L. Wilson, formerly secretary and treasurer, re9pectivoly, of the Delaware and Chesapeake ('anal Conipauy, at Philadelphia, pleadcd ffuiltyof embeulement on the 21st and uur si'utcuci-d to elght and Bix yearg, re-; spectively, in the penltentiary. By their operatious the concern lost nearly $700,000. Fkost and thin ice at Tanipa, Fla., on the morning on the 21st was supposed to have killed theyillow fever gerin and the people were celebrating the event The Hamilton fainüy, wcalthy citizens of Fort Wayne, Ind , commenced suit agalnst that city on the 21ki for $:(0,000 damages for excending a sticet throngh their property. WmU numlllg I railroad trai-k at Somonauk, De Kalb C'ounty, 111, on the 22d, a carriage containlng John Rose and hi daughter was struck by an express train. The yomiglady was lnstantly killed and her father was daugerouBly injured. It was stated on the 22d that the Illinois Central road had secured control of the Dubuque and Dunleith bridge, now holding 1,017,000 of the $1,200,000 capital stock. Duriso the lakt month there have been an unpreoedented number ot fires at St. Louis, many of which have been ascribed to incendiariea These suspicions as to their origin have been justiüed by the arrest of three men on the 39d, oue of whom confessed that he and lu companions had started flres in BBTeral lumber-yards, which had caused a total loss of nearly $50,000. Five HUXDRED col ïiiiners on the line of the Shenango Je Allegheny railroad, in Pennsylvauia, strnck on tiii 2'J.l tdran increase of nine cents ]er ton, and it was thought their Bumber would be increased to a thousand. A coujsion between freight trains on the Chicago & Alton railroad, which occuned near Sherman, 111., on the 22d, would cause a loss to the companj of about $50,000. Compulint was made on the 21M by merchants at Mil w anken that the railroads dlscriminated aguinst that city and in favor of Chicago in the matter of freight ratea A committce was appointed to investígate the matter. A Chicaoo, Milwaukee & St. Paul passenger train collided early on the morning of the 22d with a freight near Ixonia, Wia The passenger engine and mail car and tour freight cara were wrecked. Two LocoMOTivES and seventeen cars were wrecked and destroyed by flamee near Sherinan, HL, on the Chicago A Alton road early ou the morning of the 22d. The loss would reach $50,000. In a three-mile boat race on the 22d at Boston, John McKay defeated Peter Conley by several lengths in 21 minutes and 50 seconds. Charles Fackler and hls wife and chlld lost their lives on the 24th by the burning of the house in which they were living at Browning, I1L The building is thought to have been fired by an incendiary. At Thibodeaux, La., a crowd of negroee who attacked a picket composed of white men on tho23d were fired upon by the latter and sixteen men and one woman were killed. The affray gtew out of the recent troubles upon the BUgar plantationa "Buskï" MonuAN, convicted of the murder of Detective Hulligan at the time of the rescue of McMann, was genteneed at Itavanna, ()., on the '23d to be banged March 10, 188S. An appeal would be taken. A dauqhteb of the late W. O. Fargo, the milllonaire expressman, brought Buit on the 2 Ith agalnst the exeentors of his estáte to compel them to pay her $40,000 which she alleges they have wrongfully wlthheld. A KBGRO named Hudson, who ie charged with having set flre to the Lawler House, thus causing the destructivo conflagration at Mound City, 111. , was taken to Cairo on the 2 ltli for safe keeping. He eonfesses the crime, and says he was hired to commlt ít by a foriner landlord of the hoteL In a rlot between the notorious "Owl" gang and a number of Italiana at Pittsbnrgfta on tho 24th two men were shot and twelve or fifteen wounded, but none received fatal injuriea ïai,e defeated Harvard in a foot-ball game at New York on the 2-lth by a score of 17 to 8, and thus won the college cham]iionship. A heavy rain-fall wh oh prevalled tlirougliimt Southorn Illinois on the 24th put au end to the dtaastSDBB forest lires that had beun raging in that regioa Carter, of Cleveland, won the flrst prize iu Uia billiard tournament which closed at Chicago on the ni;ht of the 24th, with Bchaefer second, and Moulds, of SL Louis, third. Jldge C. B. Oiant, of Detroit, Mich., oalled a meeting of saloon-keepers on the 23d and read to them the liquor laws. He told them the acts ren ]iafledtobe obeyet In his district Tuk etoamer Charles P. Chuteau was burnsd on tho erening of the 22d at Buntowoi Landing, ouo hundred and flfty miles elow Mcmphte. Mrs. Martin and her two chlldren, ocou.ying a cabla in the woodn in HcndcrHOn "ounty, Ky., were burned to death by fortwt flres on the 24th. The flaines surrounded their huinblo home, and the nnfortunatcs vcre roasted allvc. In a colusión on the Baltlmore & Ohio road on the üBth, about fiftcon miles south of Pitteburgh, tliroo men were killed and Ive others were injured. At Anna, O. , an englueer and a reman were killed in a Biuafllmp on the ('ineinnatl, Hamllton Jayton rond. Lambert ft HiHHor, the wire mlll company at Joliet, III.. won the celcbrated irson case, the jury on the USUl rcturntng a verdict of 'no cause for action." The inBuranco company Immedlately appealed. The dcfondantfi would commence suit for ifiöO.OOO, chargtog mnüoiotts prosecution. Snow-btormh were reported froui Michigan on the, and from varlous pointe n the West ( H.uii-Ks ( was hanifcd on the Jjtn at San Jone, Cal., for the murder of H. A. Grant It was stated on the 25th that the Milwaukee brewers dld not anticípate any tronble with thcir employés on account of the unnatisfactorv oonditlon of the trade in that city. Discovkrik were made on the 2."th that Charles Albcrt Kebler, a Olncinnati attorney who died recontly, coinmitted many [orfferles and embczzled trust funda, the liabilitles thus lncurred reachlng $17."), 000, whllc hls asseta were but $0,000. Fike on the at Portrero, In the suburbs of San Francisco, Cal., destroyed two blocks of dwelling-houses and rendered forty families homelcsB. The loss was estimated at 970,000 The Kittanning (Pa.) iron mili shut down indeflnitcly on the on account of a dispute with tho puddlers about the iron fumlshed by the iron company for them to work. Three hundred men are thus thrown out of employment J. E. F. 'biSLKY, aged thirty, and hls mothcr, rpred stxty-Üve, blew out the gas npon retiring at the Howard House in Newton, Kan., a few nights ago. They would probably die. Neab Birmingham, Mich., on the 2-lth a hunting party, in a spirit of mischief, overcharged a gun and gave lt to a boy named Collier and told him to discharge it He did H, and tho gun exploded, tatally injuring the lad. PERSONAL. AND POLITICAU Mr. Starks was said on the 21st to be Boeking a vindication of hls conduct as Land Omnmissloner by an election to Congress. Sir Henky ünATTAN Esmonde and AHhui O'Connor. ihe Irish rcpresentaUve in thls countrj', were given a recaption at Topeka, Kan., on the uight of the '2 lt Kesolutions were adopted and cabled to Messrs. Oladstone and Parnell, giviug them assurance of tho sympathy of Kansas in their flght for the cause of Ireland Difticulty was experienoed in gettiof; a Jury to try Jobann Most at New York on the 22d, because the men called exprensed an aversión for anarchy in general, and a particular aversión for the defenilaut Orncnu of the National Grange were elected at Lanslng, Mich., on the 22d, Put Darden, of Mjmissippi, bcing chosen Worthy Master. United Scotes ( lommlssloner of Agriculture Colman addressed the convention on sorghnrn raising. Benjamin Josephsos and Louisa, hls wife, were on the stand in the Arensdcrf trial at Sioux City, Ia., on the 22d, and gave very sensutional testimony. They swore they ¦aw the defondant ahoot Rev. Mr. Haddock. They were well acqualnted wlth Arensdorf, and said they could not be mistaken. Other witnesses testined, and the defense rested ite casa Dn. D. C. Kellet, of Nashville, Tena, member of the North Alabama conference of ihe Southern Methodist Church, at their meeting on the nlght of the 2 Is at Tuscaloosa, Tenn , was asked to resign his posltion as treasurer of the conference on account of hls utterances in reference to the Emraa Abbott episode. He commended the lady for rlslng in a chnroh U defend herself against a rainistei's strictures on theaters Ei-Senator C. F. Jones, of Florida, was reported on the 22d in ünancial distress at Detroit He has been turned out of hotels and restaurants, but has been taken in charge by a friend. Georoe Francis Train on the 22d gave up the intention of expatriation. He says his daughter "Sue," the ehildren, and the birds are pulling him back to Madison Sqnare. Ohio's vote for Governor as shown by the official figures on the 22d gives General Foraker a plurality of 23,732. Hls vote was 35(i,!37. The total gubernatorial vote was 740,686. Mr. Lawresce Bakrett said at Pittsburgh on the 22d that Mr. Edwin Booth and himself would make a short trip to England, and that they had in contemplatlon the ereciion of a large theater at New York. An important opinión was rendered by Attorney-General Garland in a letter to Secretary Lamar on the 22d in regard to land-grant claims, in which he construed the act as granting prlority to bona iide settlerR. The golden jubilee of Pope Leo XIIL was celebrated on the 24th at Milwaukee, Wis., by a grand parade. Speeches were made ai the Exposltion bnildlng, and the occasion was a memorable one. Ex-Senator Jones, of Florida, whose eccentric actlons at Detroit have given rise tomuch newBpaper gossip, was declared on the 23d to be a nionomaniac. He belleves himself to be the viotim of a i onspiracy whlch has been formed agalnst him by Democratie politicians and whloh now threatens his life. The trial of Johann Most was begnn on the 23d at New York, and the Htate rested after proving that Most made a threatenlng speech, conoludtng wlth the words, "I am an Anarchist! lilse, anarchy Long may it Uve!" A reporter testiflec that he "did not take notes at the meeting because he did uot want to be carried oul dead." Ei-Wakden Hariiy Varnkll, one of the convicted Chicago "boodlers," has, it was Htatcd on the 2 Mh, furntshed State's. Attorney Grinnell wlth lnteresting Information relative to the oounty boodlers, and wil probably not go to Joliet James G. Douolab, at one time proprietor of the Iudiuuapolu (hul) Juurual, becanie slck in a theater on the night of th 21th and a few minutes afterward oxpired. He was married November 11, and had just roturned from a bridal tour. Dr. Christian Linde, vice-prestdent o: the Wlsconain Medical Assoclation, died at his home in Oshkosh on the 24th, aged seventy-nine years. "Eph" Holland, a well-known sporting man and gambler, died on the morning ol the 23d at CincinnatL Aldkrman R N. Da vis. of Lincoln, HL died snddenly on the 24th. He superintended the building of the flrst turnplke road in California In 1852. On the 25th, the second anniversary of the death of Vlce-Fresident Thomas A. Heedricks, his counln and long his law partner, Mijur A V. Ilrndncks, wan fonnt load io boíl. His deiith wan indden, and ft-iw due to heart-dÍ8eane. The letter of Geaenü Mortal Workman Powderly, writteu on Cha Bid, lu wliich he Icclared that he oottldnotreoonldar hlide.erinlnation not to reinain rttha lieud of th inlghts of Labor after the alón ol the prei üntyeur, U -riy. ¦! by hm OijKnnta n the order M a plea tot synip.-itliy. ÜN tho 2,"itU (¦bii'.-ifí'i UwaJ .Usembly No. ;i7, whii-h toiin. tIv b.'limtred to the [nlghts ut Labor, umi ol wliicli the Anarchist Pui-soiiH woH a niemlier, ado]itml esoluttons condemniug his exeuutlon and hat of bis brotber Anarchist, ml difnounene tho eourte and the Governor. FOREIGN. A dominion Senator assertod on the 21st that nearly every French decoration wom y French-Canadlans had been purchaaed. tome of the raoney used in this peculiar radio was taken f rom a fund raised for the mrchase of books in Frunce for a Parlianentary library. But eighty persons out of the 312 passengere were known to have boen saved rom the wreek of the steamer Hcholten. The general impression on the ülst wa hat the renponsibility for the disaster rested wlth the oflicers of the steamer Rosa Mary. MM. Ci.emesceau, Freyclnet, Flouquet and Goblet informed President Grevy on the Ist that they were not willing to underake the taak of foriuiug a Cabinet M. Brisson and several other leading statesmon of Frunce, who were culled upou y President Grevy on tho 9zd to form a Cabinet, intlmated to hlm that the only soution ot the present crisis was hi own reslgnation. A warrant was insued on the 24th for the arrest of John Pillon, one of the most caíble of Parnell'B lleutenantK. Frank Huoh O'Donnei.t,, ex-vlce-presldent of the Home-Rule Confederation, on ;he 23d subpoenaed Parnell and T. P. O'Connor to appear as witnesses in his libel sult agaiust the London Timn. Ix)BD Salisbury' speech bofore the meeting of the National Union ol Conservativos at Oxford on the 24th makes it clear that he Premier feels that he is absolutelT dependent npon the support of the Liberal Unionista, and siid that he did not lutend to propose increased powers of local government in Ireland untfl there was ainarked change thero. Puesident Gkevt notifled a member of the Chamber of Deputies on tho 24th that he had decided to reaign, and reported that M. Kibot had consented to undertak the ormation of a C'ablnet.which would include MM. Ooblet and Deves. Advices received on the 2."th from a Bogotá (l'nited Btates of Coluuibia) paper gtated that thousands of Colombiana in certain diitflcts are annually stolen and sold lnto slavery of the vilest charaoter. and thafi dundreds were killed in conflict, their bodles beln? left unburled, A lot of French-Canadian students of Laval University causad a dlsgraceful riot in Quebec on the nlght of the 25th by getting upa counter deinonstration againat the Salvation Army. The chief of pólice appeared upon the goene at an opportune moment, and separated the contendinjf partiea. Ma Balfoub, Chlef 8cretary for Ireland, stated on the 23th that Editor O'Brien could not be snbjected to the usual prison discipline, because he has suoceeded in shelterIng himself under a medical opinión that hls lungs are delicate and hls hoart aotion weak. A BEWAED of .f125,000 was offered on the 25th to American inventors by the Government of New South Wales for any procew or contrivance that would extermínate rabbits, which had become a pest throughout Australia and New Zealand. A Paris telegram of the üöth Btates that President Grevy was stubbornly resisting the deinands tor his immediato reuignation. The new8iapers unantmously condemned the prolongation of the crisis. In the Germán Uelchstag on the 2ilh the President read a telegram from the Crown Prlnce in response to a message of sympathy sent by,that body, thanking them for thelr sympathy, and expresslng the hope that thj favorable turn in hls allment, which had alrcudy resulted from his stay In the south, would permlt him to resume to the full extent his duties to the fatherland. LATER NEWS. The annual report ot the Director of the Mint at Washington, issued on the 'Mth, says the coinajre of the year was: Gold 3,724,720 pieoes, valuó $22,:tí:t.279; eilver 44,231,288 pieces, valué $í}4,3liO,4s;i; minor coins 00,166,868 pioces, value 94:1,(100; value of gold bars inanuf aotured, f58,18é,953{ sllver bars, !tj,481,üll. In a qnarrel on the 27th at Jersey City, N. J., Henry Ebert shot his wife dead and then killed himself. The official canvasB announced on the 2(th of the recent election in Dakota 8howed that the majority for división wonld not exceed 3,000, and that only elght countieB in the Territory voted agalnst prohlWUon. 1'kank McCutcukon was lvuclied on the 20th at Oakdale, Cal., for setting fire to several buildings. Thbee childrenjof Mr. and Mrs. G. O. White, of Morrison, I1L , were drowned on the 2öth in Rock creek. They were playlng wlth their sleds upon the ice, when lt broke and let them luto the water. The American Bank of Pittiburgh, Pa., closed its doors on the 2tith on account ot poor business. By the burn'ng of a dwelllng on the 2ith at Wausau, Wia, a man named Honlckle and his five children lost their Hves. At Mineóla, Tex., a heavy wind-storm on the 2üth blew down a hall during the progresa of a dance held by colored people, and flve persons were killed and about twenty lnjured. The safe of the county treasurer's office at Onterville, Mo. , was blown open on the 2tith and robbed of about $20,000 In casb. Thb annual report of the First Aseistant PoBtmantor-Gttneral, issued on the 2Uth, showed that the whole number of postoñices In the country was 55, 107, of which 8,383 are Presidential ottioes. As lucendiary fire on the 2öth at Donlphan. Neb., destroyed nearly the entlr business portion of the town. At Sydney, N. B. V., on the 2flth William Beach won the sculllng race for the world' ckainpkmsh p over Edward Hanlan by tw lengtlis. Nelson Mather ACo.'s furniture factory at Grand 1 taplds, M ioh. , wa destroyed b flre on the 27th. Lohh, .f 200,00a Ijttlewood won the Pbiladelphla slx dnys walking match on the 2th by a Boor of 500 miles and (me lap. Charles A., of the American Ex change, London, said on the 2Uth that Mr Gladstone would vlsit thls country in April Junr.u Smit dooided on tho 2tith that the 1h utilM lsued by various cuuntie during th war are void, and sustainod the decisión o the lower courtn A sioh load of pure galena oro was discovered on the 20th at Jordán Center, Iowa County, Wis. At twenty-slx leading clearing houBes in the United Btates the exchanges during the week ended on the 'Jiith aggregated $011,988,3!(t, against ,il, 178,204, (538 the prevlous weck. As comparad with the corresponding week of 1886 the increaso amountud to 10.0 per cenb


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