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There are 28 non-resident pupils in the Saline schools. Clinton lias a blue ribbon club alive and flourishing. The Saline Itaptists think of giving a Christmas concert. The Picket wants the Catholics to build a church at South Lyon. E.x-Sheriiï Wallaee has returned from lii visit to Chatanooga, Tenn. Tlie Saline township boards will audit accounts next Saturday, at 2 p. in. Win. Kern has bought out the ment market of Wm. Uehfuss at Manchester. There is to be a social at the M. E. parsonage, Saline, on Friday evening Dec. 9. A f 70 addltloD of ncw books bas been addeil to Clinton school Library. - Observer David Gre? and Thos. Priest, of Lake Uidge, have gone to England and Ireland on a visit. The Ridgeway hotel, an old landmark of pioneer days, has been demolished. - Observer. The Milán Metbodliti gave their new pastor a social at F. A. Blinn's residence last night. II. E. Burnham. for scveral years a prominent grocer of Mllan, is to remove to Detroit. I Dr. Haze, of Pinckney, mvns 17 horeea and colts, the Bggtegate weljflit of wliich is 13,610 pounds. Ypsilanti's 4tb Ward school house has a new buil. Thcy will probnbly ling it oci -isionally on the editor of the Sentmei. The young people of the Saline M. E. church have an entertainment on band ft.r Dec. 28th. It will be worth waitlng Tor. Alfred Lewla, of Mllon, had four colts liitten by :i hog about two weeks ago, one "if thein so badly tliat it was obüged to be killed. Mita Belle Honey has been elected to fill the ]osition in the union school re-iiiiü(l by Miss Jotephlne Coatullo. - Leader. Wm. B. McQuillan, of Dexter, and Miss Hosc Kelly, of Pinckney, were msrled at the latier place on" Werineaday norning. Fish-pond, ratnbow, box, donkey, tie, nind-reading, ponnd, spat-em-out, etc., locials are uow Delng held ibronghoot he county. The old entine house was sold at auOton, yestorday, to J:io1) Struin, tbr Slü. Jhas. Carven paid $5 for the bell denick. - Salint' OtwerVer. Tbe Chapter and Blu Lndge are aranging to have a public installation of )fflcers in their new bal] 00 the 27th. - Vorthville llecord. The Chelsea lleiald (jnotes njiples at !." cents. Wonder Ifthat inclmles wormloleg, or does a fellow have to mako his iwn holes ai tliat pi ice? John Sarrldgehat a fine span ofyoung lioi-ses.oi e tbree-yean oíd welghlng 1.89S poiimls and the other two years old weighthg 1,355.- Milan Leader. The eleetric llght of Ypsilantl starled up last S it.urday ni;ht,:iml tlie city w hii-li lias so long been n darkness will now have llght thrown upon its ways. ïlie Kepublican says that Ira Halt, of Ilartland, was relieved of a worm Mondar that measured 50 feet. Cooldn't tnke off an inch or two, I suppose ? The editor of the Dexter Leader condemns the roller rinks as having already "rtiined too many." Ye?, rolled tliem right into the burninj; pit, as it were. John K. Yocum, and wife, of Chelsea, have been spending tlie past week witli C. A. Yocum, of Leslte, and M. F. Yocum, of tliis place.- Stockbridge Sun. Ou the questiou of Inreatlng $300 in lire protection Plnokney roted no - 27 for and 38 iigainst - Ilowcll Kepubllcan. Not wisely votcd, most people will beieve. The new ehurch in Lyndon is progressing- lïiit-ly. The basement floor is now grouted, and will soon bo ready to be used. There are four workmen employed. What is needed at South Lyon now is a fouudry and machine shop with planing mili attachment. Such an industry uould pay big mout-y on the luvcstment - Pickct. Everybody, most, is relting ready for the coming holiilays. Merchants with tbeir wares, and the memberi of the family circle with tbeir fancy flxlngl for genuiue surprises. The Sentinel opposos the action of the council in vacaliiifr the old cemetery of that city. Why not vacale it? VVould it not he better to make a park of it than to let it lay as it is? In 20 days the Hartland eider milis ground Ki.OOO busheU of apples, turniug out 1,500 barrels of eider, most of which was 8old to the llighland Tlnogai works. - Brighton Citizen. D. S. Stile8 has sold hls interest in the store at Whitmore Ltike to Chas. I'ray. Pray & Stiles is the new finn. And now the pulisteis will cali out let us Pray for inore otiles, or something of the sort. This is a wise gugjjestloii from the Plnckney Dispatch: "Farmers, why don't you orjjaulze a club in Pinckney and s]end an hour toi;ether every Satunhiy enllghteoios each other in baat methode! The Ladies' Aid Society of the Presbyterian ehurch will hold a sale of vnrious useful and ornamental goods in the basement of the ehurch, on Wednesday, the 14(h of December. - Ypsilantian Commercial. V. P. Cash, asslgnee of A. O. Thompkin?, Upecta to make :i linal dividend of 10 per cent. and close up the business at onee. John W. Patchln, his attorney, is makinj; out the papers. - Manchester Enterprise. John II. Wade, treasurer for Lima tounship, will be at Lima Town Hall every Friday; Jeruialem, Saturday, the lTthdayof Dec; Dexter, Sitiuday, the Mth day of December; Chelsea, Saturday, the8Utday of Dec, 18S7. Those cf our farmer (Hendí who contemplate attendlng the Shorthorn breader8 convention at Lanilng, Dec. Sist, shouid wnd their name to 1. II. liuttertield, Lipct'i-, Ifloh., so that reduced fare certilicutes can be sent tliem. When we strike natural gas we can teil the coal menopoly to take their coal and go to - well, a place whero It wouldn't Dring a centacorload. - So.L yon Picket. But so far as board from the coal monopoly is still on deck at South Lyon. Prof. Mandil warai us that December is llkely to be a cold aud stormy nionth, with much snow in northern üistrlcts. The principal disturbln posltions of the planets ure located about the 3d to 7th, lOth to 15tli, and 23d to 29tli.- Ypsilan tian. South Lyon has liad three fires in three weeks, each occurlng at midnighf, ant this singular coincldence has decided the village to araploy a night-watchinan. Ht will be armod with u revolver and in structed to shoot out the lires just before thej' start. The followinif are the office is of Saline lodjre, F. L A. M. : V. M., A. C. Clarke S. W., J. M. Young; J. W., A. J. War ren; Boe, C. N. Howe; Treas., J. McKIn non; S. D., L. M. Thorn; J. D., 8. II Moore; Stewards, A. Miller, II. A. Nichols; Tyler, M. Uurroughs. A sink hole a short distanee thisside of Munitli has delayed trains for the pasi week and kept a large sorce of men busy lilling in. Our home section gang hac to work there all day Sunday. It secms ns if the bottom had dropped out entircly. - Pinckney Dispatch. The Sentinel does not like L'Ctricity worth a cent: "The welght on one end of the mast anus of the light poles, represents the bardana of taxatlon, and the fools caps on the other - which would better lit the heads of some of the council, - are the extinguisher a of prosperity. And altogetiior, they are bcautiful ornaments." Natural gas was found at a deptli o ninety feet on the base line eighteen miles east of heie on Tuesday. They were digging for water and found gas. otoñes were thrown many feet in the air. - Northville Record. Mercy, merey, what are we coming to? Gas under us, over us, all around us. Ii it not evident tlmt we will blow up before long? The Ingham county ngricultural society has a law snit on lts hands. It engaged Prof. Hogan to make a balloon ascensión on Thursday of its fair week, which the Prof. claims he was unable to do on account of the weather. On Friday an ascensión was made but that did not complete his contract, so the society withholds his pay. He has brought suit and the society intends to defend. Here it is again. This time from the Brighton Citizen: "One of Iosco's oldtimers says we are to have an open winter with considerable rain. He bases his prediction on the fact that the wind was in the south wheu the sun crossed the line He says the wind will be found mostly In that quarter for the next slx months, and will not vary from that direction more taan three days at any one time." One of the worst jobs on the farm is corn-husking, and several pranger residents of Oakland county have caught on to a scheme that knocks all the terrors out of corn-husking completely. The stalks are run through a threshing machine, the corn is nicely sheiled, and the stalks or cobs go into the stack or bay in good conditlon for feeding. H is a great scheme and the farmer who tries it once will never more husk corn. Meridan Chapter R. A. M., of Manchester, has eleeted the fol'owii g oflicers: H. P.- C. W. Case. K.- F. Spafnrcl. 8.-B. G. Lovejoy. C.of H.-B. C. Hlll. P. S.- J. F. Nestell. K. A. 0.- 8. H. Klngsley. M. 8 V.- Mat D. Blosser. M. 2 V.- A. F. Freeman. M.l V.- J. F. Spafanl. Treas.- O. J. ÜHeussler. Sec'y- S. n. Van Duyn. Sentinel- E. Q. Carr. Amos Kidilcr, of Detroit, formerly a resident of Saline, while walking up Woodward avenue in that city Sept. 20, passed the furnace store of A. A. Hare. In front of the store was a pile of furnace pipe, which the wind blew down, striking him and cutting an artcry in the right wrist, from the effects of which lic nearly bied to death. He isstill confioed to Ii is bed, and will prnbably lose the u?e of his right arm. Kidder hu susd Hare for $1H,OOO damages.- Saline Observer. "Daik Days,'' continue to be a popular wonder, althouLh the cause Is perfectly plain. The great dark day of New England, one hundred and seven j-ears ago, not seventy as a contení porary has it, excited tiif (rreatMt litenUon from the ''sclentists" of that day, who of 0OOIM wcre unacquainted with the great Ibrwt lires now so familiar to all. In ignorance of the true caufe, the most absurd conjectures were formad. The popular Idea was that the end of the world approached, aml (he sun had begun to darken.- Ypsilanti Sentiuel. Capt. Allen carried with him to Washington, among other things we suppose, a petition which had been signed by many of the citizens of YpMlanti, Hawsonville, and Bellevllle, asking that the daily mail route between Ypsllantl and Belíeville, vla. Rawsonville, which exlsted prior to Oct. lst, 1885, shall be re-instated. Our M. C , understanding all wil), it is lioped be able to so present the matter to the Seeond Assistant Postmaster (Jeneral that the needed action will be taken.- Ypsilantian Commercial. Last Sunday morning nt about three o'clock, a lire was discovered in the new brick ieed store and mili of Ainsworth & Co., on Congres st., in Ypsilanti, and the building with its contents of grain and beuns WM ontircly deatroycil, tlie loss beiag put at $15,000 with bur f 4,000 iBKtraooe. Three car loads of the stock were prepared for shipment Monday. It is stated that the lire was the work of incendiaries wlio lirst broke open the safe and robbed it of about $100, and then poured kerosene over thé books, papers and tloors and set them on fire. We regret to hear that Mr. Lyman Lake, of York, died suddenly at his residence, on the 17th instant, aged 70 years. Mr. Lake was for some years a resident of this city, and was highly csteemed by all bis accjuaiutancos. He was a man of Intelligence and sterling character. Uis death waa caused by the shock of an accidental füll from the steps of his plasza, which so allected hls nervous system, that he failed to fully rally, and expired after a few days' illness. He leaves an aged wirV, three daughters and one son. lo religloiis profession. we think, he was a Baptist.- Ypsilanti Sjntinel. The Normal lecture course announced for Ypsilanti, is a good oue, as follows: Lecture- Tuesday, Dec 13- Hon W H s Aubrey. h. l,. 1)., of England, on Olnd8tone: lilsCIiaracteristlca, lils Personality and hls I-ecture-Tuesday, Jan. 3-Mrs. Mary A I.lyj-rmore of Massaehusetts, on Wtiidrll PhHlips and his Times. Lecture-Thursday, Jan. 2J- Frank Benrd, the Chalk-Talk Artist, ou tUe Mlssion of Humor. Lecture-Thuraday, Feb, 9- Wallace Bruce, of New York, on llobert Burns Concert-Tuesday, Feb. 14-The Welch Prlze Slngers. Lecture- Tuesday, Feb. 21-Coi. Augustus Jacobson, on Muuual Training Concert-Tuesday, Murch 6- The Clara Louise Kellogg Concert and Opera Co? L,ecture-(Kxtra) Mondny, Marcli 19-Hev Jehu DeWltt Mlller, of Connectlcut, on The Usesof Uulluess.