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Booming Being Overdone

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The American newspaper isa "boomcr in every lema of tlic word. Itgoei Into anything tlmt it linds to do With a II and a rush. It has puib, and vigor, and m usually goldfld liy a remarkable degree of intelligence. Uut In Bomethings it is iiiclincd to over do, and this matter of booming is one of tlu'in. "Boom your town" is secn in almost every paper ono picks up. The article genernlly urges that it is the duty of the editor to speak of llie town, village er city in whicli he holds forth as the most bcautifiil spot on earth, its natural adrantagM far surpassing tliose of any other place on the face of the globe, and her Óltizens, whether good, bador indifferent, as the most intelligent, enterprising thrifty, liberal aud law-abiding class o people ever eollectcd in one place. To al this the Couuier can only answer; non kdmI Every time a newspaper speaks of the grent beauties of n place, or of its wond erf ui natural advantages, and in sodoing goos beyond the trulli, it does so to tht detriment of the place and to its own in jury. The one who reads of the beautie of a villaje described by the papers a "the loTeliest spot on earth, whcre youtl gamboll on grassy plots beneatli sliady tree?, and lovu aiolls at eventide dowi sli.iily lawns and listens to the picasan dripping of pure water as it falls tron cllVrvi ¦scriit foDDtalni in lront of palatia residences,1' or of the place as "one wliere nature with lavish hand has put forth a special effort to concéntrate her wealth of agiicultural resources, and whcre the minerals and gases of the bowels of the earth are attainable almost without ai effort" - wliere one reads "rush" akin to the above and seeks out that loveliest o spots only to find just what lic will fim in every village or city in the state, he i quite apt to turn with disgust from the place and never fails to express liis detes tation for the author of the trash tha has misled him, and disgust for the towi where bis expectations have been so greatJy doeeived. To misrepresent for the fake of "biiild ing up the town'' as to misrepresent in anythiug else, is Dot right, henee bad policy. This is about our idea of what a beauti fnl and really booming city should be. I should be one where eveiy man owns the residence he occupies, and no collector o rent eau dirken his door; where the in liabitants vie with each other in the im provement of the general (urroandingl and every home is pleasant and the occu pants happy because linancial embarras menta are unknown, and domestic dilli cully a stranger. Would that there ere miny more such places In the world than tliere are Dear reader, do you know of one? I niyt, try and helpjbuild one up. The party that goei to woik and takes the tax oll of whisky and tobáceo makc ¦ tnistakc wliicli the people will not 6anc tion. These are luxuries andought to be taxed. If the revenue must be reducet set the revenue aside that comes from these two articles and let it be applied to the expenses of our poot houses and insane asylums. It was Mr. Perry V. Power, not Mr Geo. C. Smithe that disposed of his in terest in the Ypsilautian, as stated las week. The new lirm will be Smithe S Osband. Mr. Powers lias purchased the Cadillac News and Express, one of the goed republican papers of northen Michigan, and beiug a lirst-class news paper man. He can not fail to make success of the new venture. We nomínate Senator Toni Palmer for President, and Governor Jeny Rusk of Wisconsin, for Vice President " "Torn and Jerry" are mighfy popular in tliis section of the country, especially at the season when presidential elections are held, and this ticket would run in the West and Northwest like a linzed co yote in front of a pratie fire. Ilurral for "Toni and Jerry.''- Heed City Clarion. No nierchant eau now wlioiiy depenc for business uion the fact of his being well known to the trade. No matter how many years he niay have been etablishcd, or liow familiar liis nanio is to the purchasing public, or how celcbrated li wares are, it he does not adveitise ant keep doing so in sonie way, buyers am consumers will in time ignore him am vislt and trade with competitor who sounds his trumpet upon all occasions to the extent of thousands of dollars a year, and paj'S the same without mui mur be cause it pays him to do so. The slanderer is the most pestilent fellow with whom society has to deal, an(i next to him comes the tattler. The 8landerer hatches up and starts his villainous stories on the rounds and the "second-handcd" villain, the tattler, with moiith agape, eagerly absorbsthe slander and spreads it witli the rapidity of liglitning. The first starts and the fecont doubles the rumor. With either it makes no matter whether true or false so a gooi; name is the target. Thoughchaste as ice and pure as suow the calumny cannot be avoided. - Cedar Springs Clijiper. The papers froin every part of the state teil of the larjie nuiüber of sparrows thal are into all sorts of mischief, and are not eredited with any good. The Vassar Pioneer tells of a shooting match up there tlmt mlght be repeated in other places wiih good results. By the way, why do not sportsmen use the sparrew for trap shooting: "A couple of our local sportsmen went up to the fair grounds the other dny, and in a cuple of hours killed 237 English sparrows, in and around floral liall. The weapons used were "2-calibie target guns. They fired 250 rounds of ammunition apiece, and most of the birds were killed up among the rafters of the building. It wus a picnic lor the shooters." In Europe the people have to pay $160,000,000 interest annually upon the indebtedness of their governmenti. This buiden, besides the enormous expense of standing ariuies, and the runninff of the governnients, before they can lay aside anything for themselves, is what makes anarohittl and nlhilUtl out of their c:tizens. But in America, where the money accuinulates faster than the government can judiciously expend It, there is no room for anarchists on that score. Everybody is on a level here. There is no gilded aristocracy to support, no standing arniy, no great pomp and show - except a $200,000 palace coach for the simplicity of our Jeffersonian democratie president - the inonej' that the individual has to pay is slight indeed. The wny tliey boom towns in the watt, and induce outsiders to lócate and inyest in real estáte, is iet foith by the Omaha World as follows : "The people of Tucson, A. T., by n public subs-ciiptioii, buy 8,000 copies of their local paper every inontli for the purpose of sending it abroad, and in addition pay $200 a month for the expense attending ''write ups" of thcir city. Lamar, Col., pays $2,000 for a pamphlet and $1,500 for a write up in the local presa. The Monitor, Fort Scott, Kan., is paid $7,000 for talklng up Uie advantage8 of that city. Ilutrhinson, Kan., claims to pay the Ñews $10.000 for running a niorninjr paper, and Newton does better by subscribing $10,000 to have the Kepublican boom the place." Herein Aun Arbor f some people - not all by any means - pny a f 1 lor tlair paper one year, thcy thiuk they are orciferrlug a ncvcr ending obligatlon upou the publishers - while others who ne;lect any paj inent for a few years try to lie out of a year or two or the wholu tlilng when they are called upon to settle.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News