In Memoriam
On Frlday, Dec. 2.1, nfter Uut on week'a illness witli Inflammatlon of ih,bowcls, Burtron D. Keith, dled al ld home in .Jaoksiin, agcd SI year. Mr. Ceitb wns lbo tlnnl sou of and Mr. Nathan Keith, of Dexter, In whlch plaoa h was bom and in Whlcll he 8 pent lila boyhood days, antll 13 years of age, when he went to Sauk Rápida, Minn., makhijr the journey alone, wliloh was i[iiitc au nadertaklng for one of liii ogfl entirely unaccustomed to travel, rémainIns tlu're for a perlod f three yi'iirs, Mautlng bis brotüer-ln law In the met oantlle business. Ele m n brother of Mrs. Eugene E. Beal, of ttaU city, and also of .1. A. Keith, editor of I lic Jeffersonian, publUhed at Caro, and a nephew of Miss Abbie A. and of Geo. H. Pond of tbll city; all of wlmni alteiidnl bil funeral lat Bubbuth at Jaokon, together witli otlicr brothera, sisters and relatives from various parta of the Mate. At the time of bis death Mr. Keith was an overseer in the Jackson Stafe pritotl, but had been previous to thut an engtoeer upon the M. (J. R. H. On Tbankagtrlng Day he was a stronír, healtliy man. Jilorying in the (trengtb wlilch vlgoroui health gives to yoiing inanhood; but a few days later he was a corpse, that ¦trengtb not belng nifficlent t carry bim safely through the attacks of dueaae. The Providence that takes such as be and leaves lives less valuable can not be fathoined by our human eyes. Üur sorrow and j;i iel blinda us to any solution of the mystery, and we pass on down lile's pathway with keen aflllction piercing our liearUas metnory rccalls the loved ones death has taken from ua so ruthlessly. It ia not forus to qnestion why, but we must take up our buiden of grief and keep on to the end. The deceased was a inembcr of Jackson lodge No. 72, A. O. U. W., and the brethren of that order took charge of tl e funeral services, which were held in the Baptist chnrch on Sunday p. m , at 3 o'clock. Some aOO or 400 of the United Workmcn, a lar;c numbor of tlic jirison olllcials, and many of the railroad men who remember him with ïniich illVction, turned out to assist In the last rites to their departed bro lier. No words that pen can trace or tongue uttcr will biinj; consolalion to the sorrowiiiíí wife, whoBe grief seems to be unusually touchingand heaitrendlng. Time alone will heal tbc bleeding wouikU that the Reaper Death has thrust upon her. The memory of the departed one will ever be a aweet and comfortin; solace to his frienda. He lived a spotless life, and passed Into theeternal sleepas peaoefullv as a child into slumber. Kind frlendl and neighbors were untiiinji In their attentions during his illncss, and loving henrts and hands placed upon the coffin many beautiful iloral designs, emblematic allke of tlieir esteetn and of the beautiful world to wbich liis spirit bas departed.