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A ncw Knabe grand piano has been placel in Hobart Uuild hall by the Uiilversity musical society, tbr the use oi the concerts tliere this winter. Tbe Golden Temple of Art and Music, a wonderful musical invention ot' Prof. C. E. Charles, conta'ming 184 musical plece?, will be on exhibition for ten days at No. 38 S. Main st , commcnclng to-daj ' Adinissloii 15 cents. The second annlvenary of the Washteuavv Lodge, I. O. G. T. will be held Kriilay t-ve. Kt Ciopsey's hall. Mr. Jmnei E. Harkins will ronder some of hls tiuest selectious in his happiest style. Come and lave a good time. Kefreshinents will be serveil. The Chequamegons umler leadership of Mr. Edward Ililbie (rlve a musical entertainment at Unity Club, ilonday, Dec. 12, at 8 p. m. They will be assisted by William Luderer, of Detroit, and Miss Caroline Ball, Miss Kate Jacobs and Mies Fulconer. Adinission 15 ets. Every body invited. Shall Government by the People Fail? is the subject of a lecture to be given by Walter ï'homns Mills, of Ohlo, at the Grand Opera House, next Thursday evening, Dec. 15, at 8 o'clock. Adinission free. All are cordially invited. Mr. Mills is secretury of the National ínterCollegiutc Prohibition Asaociation, and aiithor of "The Science of Politics." He coinés here under the auspices of theUniversity Prohibition Club. A Kirmes Tea will bo glven at the Congregational church, Thursday, Dec. 15, after 3 o'clock, by the Young People's Missionary Society. At booth, reprosenting the different nations, refreshments will he Berved by the young buitel, dressed in national costumes. Au important feature of the affair will bc the New Eugland Kitclien, where will be served many old New England dlvhe. There will also be a sale of fancy artilles desirable for Ohristmas presenta. The Fair at the M. E. church opened last eveuing with a very line exhibit and attendance. And those who do nol vislt it will certainly miss an opportunity of seeing a great many beautiful things. The art exhibit in the parlors is excellent and it is rarely that so fine an exhibition of pictures and art goods bas been given in this city. Special notice shoukl be taken of "A comfortable place," where is to be found about a dray load of comfortera which are unique in design, quite "comfortable" to look upon, very reasonable In pricc, attractive to the crowd, and are selling off like "hot cakes." M you want one don't wait until they are all gone and then forever regret it. The booth of pictures aud fancy articles, Buperlntended by Mrs. Rogers ana Miss Lewis, was crowded by an admiring and baylng constituency. Choice confectlonery is on sale. Supper is sarved trom 6 to 8:33 o'clock for those who are huriKry -and who is not at such times? You can procure oysters or ice cream at any time. MANAGER SAWÏEU HAS A WOKD TO SATThe Democrat of last week stated that if all of the entertainments brought to the city were of as good quality as the Little Tycoon, the people would be better patroiis of the opera house, or words of like import. To this Manager Sawyèr says: "That item does the opera house management iujustice, unintentionally perhaps, but iüjustlce just the same. A manager can not select bis troops, but must take those that are upon the road. Even if he should select companies, how is he to know whether he is socuring something that would please the popular taste here or not? Au entertainment mlght be received with favor by a Detroit or Chicago audience and fall tlat here In Ann Arbor. Theii again by taking only companies like the Iiittle Tycoon, of which there are only a half dozen or so upon the road, what is to be done In the Interval? The house remain idle?" Mr. Sawyer tells us that he is constantly putting forth his utmost endeavors to secure first-class attractions, but he finds it difflcult to induce the best troupes to come here. Why? Because theatre going people will go to Detroit, pay $2 or f 3 aumission, pay railroad fare and hotel expenses, and think it cheap enough, but if they are asked $1.50 or $2 admission here they think the price outrageous and "kick" hard against it. Const'([uently the cream of the troupes will not play at cheap rates. Mr. Sawyer further says that in securing üootli and Barrat (for May) he has been obliged to pay all expenses and give DO per cent. of receiptn, thus larrendering all to the entertainment and nothing for .the opera house. He endeavored to get the Boston Ideal but they would not listen to him. Furthermore all good entertainments are not pioperly aipreciated by Ann Arbor people. An iustance In point, the Japauese troupe. There never was a better entertainment given in the opera house tlian they gave, but they lostmoney here. Kinbroideml ties are alltlie rage ajralu for young misses. To be lound at Bach it Abel's in profusión. Buy your underwear of Noble. Tho cmbroidcred kld gloves at Bach & Abel's for young ladies are vcry swell. Go to the M. E. church to-night. John M. Gould has reorganized his board of trade next to Duffy's store. Dean & Co. liave a lioliday proclamation on the 2d page. It will pay you to read it. Thos. D. Kearncy will run the law of nee of Mr. Whitman- wheu that gentleman is absent The junior and senior classes of the law ilepartment are negotiatlng with Hou. Chancuy M. Dcpew, of New York. for the Washington's birtuday address. The gymnasium fund rsceived $05 00 off the sales of J. T. Jacobs & Co's sales last week. This is an excellent record considering the unpropitious state of the atmosphere, etc. The musicale of the Unity Club Dec" 12, under the direction of Mr. Edward Bilbe, of the Chequamegons, assisted by Wm. Luderer of Detroit, and local vocal and instrumental talent, at the Unitarian church, will bc one of the events of the coming week. Admission 15 cents. The following ofticers of Golden Rule lodge, were elected last Thursday eveniug: AV. M.- W. W. Watt 8. W. -K.H. J. Clark'. J. W.-N. J. Kyer. Treas.- D. C. Fall. Hec'y- N. D. Gates. S. D.- J. A. Gates. J. D.-Oeo. W. Mlllen. Tiler-John R. Mlner. We understand that there is a prominent citizen of our city- sliall we say member of the legal prof ession?- who, as an inducement to secure gentleman roomers from among the students, asserted as a fact that he had some daughters whom he had reared with the accomplishment8 of card playingdancing, etc, that they also had a liorse and carriage at their disposal; and even attend theatres spmetimes. The last inducement settled the point- he didn't get the boys. Last evening occurred the election of officers of Washtenaw Cbapter, R. A.M. No 6, held in masonic temple. Chas. E. Hiscock, who tor the past two years had held the office of High l'riest, gracetully declined the re-electiou given him, and the cliapter voted him a High Priest's jewel for his most excellent services. The offleen chosen were : H. P.- J. L.Stone. K.- L. C. Goodrlco. S.- N. D. Gates. Treasurer- D. C. Fall ' Secretary- Z. Roath. C. H.-John A. Gates. I P. U.- John It. Miuer. R. U.-N. J. Kyer. M. 3d V.-K.H.J. Clark. . M.2d V.- S. Blltz. 1 M. lst V.- A. C. NiclioU. Sentlnel- Thos. Taylor. f - I A. L. Noble never buys "Seconds" in underwear, but prefers to buy regular goods at the addltlonal cost, and give his customers better value. Seconds are freqnently, yes, usually retailed at the same price as clean goods. The store propertyofS. Hendnckson on South State st. occupied by Brown a Cady, will be sold so as to uet the purcliaser 12% on the investinent. For terms upply to S. Hendrickson, 72 South State st. i


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