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li't me Show Yon Wliiit a gaving I have made dUring (be last yeur by boinjr my own doctor. Lat year I paid out $00. 2") fot doctors and tlieir medicine; this year I pnld $5.00 for six Bot ti 68 of Sulphur Bitters, and thi-y liave kept liealtli in my wliole fninily. Tlipy are the best and purest medicine ever made.- Charles King, 00 Templa Street, Boston, Mass. Xo man ever rot rld of a He by telling it; it is 8iire to come home sooner or latí r to liobnob with its autlior. The moráis of Canada are said to b írettlng lower. Well, everythlnfr is goin{ down there since it hasbecome the refuge of rascáis. Kven the merciiry is gettlng lowcr. - Boston Commercial. A Woinau's Coufession. "Doyou know, Mary, I .once actually contemplated suicide ?" "Vou horrity me, Mrs. li. Tcll me abont it.'' "I whs snfTcring from clironic wcakness. I beHeved myielf the moat unhappy woinan in the world. 1 looked ten ycars oidor Iban I really was, and I felt twenty. Life seenied to have nothiiiL in it worth living f(r." "I have pxperlenced nll thosc pymptom8 inyself. Well?" "Well, I was saved at the elerenth hour from tbe commission of a deed which I shudder to tliink of. A friend advlced me to take Ur. l'ierce's Favorlte Prescriptlon. I did so. Ín an incrcdlbly short time I felt like a new being. The 'Prescription' cured me, and I owe Dr. Pierce a debt of gratltude which I can never repay."


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News