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WHO 5 UNACgUAINTED W!TH THE QcOCRAPHY OF TH13 COUNTRY. WILb SJE BY EXAIVHWMC TKIS MAP, THAT THL ---ii Kat-ry KAW8A3 CY-M"fcgy iui,it.tüi,fci..Swf. cuiff. , ti ft: ;;,- -'. ¦ _ _______ .-wvjt OHÏGAGO, ROCK 8SLAND & PACIFIC R'Y reaoon of lts central positlon, close relation to principal Unes East of Chicaro and conUnuoua Unes et terminal points Wost, Northwest and Southwest is tl' e ¦ true rmddlo-lmk in that transcontinental system which invites and fauil' j'-atoa travel and trafflo iii ither direction between the Atlantic and Pacific. „ ,f-a%, Rock Island inain line and branches includo Chicatro.Joliet, Ottawa, La Kille, Peona, aonesoo, Moliie and Eock Island, in IUinois; Davenport, MuscaU ïo, VMhiuffton, Fairiiel;!, Ottumwa, Oskalocaa, "Wost Liberty, Iowa City, Des . mP3, ludianola, Winterset. Atlantic, Knoxviue, Audubon, Harían, Qullir:o i ro and Council Uiuös, in Iowa; Gallatin, Tranton, St. Joseph, Cameron a"d uas City, in Misaoui-i; Loavpmvorth and Atchison, in Kansas; Albert I "a .oariolis and St. Panl, in Minnesota; Watartown in Dakota, and hundreda i - ïCi-uicdiate cities, towns and villages. THE GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE xaea of ntone and iron. lts stock is perfect os skill can mate i', xt ha-i all tne safety appliances that mochauical goiüus has invented and RZpensnoe provea valuablo. lts practical operation is conservativo and method-íta disciplino striot and exacting-. The luxury of lts passenger accommodaUons 13 imeqv.aled in tho unsurpasswl in tho world. ALL EXPKES8 THAINS between Chicago and tliu Missoxu-i River consint ¦fS?'rfr-T}i1S-TTLOa-CHES' mamiiiiceat PULLMAN PALACE PARLOIi and SLEüPIJTO CAKS, eloant DïïftNO C A RS providing excellent meols, and 'v'ÏTS9?-0' fat J""0. Atchison and Kuisos City-rostful RECLININQ THS rAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE Is tho direci íavorito lino between Chicapo and BTinneapoUs and St. Paul. Over tha ;outo oolld . l'aot Express Trams rvin daüy to tho nummer rosorU, picturebque lacaUtiea and huntmg; and fichini? CTounda of Iowa aud Minnesota. Iho nch at fioMs and Rrazine lands of interor DakoLa ai-s reached via Watertown. J . Ghort dcEu-ablc rputo, via Séneca and Xankakee. offers superior inducementi to travolero between Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Lafayotte and Couneil Blnffe St Jospph, Atcbison, Loavenworth, Kansas City, JUbinotipolis, St. Paul and intorAll classes erf patrón, espjtíally fain-Ues, ladlaa and c'oildren, receivo frotn kS'S "ttenon1 CS &oSí laiaai trainu protootlúo, rospectful coxirtosy a: cl Fop OToket. Mo.3, Folders -obtainablo at ai: principal Ticket Offlceu i.i C, Uniw .tiitcü anu Cauadu- er oay doaaed inforuiation, addross R. R. CABLE, E. ST. JOHN resld Mt and Goneral Manager, Chicago. General Ticket and Passoncer Aeent, Chicacr


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News