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The Century Magazine! Wltta the November, 1887 iMae, The Onlury commeacet lts tblrty -flUn volu wltlia regular olroolallon of almo) 250,000. 'I if War i ¦ . . i ' unit tbe Life ol Llnooln Inrrnmril Ui monthly edltlOD by 100,000. The latter lustory liavlng recounted Lhe evenU "i Liooolnl early years, umi glven the ueoMMtrj snrvry of the politica! oondltlon of theeoaniry, reaobM w new peiiod, witli whlcb hli -iv! w-:c musí int i uiiitci acqualotêd, Huiler liio oapllon Lincoln in the War, Mi ¦ w riten dow enfc r on the more Important part ol lhe ir imirattvi1, viz : t lir t ar y jmmih rif lhe Vnr aii'l Prefltdent Linculn'8 ptirt tlMttwD. Supplementary War Papers, 'otlowlsg lhe "batilt lerle" by dlftlDKnfabed L,'i'ncr;i'c, witl ittcribe Intereetlug featnret f arnty lili, t unneM nu fioni Jjiiby PrlBOB, narrapenooal adventure, te. Gen. Shermiui will wne on "lhe (mud Stralcgy of War.'1 Kennan on Siberia. Kxoaptthe Ufeof Llnooln nnd the War Artic'r. ao more laiportanl teiiea tia ever been andertoken b Th Oentary thBii t or Mr. KemiHii 's. itl] the prerfoai i)rc(.aration of loar ypjirn' IimvcI aod itudy In Kawla tnd SI borla, the autlH.r Dudertook a Journey miles tor the pedal Invaailgitlon licre reqnlred. An Innductlon from the Kusslun Minister f tlio Interior admltted blra to the principn] mlr.'1 and prlaooe, whera hi became acqualiited witli mime tlireo humlred líate cxilof, - Liberáis, NíhiliH, fintl otherö, - and the serles wlll be a itartllDg M well M acciuato revelution of the exlle lydem. The innny illuMiiitli'iis hy lhe nrtlst and pliotoiirapli'-r, Mr. Gao. A. Frot, who icoompanled tlie nutlior, wlll acid Rieatly to tliu ralne f the unirle A Novel by Eggleston. wlth lllmtraMOM vriTl ron ihrough the yenr. Shortsr novéis will follow by Cable ane Stoc kton. shurter rtctlon wlll appear every raonth Miscellaneous Features wlll coraprist1 leveral Illostrated anieles no Ireland, by Charles De Kay ; papern totiohioii the (leid oi smid iv bchool Iismitis, Illflttratrd byK WlUonj wild Western Ure, byTheoKoopevelt; the Eogllfh Cathedral, by Mr, Vnn Kensaeller.wlth Illustratlons by I'ennell ; Dr. Buckley's valaable Dtptn cm Drearat, Splrltcmlism, and L'lalrvoyanct' ; Ofsjiys In criticism. art, travel, and blograptiy; poemsj crrloons; etc. Hij a .tpecial offer the nunib -rs for lhe pat year (containing the Lincoln li i st or1 ) may be ncarrd wlth lh yenr'n ¦nbscriptlon from November, 1887, twen ty-fnar Issues in all for Jt), or, wlth the last jeat's Dumben bandsamely bound, 7 .V). PablUhed by Til ti fENTURY CO. 88 Bast 87tb ht., New Vork. CH.St.CLAIR&SONS MANÜKACTÜRKRS OF SÉdarilU FÜRNITUÜE. opbra iioüsi mm AND WIND-MILLS. Are now prepared to inamifarlnre School an i Cborofa Kiirniture, and i pfr;i ïloïiKe Chalis, Iiw rt Scttees, Camp TftbMi and the TRIUMPH WIND-MiLL The best and l'mpleat and most rellable In nse. Hepairln done on short notlcc. Also dealers In l'UMPá, (VLIXDKIÏS, PIPKB, ETC. TANKS MADE TO ORDER LADÜEHS, PKAC1I BOXE8, BKRRT CKATK8, In tact, any artiele made'to order, N0. 33 N. FOURTH STREET, ANN ABBOE, MICII. 12SAbp?k?s M,onuiTienlsSaStatuary. ¦ drsed btóRiCASijpERiORTo ollEMilSTSAV. a " MARBLEOR WHITE BRONZE MONUMENTS! Took flretlpremiuma at tbc Aun Arbor mul Crwlset Fuiis. Not bcinj; poruua llke (tone, ilicy can not absorb molature, giou iikis, nor erunibk' and wlll Ifcfy the Tootfa of Time for Couturies. BENJAMÍN CULY, Agent. No. 6 East Washlugton BI., over Hlusey & Seaboll's. FL TJ TU T=L E3. tEGAN's IMl'KRI VL THÜS8. Bplral Sprlug, graded from l to H pounds In pressure. VOR' DAY AD .MGHT, by an lnfant n weí-k oíd, oran adtill 80 year. l.adns Trusses a perfection. Endose stamps for testimoniáis of cures, etc. EQAN IMPERIAL TRUSS 00, ANN ARBOK, MlCH. ¦¦¦ Mea Wondcro e.xisi In ilionsands of I L L Utorins. luit are sorpmued by the nmi ¦¦¦v''s"' i'ivelllion. who nre in D6ed of protltal'le work 'hat can be donewlilli: living at lnune sliould at onee send tbelr addreu to Hullet A Co., Portland, Miiiin-, and reoelve fue mil infoi matlon how either sei, of alt k('s. e:m earfl from &." to f ï per day and upwards, wherever tliev live. Voci re starled Pree. Capital not iiMjulred. Some have made over 966 in a blngledayai tnls work. All suci I. E. V. HAN&STERFER, NO. 86 MAIN BTBEBT, CATERER! l'OU Banques, Weddings, Receptions, Etc, Etc. DBADQCABTKB8 KOU TUK FIN1M Importefl and Key West Ciprs ! CIGARETTES, ETC, BT '. DAll i DrugKuti, Ma öOc-, trnl #1.00. ] rad onlybjf r. 8etb Amóle!, Med Corp 1, R I.


Ann Arbor Courier
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