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7?JVICHICAN V' ftü fnfonPbln7. '? o w rITmS Time labio i.iklng effect Nov. 2Uih, 1887, cutral Htaodaril Time. CHICAGO TO DKTROIT. KTATIONS. 3 "J C ga -O 9S IPMiuI! U.K. A.B. r. p. . t.h. r.u i.a Chicago. 6S0! 00 8 10 4 40i 8 15 9 10 8 SS, Kalama.oo... 14 17 150 6 58 60 1231 27 %ti Batrle Oreak. 1 12 ï 27 '33 1 2.-) 3 lx 7 j'i .lackaon 3 15 4 20 8 49 815 4 Ml {l linwiljke.... 33S 51S,84 Chelsea 359 585 66 Dexter 4 14 SSO'lOig Tclhi Mills... 42 la 17 Ann Arlmr.... 4 33 5 30 9 45 4 3 608ilO Ypellanti 4 50 ! 5 45 9 50 4 52 8 24:I0 WayncJanc. 6151605 516 64711W Detroit. ...Ar. 6 00 6451046 600 78011 '0 sit.Thomas 1110 205 950 880.. KalliiVIew 117 680. .." N. Fallé 221 459 1 1 22 6 56 . ' Buffilo 485 7 15 340 908. '.'.[' DETROIT TO CHICAGO. i tié 3iLi 7 STAT.ONS. üï f! IT Z il a o o o 5 í á A.M. p. M, i. K A.M. A. II A.a. .. Buffaln 1180 SBB 6 OS 9 00 100 ' N. Kslls UU 6 43 JIJ St.Thom.i8 426 1000.... 1 10 660.." A.H. 1. M. P. . P.M. P.M. P.H ... ' Detroit... .Lv.i 7 00 9 10 130 4 00 8 00 10 15 WayneJnuc. 7 41 9 58 208 4 45 837 1)55 '" YpeUantl .... 803 10 12 2 20 5 12 858 1118 AnnArhor... 8 18 10 30 232 580 Í1Í11S5 Delhi Mills.. 828 542 Deiter 8 87 560 93.... Chelsca 852 6 05 952 .. '" Uiaes Lake... 9 15 6271015... Jackson 946 1135 3 32 710 10 52 13s'"' Manie Creok.. 11 20 112 140 8.12 12 12 2Í3 "' Kalaruazoo. . . 12 17 1 50 r 15 9 45 1 201 3 0T 'i Chicago.. .Ar. 5 40 tl 40 9 80 7 00 7 4.5 10 Q O. W. KUQGLE8, H. W. HAYBS (i.P.&T. Agent Aitt.. Ann Arbor. Cblcaico. lt!--iJ(i, Aan Arbor & North Mlchlru Rallwaj. TIME SCIIEDULB. 'l'n tiikc effect nt 12 o'clock, noon, on Sun(l:iy, October Oth, 1887. Trains rnn by Standard Time. GOING NORTH. 4 y I a srA-noNs. c a g a. a. "a. _ , , ! P. H. P. .A. . Tolc.1t Lv 5 15 3 15 6 2S 5 50 Manhattau Junctioii 5 20 3 20 6 40 6 10 - 0 27 3 28 55 6 S5 Samarla..... 5 46 3 43 7 23 7 Su Honro .hiurtiun 6 02 4 05 7 61 8 10 Dnndee 10 4 12I 8 05 8 30 A .all 6 25 4 18 8 20 9 00 Milán 36 435 g 35 830 Uraula o 5u 4 45 8 55 10 00 l'ltflleld 7 00 4 58 9 05 10 20 Ann ArtK.r 7 15 aio 9 35 1190 Lelanl 733 sjjd 950 1M Whitniore Ijike 7 46 6 45 Mo 12 2 13 Howell 8 30 6 28 6 30 6 00 l'urand 9 30 7 20' 980P.M. Cornnna 9 ti 7 46 10 35 ... Owoart. 1001 7 55] 11 00 .... Owcano Janctlon 10 06 8 10 11 05 lilia 11 16 9 15' 2 46 . Su Louis 1135 9 33 3 35 . . A.'mi 11 42 9 41 3 56 Mi. Piuasant Ar 12 80 10 30! 00 r. u. p. H. v. ooiira 8OUT11. WATKMW. IÍ 12 " 0.1 Ut. Pleaaant Lv 840 630 1 8Ó Alm 10 IS 7 20 Í. .'.'..' St. Louis 1135 7 27" 2 26 . Ith.ica 12 25 7 4i 2 46 Uwosi-o Jonction 4 00 8 55 4 02 OWH880 4 08 9 10 4 08 Corunna 4 25 9 08 4 15 .. Durand 5 16 9 30 4 56 1 ¦ Howell 7 40 10 20 5 33 & 00 Whitniore Lake Ex i. 11 00 6 16 6 80 Leland 8 SOU 14 f! 80 7 3S Ann Arbor 7 15 U SU 6 5) 10 H I i t-lleld 7 46 11 4S 7 W 11 IS, Irania 7 V 11 50 7 10 11 50 Milun 7 45 12 04 7 20 124 Azalla 7 55 12 14 7 30 12 46 Dundee 8 03 12 24 7 40 110 Monroe Junction 8 10 12 31 7 61 180 Samarla 8 25 12 46 8 10 2 10 Alexis 8 45 1008 30 2 45 Miinhatlaii Jiinrtion 8 30 105:8 37 30 Toledo Ar 9 00 1 10 8 8 15 A.i. p. m.p. ii p.ji. Suiitli Ljon Hnincli. NOKTH BOUND. STATIONS. SOUl'II BOUNJ Train 6 Train 1 P. M. p. u. 9 50 Lv. Lelands Ar. 6 80 IU (H) Ar. Worden Ar. 6 0 10 20 Ar Simth Lyon Lv. 6 00 Connectlons: At Toledo, wlth rallroadi dlverjiif ; at Manhattan Junctloo, with Wbeellng Lake Krle K. Ii.; t Alexl Junction, wllta if. C. H. K., L. S. & M. S. Rt. and F. & P. M. R. R.; t Monroe Junction, wlth L. S. & M. S. Ky.; at Doi'.oe, with L. S. & M. S. Rv., M. & O. Ky.; at MUn Jumtinn. with Wabash. St. Louis & Pacinc Hy ; at PittHlield.wllh L. S. & M. S. Ry.; at Ann Arbor with Michigan Central 1(. H., and at South Lyon with Detroit, Laneing & Northern K. K., and Mich. A. L. Div. of Grand Trunk Ry. At Hamburg with M. A. Line División ({rand Trunk R'y. At Howill wiih Detroit, Linslng A Northeru K'y. At ünrand with Chicago A Grand Trunk R'j and Detroit! Graml Haven & Milwukee K'y. At uwoa0 Junction wilh Detroit, lírand Haven A Milwaukee R'y and Michigan Central R. K. At St. Lonli with Detroit, LacsiDgdt Northern K. U. and Magi na .tl, y .ï St. Louis R'y. At Alma ith Detroit, lnsiiiL' & Northern K'y. At Mt. Pleasant wlti Flint A Pcre Mdrquette K'y. II. w. ASULEY, General Manager. W. H. BENNKTT, A. J. PA1S1KY. Oen'l. Pass. A; Ticket Aeent. Local Asent. A, DeFOREST. Fire Insurance Plate Q-lass Insurance. Steam Boiler INSURANCE! Lovrcst Hat es. Honorable Adjustments and Losses Promptly Pald. REAL ESTÁTE RENTS IL ATTENTIOS QIVEN TO COLLKCTION or Rkktb and Manaokmknt ok Kkal ETATK INTRKKSTH KOK NiiN-HKSIDENT. ENTIRE SATISfACTION TO OWKB8 QüABANTKV1I. A. DeFORKST. saJCHORIiHf.ilIGlasgow via Londonderry, Liverpool via Queenstown. Are Strlctly Flrst-Cla, and amone tbe larKtínt, fastest and lln.--t In the ortd. BUoon, aeoond olaaa and stfermie 1'nurDirr f AceomnifMlittlfti l'nexcrllrd. Kverf rctiiiril tor tht comfort and CDiivt-ntcnoe uf pa (junk'Li stuillously coDtsiJereU anü pracllceti steamiTfi every Saturday for Glaognw. City of Iiomfl salls for Llveroool Octohcr 12. Is the lirgot and tlnest paienger íteamer atloat. Katet oí pasaire for all clasej as tow ai by any other flret-cla#i line. Saloon rxcnrelon tickets at reduced raten. Dralts Tor any aniount at low est rurrent ratee. For book oftonrMlcketa. orfurthpr Information, apply 10 iii!ii:iiwi iiKOTiiiits, m - ook, or C. -W. MELIiOB. ANN ARBOR, ¦ MICH. Bátate of ('liarles Almt-iulitiger. QTATK OF MICU1GAN, l'ounty of Waêhtenaw Ose. At a Kcsslon of the Probate Court for the County 11 V7ashtenaw. holden at the Probate Office. In the city of Aun Arbor. on Frlday, the 25th day of NovemlHT, in the year one thounand elght hundred and eighty seven. Present WUllam D. Han hutu), Jndfffl ol l'robati'. lu the matter of the ettate of Charlei A'nien. dli flor, dofotfnrt On reading and flllng the petllluu, dar} viritUd.of C.lntonAIni 'iidlneer praylng that a certalil instrument now on tile In tb! court PLruurtlu-' tobe the last wllland testament of nald leceued, may be idinltted to prolwte, aml that he and Kcbeoa Almendinger may bc npjiolnted exereof. Thereupon it Is ordered, that Tueadaj, the ITili a ¦ oi Dt-oimber nezt, at ten o'clock In the foredood. I1 a8lirued forthubeariiig of sald petitlon Hiul tti:it d.-visitH, Icgatt'os, and helr at a ni mM nrina-rl. aml all uther poreou :uteresnd lnaald estáte, are requlred to appear tl .1 revtron ol sald court, then to be holden at the Probate 1 itlicc in the Cily of Ann Arbor. and fhow i'niise, il anj tbcre In-, v. hy the prayer of the pe Utlo .er hould nol begranted. And it la furtber ord.Tiil. tbal said pciltioner give notlce to th persona Intarevted In aaid estáte, of the pendency ol aiil peí il ion, and the hearing thereof.b) camln? oopj ol tlus order to lie publlshed ín the Ann Arbor ('iturif r. h newspitper prlnted and circula ted In said rounty, threc euccessive week prevlous to sald day of hearinir. (A true copy.) W1LLIAM D. HAKKIHAM. Judge of ProbateWM . G. DOT?, Probate Rerlster. 1379-1W3


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News