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The ientenoe of Jaoob Hbarp, the notcd New York brlber, to imprisoiiiiient, mi reversed on the2!'th bj the l'ourt of Appeals, ;nul u ncw Uïal on the basis of the exolusioii of Bomo of the more important of the evldvnee will be the rosiilt At St IiOiiis on tlie L'ltth Henry Jackson, Charles Evans and Mis. Jacksou wero arrested fat bvrntng Jam 33 Wllaon, thrce years old, to deatli. The MOUMd pnottot voodoo rites. M. E. Curar, of Amboy, Minn., killed hls wife :iml then ¦ ¦ommitted Btiicldc on the L'i'tlL The two bad been living apart for Bome tfane. IbTErHANï BinxT, of Kerkley, Si C, who was ai 11 irii recencl; fox Um murder of hls wifo, made a oonfeMÍon on the 29th in wliich hc Raid that hc bad been marrled three times and that liis wivcs all mot death at his hands. Os the pickorel grounds of LaVe Erle, nearErie, Pa., tho tishinfr bont Maggle was engulfed in a wave on the -'!Hh, and Robert Pryor and James McLaughlin wero drowned. The jury at New York in the case of i Johann Most, rliin-gcd with makinsr an incendiary ipeech, returned a verdict of 1 tfiiilty on the Oth, uotwlthstandinff tho judjje's charge was in favor of the accused. A gold mine oontalnlng fabulous wealth was on the 2!Uh reported to have been discovered by Dr. Wnlter Kempstor, superintendent ol tin Northern Wiseonsin Insano Asyluin, in Moiil'onuiv ('ounty, Md. Wtttti! Xatimvji.d dicd in New York on the 'J'.hh of livdrophol'iM. Ha Wta bittnby a Newt'ouii'Uaiiil do last August. Joiin II. Lainíi A Ca, whofemlen of dry poods at l.ondon, Out , (Wied On the üüth for $100,000. A comi'any was forincd nt üoston on the 2üth for the purpose of building a telcgTaph line from New York to San Francisco. A gano of thieves who had been opcrating at the Chicapo Stock Yards durinjf the last year and hml stolen about (10,000 worthof goods from the packinff-houses was captured on the 20ÜL BRAST Lamab in his annual report on the 2!th says that the ainount of land restored to the public domaln durinff hia terra of office tlirough the orders revokinR the inrlomnity witlulrawals is 21,323,600 acres, William Wii.i.iams was taken from the j:iil at Oakland, l-'la., on the l.'1'th by a crowd of negroeR and lvnehed. A SEVEN-rooT vein of lead, containing email (inantities of silver, was discovered 011 the 29tb at üoyal Center, Ind The Hansion House at Andover, Masa, was destroyed by lire on the 2Uth. The house was built over oue hundred years ago, and has been used as a hotel ever slnce. Abbakam Samuels, a commercial tra veler, Rund the actress Lotta at üoston on the 29th for Y."0,000 damages. She caused hlm to miss ¦ train by stopping his conveyance, which was drawn by a lame, worn-out horse. . The completion of the bridge over the Mississippi river at Dubuque, Ia., was celebrated 011 the 2!th with great enthusiasm in that city. The bridge Is twenty-eight hundred feet long and coat $127,200. The laxgeat Rteanier eau pass under lt easily. At Huron, D. T., on the 2iththe bodiesof John IL (owan and his sixteen-year-old daughter ere found frozen stift At meetings in Philadelphia on the 29th, the agents of the Pennsylvania Kailroail Company and the Iïeading Coal and Iron Company decided to make no advance in the price of coal for December. Geoege Di'miam, affi'd sixty years, of New Britain, Conn., while drnnk on the :tOth uit fatall; beat bis ster with a and then killed himself. ihe receipis oí tue i meafro stock ïards for the expired eleven ïuonthB of 1887 bov, as compared with the corresponding perlod last year, an increaso of 3Ü7.5OO cattle and : iö.000 gheep md a decrease of 1,021,000 bs The revenues of the Government for the montli of November itmoiintuil to about 930,000,00a In his animal report on the .'Oth uit the Postmaster-General Buggests a nuinber of moasnres for the iniprovement of the service, the more important being the extensión and perfection of the system of free delivery, the reformation of the system of employhiji and paylng for railroad transportation and the establishment of additional fast-mail pervlce. The season of lake navigation which closed on the30th uit was unusually profltable to vessel-owners, but very disastroiis to insurance eonipanies on account of the numerous heavy gales. Ax oíd man named David Randall, of Tnrner's Falls, Mass., was shot dead on the30th uit while sitting by a window in his house, and his seventeen-year-old son has been arrosted on a charge of having committed the murdrr. At Marshalltown on the 30th uit was dedicated with approprlate exereises the Iowa Soldier' Home. Tue State of Michigan is prosecutinjr claims against the United States to recover $2,000,000, said to be due from the sale of swamp lands. It will also pnsh claims against several railroad companies to recover 180,000 acres of land held by Congressional grants. A tjuple colllsion occurred on the 30th uit on the railroad between Butte City, M. T., and Sil ver Bow. Several trainmen were injured and many cars wrecked. TiiEUE is a large number of Anarchiste in Newark, N. J., considering the size of the city, and they have become so outspoken In thetr denunciation of the authorities that the pólice fear they may canse trouble. Geobob Norman, of New London, Mo., dled on the 30th uit of hydrophobla, He was bitten by a small dog last nummer. In the Haddock ïnurder trial at Sioux City, Ia, on the 30th uit John Arensdorf, the defendant, gave his testimonv, denying complicity In the crime, but contradloted. some of hls statements at the former trial At the stone-quarry of Walton & Son, about three miles from Hunnelstown, Pa,, four men were killed and one wounded by the cavinjr-in of earth on the 30 th uit A tarmeb named Irby shot and killed two colored men on the 30th uit who attacked him on hls farm in Marlboro County, 8. C. A fiee on the 30th uit In the Strowbridge Lithograph Company's establishment in Cinclnnati caused a loss of $300,000. I'he party to make the final survey of the Nicaragua Canal Construction Company sailed from New York on the 30th uit. The survey will not be flnished till April orMay. The trial of E. L Harper for wrecklngthe Fidelity Bank of Cincinnati commenced in that city on the 30th uit A NUMBEit of vessels were driven ashore on the lst by the storins off the Massachusetts coast, and the loss would be heavy. Daniel McLeljlan and D. J. Jones, two youngmenof Straubville, D. T., weresuffocated by coal ga on the lst On the lst Clark and Moses Harrison (brothers) were killed while chopping wood near Paris, Tox. Two negroes had been arrevted on suspicion. Advkes of the lst from Fort Smith, Ark, say that within four days swven miirden bad been committed in the Cboctaw nation. In hls miniinl report on the lat the OomïniKNidiiiT of Agrioulturelsays that tho work of hls department in supprosslng pnninniii ftmong cattlo progressed favorably dnring tlu: yciir, and ho bclleves that thie dangerous plague can bo extermlnated fcj the eud of Um nexl J MJ Da CiEOüüK BCHBADT, of New Vork, who attended (intipial (rant during hls last illness, said on the lat that therc eould be no doubt that tho from whlch the Crown Trinco of Gcnnnny is Huffcrlng Is ol a oancerons nature. The publlc-debt statement on the lat shows the total debt to be $1,675,816,600; cash in trc.isiuv, $55,258,701; dobt lesa cash in troasurv, $1,340, 103,051 lacrease during November, $1,400,350. Decrease ¦ince Junc.'li). 1887, $39,346,684. An excursión of H.0 Scandinavians from the Northwest, en route to tho old country, stopped In ChiotffO n tho lst Tuk I.:i moa llolcl, six businpRs houses and three dwellingl won: Imrnad at Brookvllle, Kan. , on the lst, and tour men perished in the flamea The anmril report of thn Comptrollcr of the currency, issued on the lst, shows that the total number of National banks organized up to October II was .'},H()5, of whlch 635 had gonointo voluntary liqnidation and 119 had falled, loa ring in operation at that date 3,001. James Yamot, of Scott County, Ark., ran away with hls employcr's wife to Indian Territory. The couple were overtakon by tha iratc husband on the and a figbt took place, in whlch both men werc mortally wonndcd. A bkonze stat uk of President Garflcld was unvailod on tno lst at C'incinnati, the militia and Mildiers' souietles takiilg part in tho parade. Oovernor l'oraker and othors made addresses. Tkatt on the lst dcclared to be unfounded a report that the Standard Oil Conipany contemplatod building a trunk pipe-line from Chlcairo to New York. A tramp named O'Brien, who was imprisoned at Alamosa, CoL, for a criminal assanlt upon a younpr woman of that city, was taken from jail on the lst and lvnchcd. The new Ktock yards at St Josoph, Mo. , comi)riing: 1 ld ,cres, wen: opened on the lst They OOtt .f1,000,001), and are sald to be complete in every detail. Two NEiiitoEs were killed and many others were injiirel in a fight with whites at Cat Island, Ark., on the lst The unfortunates had boe a arrested charged with insulting white women, and at the tiial were shot down. Jacoü SiiARr, the New York briber, was released from custody on the lst under bond of $40,000. It was reported on the lst that the big gas wells in the northwesteru part of Ohio were losing thelr pressure and turning to oll wells. The news created consternatlon at Toledo, whère natural gas is largely used for heating purposes. Ai-exandeü Tatlor, who has been in the country six weeks, and has been driving a mail wagon three weeks, was arrested on the lst in New York for robblng the mails, and confessed bis gullt The drafts ho purloined aggregatc 1 $5,000, Three traln-robbers' cmvcs, full of stolen property, were disco vered uear El Taso, Tex, on the 2d by United Statos officials. Nearly the entlre business portion of Eminenoe, Ky., was destroyed by fire on the 2d The Kirkhim A Olirstnnd block at Springfield, Maxs , na guttcd by tire on the üd. Loss, $100,000. Somb of the malsters In Milwauke, Wis. , withdrow boa the uuion on the 2d and eturncd to work in thelr old places. The ttrike was practlcally at an end. By the explosión of a locomotive boiler ra the 2d near East Mahanoy Jmiotlon, Pa, tour men were killed. In the trial of John Arensdorf at Sioui Ity, Ia , on the 2d for the uiurder of Kev. O. '. Iladdock. Bvron Webster, a demitv enne collector, ewore positively thut Arensdorf was not in the Shepherd salor: at the tiine of the murder. This testimony refutes that of Arensdorf , Hagenan and Carson, by wliich an alibi was sought to be proved. Two cases of leprosy of the most loathBome type were discovered on the 2d at Ituthnay, Minn. In Darlington County, S. C, on the 2d John Edw&rds, aged eighteen years, ordered his fathrr, Fred Edwards, to stop beatlng his motber. Not being obeyed he shot at him u gun, killing his mother, fatally tmBdlng lus siater and alightly hurtlng his father. The cotton erop for this year is estimated at 8,480,000 Imles. The story thnt foreieners chiefly controlled the Massachusetts tishery business is disproveil by statistici, whioh show that of the 15, !:." iu:ople engaged 10,000 are Americana. Dubino the Beven days ended on the 2d there were .'15 business failurea in the United States, agamst 200 the previous seven days. Jake Simons (colored) was tunged on the 2d at Mount Pleasant, & C, for the murder oí Mike Plottkin, a Jewish merchant I.evi Kelleu, aged sixty-three years, and his wife, aged sixty yuars, reBidlng at Virginsvllle, Pa., died on the 24 wlthin two minutes of each other. Keiler, several weeks ago, predioted that they would both die when they dUL JuMPnjo Doo, the Indlan arrested for setting flre to the Cheyenne agenoy, killed his two guards on the 2d and then commltted suicide. Thk firstannu il report of the Inter-State Commerce Commission was made public on the 2d. The rejwrt says that the operation of the law has in general been beneflclal; complainU of unjust discrimination by railways are less frequent; the pooling of freighte and of railway earnings has come to an end, and, as a rule, obedience to the law is general. Thk wheat erop of the Northwest was on the 2d said to bc 82,000,000 bushels. Two men ent3red the 8t Cloud Hotel at Erie, Pa, on the üd and fatally assaulted the proprietor, Willlam Jones. They also stole a large snm of money. A eeport on the 2d that two thousand Belgian miners had been engaged to come to this country to take the places of the Lehigh (Pa.) valley strlkers caused great excitement among the latter. PERSONAL AND POLITICA, Mbs. Ei.izabeth Morrison, aged one hundred and one years, died on the 28 th at Winchester, O. The Prohibition party of Atlanta, Ga., gave notlce on the 28th that they would contest the election of the 20th inst Pbominent Democrats of 8t Louis had a meeting on the 28 th and determined to eend a delegation to Washington with the object of securing the National Democratie convention next vear. William A. Milleb, who served two terms as Governor of the State of Arkansas, died at Ltttle Rock on the 2!tli_ James U. Chess, of Indiana, was on the 29th appointed United States Consul at Duranco, Mex. Official returns on the 20thof the recent election in Virginia show that the Democratie vote exceeded the Republican by 12(. The National Prohibltion Commlttee held ite meeting in Chicago on the :t()th uit and elected I'rof (Samuel A. Dickir, of Albion Mioh., iis i h 'lirii'.nn in plaoe c! i ha late Joh i 1 ]!. Kincli. His saliiry Bxed ;it $3,000. lndinnapu'í.s was íixeil as th'1 plaut !()i holding the National convcntion oj) the liist Wedncsdiiy lo .Timo. Official llgurcs on the 30tli ult ol tas recent tleotiou tu BfaaaaohoMtti showthal Oovernor Anus' ]ilurality is 17,606 and hll majority 6,080, The pluraltty fur tht Re publican State t'cket averages about 21,0(10. A coi.or.En woman named Colüns, who was once a servant of General JackRon, died on the ioth alt in Nashriila, Tena., aged llSycars. The rcsiilt of the recent balloting in Atlanta wbr canvasscd on the JtOtli ult. , showing a majoritv ot 1,1 L' agalnat prohibition. íMr.s Mai.mvi ::n ScHWABXZ, nged fortyfive, a Germán grass wldow of Brainerd, Minn., was on the lst married to Andrew Ilobinson, until recentlv a tranip, and who díd chore-work for his iresent bride, who ia the wealthiest resident of that rejfioa The official vote on the prohibition araeudmont at the recent electlon in Oregon, canvassed on the lat, in 10,073 for, 1Í7,O.S nyainst; in;ij!rty at,r;ünst prohibition, 7,985. The Prohibition conference in Chicago closed on the evi:nin;of the lst with ¦ MM meeting at which tx-Oovarnoi St. John named Qeneral Clinton B Fiske, of New Jersey, as the Presidential OMdidata Circuit Judhe Thoiie, of West Virginia, on the 2d (1 'ïiicil tbs va'iitity of an act of the special wssion of the LegiHlature by which Mr. l'aulkiier was eleoted United States yonato] FOREIGN. By a fe irful oxplosion'on the L'S jh in tha Abernout mineRin Abordare, Rag., I! 10 men were for a time burioil A relict party rescued them all. Lokdon' advices of the 28th say that letters received frora the upper Congo say that Tippo Tib had not sent the promised carriers to Stanley'srear guard at Yambuya to convey stores for Emití Bey, and that Stanley liad proceeded without them. Many of the men had dleil trom st.uvation. Tuk sentences of eighteen Hnssian ofiicers genteneed to Siberia for eugajring in a revolutionary conspiracv wvri: 09 the 2i'Lh com. muted to iluyrailatimi to the ranks by tha Czar. The mayor of Culiacnn, Mex.. on the29bh offered a reward of $10,000 for the capturo of Eraclio Bernal, the most desperate bandit in the country. A Kii.i.arney newsdealer was on the ÜOth uit sentenced to one month'u imprÍKonment for selling copies of United Tnlaná contalning reports of juohibited meetings of tha Nutional League. In a colliery at Poremba, Sücsia, thlrteen workmen were killed on the H)th uit by choke damp and many others were taken out of the shaft insensible, but were resuscitnted. Nine business buildings were burned at Alken, a C, on the 30th uit A shock of earthquake was feit on the lst In the County of Lancaüliire, Eng. Mr. Sextos was on the lst elected Lord Mayor of Dublin, to succued Mr. Sulllvan. Ex anm prevailed in the City of Mexico on the 2d over a rumor that the United States had made a claim in favor of Editor Cutting. Public opinión was that the Mexicin Oovernmeut would not be susta'.ned ia 1 aying such damagea, The pólice on the L' I siuprised a Nihilist rendezvous and dynamite faclories ia St Petersburg and there was a desperate eucounter and bloodshed. Lokd Matob Sullivan, of Dublin, was ontho 2d sentenced to two months' imprisonment for. printing reports of suppressed branches of the National League in his pnjior. The hoBtile attitude assumed by the Deputies and Senators toward him made it plaln to President Grevy, of Frunce, that he could hold ofiice no louger, aud was the immediate cause of his reslgnation, whieh he tendered on the 2d. Beach, the Australian oarsman, on the 2d reslgned the championship and retired from aquatics. The members of the Austrian Reichsrath who are school-teachers were on the 2d ordered to give up their school duties on the ground that educatlon and politics should be kent separate. LATER NEWS. At the caucus of Democratie Conpressmen In Washington on the 3d Mr. Carligle was renomlnated for Speaker, General Clark for Clerk, nnd John K Leedoin for Sergeantat-Arms. There was a coutest over the nominat'on of Door-keeper, in which Breckinridge, of Arkansas, and lilount, of Georgia, oanxe to blows. A. B. Hurt. of Mississippi, was linally chosen. Chaplain MilLurn wiis renoininated. An earthquake oocurred on the 3d at Beslgnane, Spain, whicli destroyed the place and killed twenty persous. At twciity-Hix landing clearing honses in the UnitcJ States tlir exohanget during the week ended on the 3d atnrreffated $1,113,Ü77, 1()!, agabut 9911,988,369 the pwvious week. As comparo 1 with the correeponding week of 1SS( the decrease amount'-il to 17 :i per cent. t'ouTHEiix and Central Illinois was visitod by a heavy run-storm on the ;d, the first Bince oarly tast sumiller. The Bepubl oan Congresfiional cancus in Washington on the :d mud the foluwing nomtnatloni for Houte ofBoers: Mr. iieid, of Maine, Speaker; K Iward KoPherton, Clerk; Daniel Bhepard, Bergeant-afe-Anm; Thomas E. Gray, Door-keeper; Qeneral Pltch, I'ostmAtbar; Bav. Richard W. Thomas, Ohaplain In a tire on tli i ;!d in a livery stable at Los Andeles. Cal, n.nety valualle horses lost their livea The ('onjjri'KN of tho S natdrs and Deputies kt ViTKiilU-i, l'ianee, on t'ie 'A, clected M. 8adi-'arnnt toiuooeod President Grevy. The snnoMsfnl oanOldate is a Repoblioan who has been piomiiieiit In politics ever slnce the downt'all of Louis Napoleon. Cleyixand ;.dviees of the 4th sny that durinff the lawt Keason s.vrn'y boat, valued at .777,0(11), wire lost on thu lukea and 116 persons ponshcd The receiiits at the l'utent Offlce in Washington for t ie la-it year amountcd to $1,150,(1(10, and toe expéndltnres tofNtël,(iOO. The iiiiinbiT of pateats nanted was 21,732. A mob of niaskod men rode into Charleston, MIkr., on the 3d, torced Jailcr Vanee to glve np the keyi to the )all and took out three nqrro u who attempted to kill Frank Mountz, a white man, and riddled them With bulleti. Jack )Uchai;i),(.n. living neat Lexlngton, Ky., whfle attemptinff on the 3d to remove acartridtri! lromarüle had his cycs ülown out The Int-r-state Commlsslon on the 3i3 decided that colored people nuiy be oaslgned Beparate raihvuy oan, but they must be equal in aecomniodatioiiH to tiloso for whitea At Peni, Ind., on the 4th a large frame barn with contente, inolnding live valuublo horsen, were destroyed by lire. Taz Job-prlnters' strike in Ohioago carne to an end on the 4th, the four hundred Btrikers beinjr ordered to return to their cases on the old beats of ten boon a day for eightcen dollars per week. The "jobprlnters' strike in St Louis ras also doclared off, the men being ordered laok to work at the del ratem


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