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AKlHö POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thtspowdernrver varíes. A marvel of purlty, stremith ml wlmU'someness. More ecoiiüiiiioal than the ordinary kinds, and . be sold Incolftpetltkra wiili the multitnde of low test, Bhorl welztat, rIhim or pliospliate powders. Sold only In niiis. Itoj ui Itaklit" Ponder ('o. 1OC Wall st.. N. V. ÑFAÑTIÉE Skin Biseases. our oldet chlld, DOW elx years of e, hen nn inftinl p in ittlif old, wae attarked by u virulent, miiliL'i'üiiT fkin (liMMfO. All ordiiiftry rtmedlM fiiiiimr. k callad onr rninily physirUn, who at tempted tncu'eit; luit it hpread with almupt in'iif rnpidity, until the lowar ponion of tbe Httle fi'üow'ü poreon, fr m the m'drile of his back to kin'-, wa (me ulid rash, Dflj, pinful, blotchid, and malicióos. We heil uu rott at ni'li!, do ¦ ire bv day. Finally we were RdoiMd lo trj the (ï;hti Rexkdies, Th.' effect mi nirnp'y marvc looa. In thrte or fmir week a oom piule enre wm wroutx ht, lesvlog the Ittlle fellow'e icraon as while an;i DeutbTU inoogh he had uever tlack (1. li my op:iiion ynnr vuluabh diee mvril b1ettre,and 'oday he isaetrotus In-alt hy chlld, p rfecily well, 110 repeütlon of the diseaae bavlos erei occurr.d. C.RO. H.8MITH, Att'y at Low and Bx-Proe. Atl'y, Al.lai:il, O. ;ekck: J. G. Wfilit, Dnisrglsr, Ashland, O. THOUSANDS OF CHILDREN Arf lorn into Ihe worid every day with como ecze mituur! alTi-ction mcll - m Ik CiBltt SCEi] tua;!. cuf, or (laudrniT. pure ro Uuvelop iato nn fcffonlzI in i, ihe itcliÍD?, bnrnfiiL' iLd ('.lï-fiL'untion ol which makt) lile a pruloiiLTCil torture nnlaw prnperly led. A warm bath wlth CutxOU&A SoAP,an exquisiic Ski'i BeiotlÉer. hi 1 híi g ¦ nop ic:ition of Cutici-ka, the Gn-Hl khi Cur., with a líttle Cri Iík KDiEs, ihc Nt w Blood Puriliir. U often euificlent to urreet the prcgreu ot' t ht; dista et and point to a ppeedv ann peí m uient curo. Bmce. no mother wbo luves her chiidren, who t iU: i prlde lu their beami , pnriiy, ind heaiih, and in bei i u ir apon m a vliil ïV refttBt inhritaucf, - a riUD wilhoui h blemlah, mui a body ii niri-hed by pur1 blood,- flioulU fail to ni .ke trial of tlie CofiGURA Hemediks. Sold everywhere. Prlce; CtmctTBA, ¦"') c; Soai, 2". c; Rksolvent, i.O0. Prepared by tl. e Pottkb Uh ¦¦ .t Chkhioal ('d., KtMt'Ti, Mass. tirSend for "Ilow tu Oure Skin DUeiih pages, óO illutration', aud 100 leatimoniitlK. O A RV'Q skin lld Bcalp rfrvt.-d and bcauliDnD i O fiedby CuticukaHkd] atboBoaf : ------ - - _-____ Constitutional Catarrh No eJoffle disenee has cntafled more entrering or 1 hasjened the bfMktog up of the constitutloD than Oatarrh. The pense DÍ email, of tate, of Blght, of hearing, the human voice, the: raind-one or more, and iomelliiieí all, yield t ltt dentrtictive infiuence. poison It ttiroiiL'hout the syitem attnekn every vital forcé, and brtakK up the moti r-iitiifi of cOüstitDÜoD. Inored, becauee b'it little DDderfltood, by mo-t physiclanp, irapotently atalled by qaftckfl and charlatana, ihose HiitVi-rinK fnnu ít have little hope to be rtlteved of ir tide of the yrave. Il i timo, tlu-n. thul Ve popular treatment of tbfp terrible riiseace by remedies uitliiu the reach of all paseed into huida at once competent and hustworthy. The uew and hitherto untried methud adopted l y Dr. Sai dlord in the preparation of hls RADICAL Cl Ets hat won the hearty approval of thouBandn. It Is int-tantaneous in affordiiiK relief in all head clds, net-zin', nnuflllníí and obstructed breathiDK, and rapldly removes the oppreseive eymptoins, cU-arinj; the In-ad, eweetening the breilh, rectoriiiir the eeDPes oT smell, taste and hcHNntf, and oaütnUizing the conntituilonal tendency ot' the diaease towarda the ití% , livcr and kidiR-yf. Sandpoud's Radical Ctrb consiste of one bottleof the KadicalCuke, one bor of Catarrhal, and an Imphove Iniialeh; príc ¦ Jl. POTTBR DttVQ AND ChEHIÜAL Co.. 1ÍO8TON . KIDNEY PAINS, Stralns anrt Woakncsses, j lirlii-seil in ore m'nu'e by that marvelHS min Antidote to l'iln Infl.imiistion'niid VBf Weikne. the t'iiticma AnllW fU I'ain Plant'!-. Ilr-t and only I lk puin-killini; atreni;theniii(.' piaster. Eêi mk pecially adapted to iiie'aiitly relieve ai.d speedíly cure Kldney and I terina Pain and Weakne8. Warranted vantly enpcrior to all otber plae ere. At all dnieeiBU', - cents ; live for $1.00 ; or, poRtage fri'e, ot lVrrun Dnl'o & CiiKMiiil. Co., Boston, Mim. MonumenlsLStatúary. J í ndorsed bvAMERiÖAifupEB1 f 0 SC!ENTISTSárMARBLkoR WHITE BRONZE MONUMENTS! Took Qnt'premiami :it tbe Ano Arbor nnd Cnebea Fair, Not betn? porotlf like tone, tliey can not absorb moldure, jrow moss, nor crumble and wlll Dofy the Toothof Time for C'enturics. BENJAMIN CULY, Agent. No. Ö Kast WtiBhingtou St., over Hlnsey & Seabolt's. RUP TU R E3. EGANS IHPEBIAL TRUflS. i- - HLi i"1'' sprinji, gradsd frona i to u WORN DAY AM) MKiHT, SaaH by an lnfant a weck old, oran C. adultSOyear. ' ,. l.ailiiH TriisHcs a pcrfectlon. tumpu for teMtiinuiilulM V of cures, etc. EGAN IMPERIAL TRUSS CO., Ann Arbok, Mich.


Ann Arbor Courier
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