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The Chicago Alumni

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Sonic time siiice a cali to the gradúate of tlie scveral depiirtments of the Univenlty of Michigan resident in Chicago, was tent ont to some forty known {jraduatw. Tlie cali stated t lio object to bc "the promotion of the best interests of tbe üniyeríity; tlie cultivation of friendly relations imong its grailuates; tlie prorldlog tn iiiinual banquet for the membeis oí the anoclatlon; tlie attabllAhment of one or more scbolarships in the collegiale department ol' the university ; and the accumulation and iuvestment of a finid to eany out llie purposes." ín rwponn to tliis culi there was a goodly attendanoa of Alumni. The fotlowlng account of the meeting li taken From tlie Chicago Times of Deo. 8th: "A meeUog of the gradúate of the severa! departmenti of the University of Michigan was helil last eveninsf at the Sherman house. About forty were present, and II. S. Towle was ealled to the chalr, while Kobert II. McCurdy acted as secretary. The object of the meeting was to form an association of the alumni of the university now residinr In Chloago, for the purpose of promoting the best interaata of the unlveralty, the cultivation of fricndly relations among its jradu-ites, and alto to consider tho idea of gWIng an aiinual hanijupt for the members of tbe association. 'J'he association also contemplates the establishment of one or more fellowships in the collejriate department ot the university, and the accuiniilatiou of a funil to carry out tliis laudable project At the meeting last trenlag it was proposed to secure an act of incorporation and to enlist the active cooperation of the alumni of the university in making the association one of the leadin;; college gocletics of the west. A i'onstitutlou and code of by-laws were ndopted, and the (blknrlng incorporators and directon were elected : Denslow Ltwta, Willlam T. Belüeld, Robert H. McMurdy, Allen 15. Pond, Klmball Young, George I'. Broom, Wolford N. Low, and William II. Tutuül." That the objects and iiinis of the association may be better nndentood, we publisli in ful I the by laws adopte;l : BY-LAWS OF THE CHICAGO ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OF TUK UN1VEU.SI1 Y OF MICHIGAN. AKTICI.K I - N'AMK AND OPJIil. Sec. 1. The corporate Dnme of llils Maoclallon sliall bc tliri 'liicaK Alumni Assonation of tlie Unlverslty of Michigan. Sec. 2. The objects of thls association nrc : The promotion of the best Interests of the Uuiversity of Michigan; the eultlvatlon of frlendly relations araong lts graduates; the provldingan annual buuquet for the members; the inalDtenance at the University of Michigan, in the collegiate department, of thoseof Insufrlclent meaos who -huil most sarlslactorlly pass compeiitlve examlnations tor admlsslon tliereto, under the direct Ion of thls association ; and the accumulation of and luvestmenl of a luud to further these parpom. Artici.i: II - Mkmhkhs. Sec. 1. The members uf thls associatiou slmll be desiyuated as active, life, aud houerary. Sec. 2. Active members must be graduates of tome deparlrnent of tbe University of Michigan, Before adrnlsslon to thls association appllcant. must file wtth the secretary a wriueii appllcatiou for metnbership endorsed by tlie members, stallug the degree reoelved and the date the saine wasconferred, and at the same time must deposit with the secretary the sum of flve dollarsas au lnltiatlon fee. As soon as the secretary shall have on file teu applicallons for active merabershlp he shall mail a notlce to each memberof tlie assu.-iatlon maling the mimes of tlie appllcanls; aud the membershlp commlttee shall, after the expiratlon of flfteen days, report to thesecretary upoo the same. In case such report Is favorable as to any appllcant he shali, upon notice, become au active nifirihi'r of tliis association; lf such report Is uufavorablo as to any appllcant, hls deposltshall be returued. The duesof active members shall be flve dollars annually, payable on or before January lst of each year. Non-payment of dues for the space of slxly days shull forfelt the membersbip of au acii.e miimiiIiit mul hM interest he may have In this assoiiiuion. Members admltted after Jiinu.iry lst, and belore the immiul laiquel, sliall be Hable for the dues payable January lst. Sec. 3. Life members must be graduates of or must have matrlculated in mine department of he University of Michigan. Before admlsslou to llie-membcrehlp, appllcants must tile lili the secretary a uotic-e similar to rpqulred of appllcants for active menibershlp, and must deposit wilh thesecretary the Kim of rlve dollars as an lnillatlon fee, tbe secretary shall add to the notlce provlded for in the precedlng section the names of appllc-ants lor life membership, deslgning theiu as such. In case the report of the membership committee Is favorable to any appllcant for life membership he shall, upou niitice, and upon payment of a life membership fee of flrty dollars, become a life memberand shall forever alter enjoy iull privileges of an active memoer without further payment of dues. Non-payment ot the lire membership fee for the space of slxty days shall forfeit the member.-hip of a Ufe member and all interest lie may have in the assoolntlon. An active member may become a Ufe member without the payment of aeecond lnltlatlon fee. Sec. 4. Honorary members mugt have been counected wlth the faculty of the University of Michigan or must have been otherwise identlfled with that Institutlon. They shall be elected by the board of directora aud thelr electlon must be ratlfled by this association at the next sncceedlng annual meeting. They shall be exempt Irom inltiatlon fee aud dues and shall be guests Ht the annual bauquet by standing In vltatlon. Houorary members stiall have novóte or volee in the management of thls association. Sec. 5. Meinbem can iiot vote by proxy nor at any meeting unless all obligatious to this assoclatiou shall have been dlscharged. No member shall be entitled to attend the annual banquet unless all hls obllgatlons to thls assoclallou shall have been dtscharged. ARTICI.K III.- 0FFICKB8. Sec. 1. The omcers of thls association shall OODSut of a president, a vlce president, a secretary and a membershlp committee, whoee respective term of office shall be one year, and uutil their respective successors shall have quallrled. Sec. i. The president shall have the usual dutles and powers of the offlee of president aud shall be 'ex-officio" a a tr einber of the board of dlrectors and president thereol He shall have power to appoint the membership committee and shall be "ex-oiïlclo" president thereof. He shall eounterslgn all checks upon the treasury of the association aud execute all Instruments in writlng on behalf of thls association. He shall have the power to tlll all vacanctes among the omcers. Sec. 3. The vlce president shall bave the duties and powers of the president during the absence from Cook county, 111., or the sickness or tbe president. Sec. 4. The secretary shall have the usnal duties and powers of the office of secretary and trea-urer. He shall be "cx-offlelo" secretary of the board of dlrectors. He shall algn all checks upoa the treasury of this assoclatlun. He shall faithfully perform all dutlcs Incident to the almlsslon of members; collectall dues; keep the funds of thls asociatlon deposlted in a rullable bank In the name of this association; and disburse the same upou the order of the board of dlrectors and not otherwise. Heshall give a bnnd for the falthful performance of hls duties In such sum as the board of dlrectors shall reaulre. He rhall have the custody of the corpora U' seal; and shall do aud perform such other dtuies as may from time to time be required of him by tbe board of directora. He shall make a ruil report ol the condltlon of tbe affalrs of the assodation to the annual meeting and to the board of directora whenever the same shall be by them required. Sec 5. The membemhlp committee hall (lncluding ihe presidenticonslst of flve memburs who shall be appolnted by the president aifollows: One member a gradúate of the Uterary department of the University of Michigan ; oue member a gradúate of the law department ; one member a gradúate of the medical depurtment ; and one membei a gradúate from ome oue of the otber departments. It shall be the duty of the membership committee to report to the secretary upon all appllcants fur adinlvslon to membershtp. Sec. 8. No ofllcer ol this awootatlon shall recelve any compensallon for hls services. AhTICLE IV. - DlItKCTOKH. Sec. 1. Tbe general manaeement and conduet of the afTalrs of thls assoclatiou shall be v. stel in a board of director whlcb shall coi - fdst of seven members, lncludlug the president. The board of dlrectors, except the pretident, shall be dlvided Into three classes of twoeach, which classes shall holil oflice for one, two and three years, respectlvely, and at each annual meeling there shall be rlected tliri'e dlrectors, uhose term of office shall be three years They shall hold oflice nntll thelr successors phall have qualitied. They chai I meet at tbe cali of the president npou two days wrltten nutice bj mail. In case of a vacaney In the board of dlrectors the same shall be ulied by the remalnder of tbe board untll the uext annuat meeting, whea snuli vacancy símil be ulied by elección for the balance of the term. The board of dlrectors nhall make a report of the conditlon oí the affalrs of ibis assoclatiou al each meeling of the members. Ahtk-k V.- Mketinqs. Sec. I. Theannua' meeting of ihis association shall occur at flve o'cloek p. m. on the day of the annual banquet, which shall be lield on an evenlug to be deslgnated by the tioard of dlrectors In the latter half of the m. ui t li of February. Wrltten notlces thereof -huil be malled lo the members by the secrelary at least ten lys theretofore. At each mnual meeting offleers and dlrectors shall ie elected. Twenty members slmll constl;ute a qusrum at any annual or special meetiik of the member regularly ealled. Sec. 2. Bpeolal meellogiof UiUaMooUtlon inav be ¦¦nllud by the bouril ot directora 'y KiviiiK t ii memoen ton dayn wrltten notice by mnll of tbe lime and place ol bolding Uio saine und the ubjeot thereof. AnTicLE VI.- Schol lbíhip. Seo. 1. Twenty per cent. of hII imiiiinl dues toKOther witli uil otlier nioneys whlch in tl V collie tO tlllM BMOOlat Ion sliall he cal 1 ied lo a ipeolal fund to be deitlguated nnd kim n br "The Ncholarship Finid," wblob shall I e ¦nbleottotbe nctual actual demanda of the ¦nalnteuance of student In th( collegiale depiirtment of the Unlvcralty of Michigan, underlhe rcRtrlctlnng and regulaUoD hereU nol out, and such as inay hereafter be adopted by the board of directors. Such fund and the lncrease tbereol hall he subject to uo other demandH. Sec. '2. slmll alwayssup port at the Unlverslty ol Michigan In the colleglate departmeot, at Ioüki ooe student, and as many ns the iuconie trom the cholarHhlp funtl will pormlU Jn tm ciiHu hhall thís afsoclatlon ipeod more iban tlirce butidred dollarn perannuin in the support of any mu dent In the unlveralty. Sec. :t. The benefltt of thii artille sliull be conferred aooordlng to ment to be deterinim d iiy competitivo exainlnatloni tor admlwion to the freshnian olaM to be held In ChlOftCO ander tbv Joint dirt-ctlon of Iho loard of di rector8of Ihls assoclfttiou amia representatic (leslgnatcd by the faeully ol the COlleglte department of theUnlverslty of Michigan Abtk'i.k. vii - vm Komma, 8oc. 1. The by-laws, excopt arlicle 8lx (() horeof may be aiuended hy a tw-tlitrds vote of the members present atany meetlDg remilarly ealled. Art iele pli may he itnended hy a three-fonrtbi voteofthe memben pretenl at any alinunl meeting. Chicago, Dec, !), 1887. My Dkak CoiniER: - You probably linve licard bcforu now of the niovemcnt on toot ben in ChioMoto fortn an alumni associiitiou of the (JnTveraity of Michigan. I endose a notice sent to abont 40 of the mora active ChloOjg0 BM0 alsottlie Times' account of the meetlttg, and also the bylawt which werc adopted, wllli theexcoption of thiit part rcfuiring to the cdii&itiou ol olie (ir more ttudentf at tlie univcrs'ity, wbieh wm made brooder by the tisc of the pillase, "For the acciimulation of a fiinü for furtheiiuii the best iutcrets of the U. of M. is the directors may determine. ' If yon use that sentence yon will havo it o. k., thouh the lui'pose is as staled in the by-law, vi..: to niaiiitaiii onc ui' more ncedy sttidents at college. Application has been made to the secretary of Btate lor articles of incorporatloD, and tlic assoclution ill bc ineorporatel by the time this rencbes yon. There have been tbree or four othcr but abortive uttiinpu at organiation hen, bnt all have liled out becaiue their only object was to have a banquet; and Uso perhapt becauae they put too many oíd and influential, but iuaetlve, po far as the ussociation was concerned, men at the head of it. '1'his movement is K"' to make it3 objcct8 feit and its u;ood seen in the ihape of helping soiae poor fellows to {ret an edncatlon. And this very tliing will, I thiuk, bc the baekbone of tbc association, the absence of which contributcd so much to the evapomlion of previous orgunizations of the kind. The lirst board of directors aro S. C. Kastimui, II. B. Fowler, 1. (. Lewla, 11. H. C. Milier, W. IJ. Wasliburn, Dr. EL A. Johnson, Dr. O. E. Haven. lloping that you may be able to {iet some copy out of this and that I may be able to give you some more pointers on it in tin liiiun-, I uu, vours vei v trulv.


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