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Christmas trees are nlrenily in market Schools close in l week Friday fo two weeks. The railroads eomo down bandtomelj on tare for the holidays. We shall not boom next year- s'motbe year. It. Is too expensive ! Tlio youtliful era almost ln-iir tbe tinkle of Santa Claus' sleigh bells. Mire beauliftll weather never greeted the people in December In this section. The K. T. social at the temple las evening was a pleasant affair, about 20 couple attending. Prof. W. W. Bwman has i-sued a verj teinpling list of publlotttlons for which lit accepts tubscriptions. The last meeting of the executive boan of tbe Washteiiaw Mutual Insurance Co will be helü Deo. 23d. It is as mach is : man's pooketbook is wurth t lonk through our beautilull} decorated i-hres Uiese days. Dr. Ramsay wlll spe.ik next Sunday evening, at the M. E. church, on "The Achievements of Martin Luther.'' We andertt ind that tbe membera o Hobart cnlld are to give Trof. Clark a reception at the hall Friday eveuing. Among the nianiage licenses issued in Detroit l;ist Snturday was one far Wm. F. Fritz, of tbla city, and Míís Rota Hender, of Detroit. While cleaning up some of the machll ery at the Central Mili-, Monday, Wm Schiller had his hand drawn into a cog wheel and quite badly damaged. Deputy Grand High Priest 1! F. WatU, J. L. Stone, Z. Roath and I,. C. Qoodrick tot'k In tbe Ypsilanti ehapter H. A. M., last Monday evening, for an exaltation. Among the multitude of things, il is hard to choose just what yon want for Christmas - and show us the man (or woman) who knows just what be v;,nls The labjeet of Kev. Mr. Sunderland's lecture at tbe l'nituruu church next Sunday erenlng wlll be: "Was Jesus God f Huw came He to be worshipped? ' On Thanday, tomorrow, evening Golden Rule lodge, F. & A. M.. will confer the 8d degree upon one of our esteemed county officials, and visitors are expected fiom ipdlantL The only case dlaposed of In the circuit coart this week wus that of Susan M. Brekaw n. sepln-n A. Xike, in whlob judgment for tbe plillatlff for f4:S9.2 was rendered. In that qualot little volume, "BngHsb c lauglit," the folio wlng Motence occurt: "Clima te lists all the time and weatlicr Only a few davs '" That answer -.i all to applj tci tlii winter. Aftcr the tirst of Januury, Judge Kiime wlll occupy the rooms now occupied by Protecnting Attorney Norria, in the court house, while Mr. Xmri lias icnted the otti 'e now occupied by Mr. Kinne. The Chicago papers of a recent date teil of the ihootlng of tlie crook O'Brlen, wbo swindlfd I). 1!. Brown, ofthla clty, a tcw m inths Miice, bilt the bad luck ot this item is that the shot dldn't kill hlni. In the Febniary meeting of the Cocker League, Hons. Sawyer and Whitman will i-s Protection and Free Trade, and an iustructive dicui')ii will be the result, as bolb gentlemen are wdl poLted on tbe subject. What has become of our tiuint oflicer, and the law requiring all children to attend hooi a oertiln U'iitb oftime every year? There a large number of ;dle chüdern. about our streel". I compulsory education a fillure? rrloei in Si. Andrew'l church next Smdia ai follows : T.:!H 'i. m., holy coniiiiunüii aml litujlii 10:30 a. in., mornlnjgr, pryer and sermón by tlie Hev. 11. V. Clark, of St. PauPs clmrcli, Detroit 12 m., bible classt-s and Sunday-echool. I'raternity lod.'e, F. A A. M., has í-electfd the followinz offlers: W.M. H. E Bowe; S. , E. 15. Ab-1 ¦ .7. V , L D. ; Treas., W B. Smitli; Sec., Cm-. W. (Kagner; S. D.UircotD. Millfr;J. D., - Fillmore: Tyler, Thomas Taylor. The paper whlchRe. Mr. Sunderland, of til i 3 city, lead at tbeMIchlgMD l'nitariau confereHce la-t weck, on "The Cluistian Element in Unltarlantom," will be pnblUbed in the Jananry uamber of The Unitarian, and then issued asa trict, by requeat. Tneaday, Dee. 20th, the Connty Agricullural an.l Ibrtlcultaral Society nill meet at their rooms In tlie Court House to electoflicers. etc. Any one Interested in the prosperity of the county fair, üetter attend, as tuey will beur aomethlng Of importaiice. The M E cintren was filled to full capaeity last Sunday eren Ing to listen to Dr. Banmy'a tir.-t sermón upon " Martin Luther," and none present were disappointed. Next Bunday evening the second discourse wdl treat iij)on the life works of Murtin Luther. TlieT. A. A. A. & N. M R. H, announces excursión tiekets at one fare for the round trip to be sold Dec. 24tb and y-, and Doe. :!lst and Jan. 2d, jiood to return until and lncludlng Jan. 8ti. So during the liolidays we eball all be giveD the Siime rate - nter-state commerce luw orno inter-state commerce law. Mrs. Ellen Soule Carhart will read a paper in January before the Cocker League on "(úeen Louise, of Prussia, motief of the Einperor of Gerinany.' Tlie music for the occasion will be distinctlvely Germán, both in composition tná ¦ rendering. Mrs. Cirhart's paper 'ill be one of unusual excellence. The next in the series of lectures in the li ildwinnourse at Hobart Hall, oocur on Baturday evening, Dec. 17, by Prof. Wm. Clark, the subject being "The Hesurrection of Jesus Cbrist- Proofs of tbe Heeurrection." On Sunday evening, Dec. 18, the same subject, treating upon '-Theoríes invented to set aside the proofs.'' Had we attended the last pioneer meeting we ihould have proposed the name of M H. Goodrich as custodian of the pioneer room in the court house. We believe "Merch" would take pride in caring for things there and keeping them in trood shape. That collection is too valuable to be allowed to io to the demnition bow-wows. An Ann Arbor boy wiihin two days of $30,000! Carril M.' Coe, of Aberüeen, Dakota, has the only abstract of records in the county in wliich he 11 ves, and re-c-ii t ly the official records were lemoved out of the old court house Into a new one, and two ilays thereafter the buildinjr borned. Had his records been the only ones left his fortune would have been made. The entertainment of the CnckerLeaLue Honda; evening was one of the most enUrtainlng yet giren, and tbe audience was a larjreotie. Mr. Lowrey'i renderhur of the noem, "Brier Bote," was very fine Indet I Mr. Ewald and Mr. Crowl's mandoline and guitar duet, and Mr. Hodge's biisio mlo, "The Arrow Son"," were well worth hearing, while Prof. Adains' paper wtu exoeodlngly interest A.Bronaon Howard teüs of hlaeacape roni ;, foreign journey, and Onding a sale liarhor of refoge in Ann Arbor, in this wuy: "We KV,. m;„e a gudden chance or plan for the winter. While waiting ror tbe carrlnge Sunday evening to take U8 and our luggae to the train for New ori thenoe to Enjjlaiid or the south of f ranee, we heard that a house was to let rornlibed; waked up tlie good people "ii" own i; urranged term, and sent away the carrlage. 8 i liere we are in tot brlgbt little anlveralty town for the "mier. lf uuy one caM give uc tie wwntet glimmpr of an idea is to where w shall be in the füllowing three "jODths he wil) gratlfy my curiosity." ii' ?owai"d' ad'lreM until tbe lst of Marcb, at least, will be 30 Jefferson street, Ann Arbor, Mich.