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i lie next meeting of the Studcn t's Scientific Association is due Dec. 28. The rain prevented the Rugby team from goini to Detroit last Saturday. The photograph question is beginning to be agitated aiuong the future M. D's. The 33 feminine members of '90 have had a bcautiful picture taken- of theinsclves. Prof. 15. J. Doran is organizing a class in boxing, to meet at the rink Saturday niornings. Dr. Wood, of thebomeop. department, was conti ned to liis house by illness the past weck. Prof. Uogers will quiz the senior laws any time they may desire upon criminal law and costs. It isn't so much what you merit as what you get, is the motto tliat some of the boys appear to be following. The Beta Theta Pi fraternity initiated three new members last Saturday evening, and had a banquet over it. The sophomore hop Friday evening is purely a fraternity affalr and none but menibcrs of the socicties will be admitted. There are two U. S. senators and seyen memb'rsof congress who are graduates of the U. of M., with scveral state to hear from. Dr. Hendrics now takes the hour heretofore occupied by Dr. Martin, who has completed bis course, and will discourse on minor surgery. The dents will have to answer Dr. Ford's qupstions on the structure of the teeth. [N. B.- Procure Dr. Stowell's book and post up ] Shall It be cap and gown - English, you know- or shall it not? is what engages the minds of many of the members of '00 and '91. The Adelphi and Alpha Nu societies are considering the advisability of holding uu old-fashioned spelling school, usi ng Webster's speller as authority. Isaac Pennington, who had a son in the literary department some years since, bas given $500 to the Student's Christian Association as a memorial for bis son. Holiday vacitio:i will meet us next week Thursday, and most of the boys are counting up their cash to afcerta'in whether they dare venture home or uot. At a rfcent gathering of some ot the wits in university clrcles n a mock trial, the Jubilee Cook Book was ntroduced as evidence on a point of serving at table, as beiug the latest authority on the subject. The fellow who broke the paper bag at the opera house on the night of the Gipsy Baron, was not "brought back" as requested by several dozen young men, in concert. The Alpha Delta Phi fraternity announces their intention of placing a stained glass window in Hobart Hall chapel, i ti memory of Mr. Parfet, wjio was a member of the guild. Prof. Austin Scott, formerly of this uulvertlty, is to deliver an address on Friday evnlnff, Dec. 10, at the celebraron of the ccntennial anniversary of the ratiflcatlOB ot the constitution of the United States, to be held at New Brunswick, N. J. Prof. Thomas will offer a course in Gothlc- (let's see, that's pretty steep, is it nol?) next semester. Prof. Waltere will glve a new course iu French, and Prof. G;iyley one in Literary Criticisin. Who Buyi tliere is notliing new in our curriculum? The Phi Delta Theta Is once more. It once was, then was not, but now is once again, the Michigan Alpha chapter being re-establislied by a big banquet at Hangsterfer's last FridaT evening. There were members present from chapters in this state, Ohio. Indiana and Illinois. Iíuv. Sam Jones carne and spoke but the "rediculousness" of bis advice to the etuüenis wlio liad iiot yet shed their copper toed boots waa so "amoosing" that he lid not pleM tlie "trooly11 üterary tastes f some of the critlcs who listened to his words of wisdom. lint tben, wliat could me xpect from a man so commou as to je iiaincd Jones, anyway ? The meeting of the Northwestern Inte rcol leg at e Alumno; Assoclation last weck was a very pretty interchange of ntercollegiate alumnie tbuught nost of the interested spectators. The irogratn was une of reat excellence and sonic of tlic papers were yerj sharp and )oiuted. The meetings closed Friday iveniiifi with au acldress by Miss Francés Willard at the university hall, having tbr ier subject the White Cross Moveinent, jefore adjmirtiing the associatlon took steps to tltablUh a scholarsliip at chis uuiversity. Tlie general feeling here is bat the Northwestern Associution would be rij;lit royally welcomed any time they nay choose to come agaln.


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