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MïcihgüT '.-'H'Mfrjiani'P'ii' '; o Bo,";,r5issl!SH Tima Ublo taklng efliact No, SOti Lj (nitral Ntundttrd Tlnif. OtlIOAOO To DETBOIT. ! I ú li ffTTi. TATioM. ¦':¦ S-3. Ic :S C L= i" l A.M. A.. I. M .„. p.,, p Cblrwro .I.v. 680 8 10 ii" - Kalamato . 11 II BatHe i' t.. II' 135 Jl ¦ I ¦ : s III 6m Pelhl Milla . 1 ' ... ' Aun Arbiir.... 4 33 fpallantl.... 5t 452 654 Waynejonc .. 5 15 647 Uií r)i-tnili....Ar. 0i 648 1046 ew) 71 Bt.ThomM 111 205..... 9 50 ÍS. Falla View ... 117 r v. V. Palla 2 ül 451 1 22 ÏSr" BiilTiln i 4 35 7 15 ..... 3 VI ta'DKTUOIT TO CHICAGO. iJWñWWTü art ==j__ a_ __ _O_ L á A.M. 1' M. i. A.M. a. M A.. Bnffmlo 'iie aoo 100 ""' i lili H3 21 9t.Thomaa 4 2 10 (K) . . . IMS"" A.M . M. P. . P M. P.M pn Detroit.. ..Lv. 7 mi 9 1 1 30 4U0 80ÓIÓIS'"' WavneJnnc.. 7 41 ó:; -u3 4 46 837 11 Ypnllanli .... n.i ]i Ií; 2)0 5 14 KjUlilp Anu Arhor... K ls 10 30 2 32 580 9 12 11 I).! I MI BSS 542! OcUer NS7 SM B8S Cbeltea 86 6 05,9 52 iiu Lake. l." 11371 Jack-on 7 ni 10 K 1 Batlle t'recl:.. II 1M I la 4 40 852 1Ï12 2231 "' Kalamazuo. . 1 -J 17 160 518 a 45 13OI3oT Chicago... A r, S4h40 H30 7 0017 45! 10 a O. W. UU(.(il,KS, H. W. HAYBS (;. P- " ¦' A.-t.. Ana Artor OolcaLo. V. "Ir., Amii Arhor t Norlli lleMfa liailnay. riMK SCHEDCI.E. To Inke offect :it ] o'clock, dood, on Sun cl;iy, October 9th, 1837. Traint run ly Standard Time. OOINO NOBTE. STATIONS. te ai j j 4 j "y Toledo i.v t5?5P3Ï5PC25A5 5Ó itUnJunctiou 520 3 20 40 6 10 - 5 27 SW 6 5.5 K 5 45 43 7 23 7 30 M.mroe Jtuictiou tí 02 4 ai 7 SI K 10 I)'"'''1 6 10 4 121 R 05 8 80 Azilia 6 25 4 ÍS ¦ 8 20 9 00 J"? 8 930 4 4-i 8 M100Ö leW 7 00 4 M 0ó 10 2U Aun Arhor 7 15 5 10Í 9 2i 11 3U Leluu ' 7 : .i 1 55 Wnltmore Lake 7 48i 5 4,5 o.l2 2 13 Hotrell 8 3ii 6 2S 6 ;ü 5 W Inrm.rt 930 7 !W 9 30 p. m. '"ín 9 .'5 7 46 10 : ... 10 01 7 5S 11 00 Uwomo Jnnci on 10 OS S 10 11 03 Iiha a 11 I6 D 15 2 H St. Loula II , . A. 'mi nu 1 41 ÍK . Mi. P.easam Ar I-i 30 10 3U 6..„. e. m. p. n. p. a GOING BOCTB. stations. p ig I R . - tt-l i. a. i-. .!. Mt.P!eaaant Lv 8 40 30 130 Alma 10 1.-, 7 20 2 20 .... 8t. Loula 11337 27 2 2ti Itl' Ca 12 i") 7 4t. 2 46 .... Uwoaao Janctlon 4 00 8 55 4 02 üwotso 408 Ki 408 Corunna 4 2S 9 08 4 15 ... Dorand 5 16 9 8 4 3li.i. I 7 40 10 -JO 5 33 5 l Wbitoiore Lake Bzu. 11 0(1 6 i 650 I 'linil OS'MIll ÜSÜ73S AnnArltnr 7 Uíitl 3u lliUflt-10 7 ítill 4-;l TTC . Dranla 7 So 11 E Ml'an 7 45 12 04 7 31 - 0 12 40 lunlei . T I" 1 III Munr.if .Iiincti 11 S II) 12 :tl 7 51 1 ¦ Sumaria 8 25 12 4li 8 n Alexis X 4.5 li' Manbuttan Junctinn S ',i 1 05' 8 :f! 3'0 A. H 00 1 III 8 4i 3 15 ¦ . i'. w.!p m. r. ¦ Soiifíi Ltm Hruncli. NOK 1 II liul'ND. BTATIl IN8, BOU1 I BODN1 . Train ( Train 1 P. M P. M. ! 6" i.v. Lelaada Ar. llr (Hl Ar. Wordeoa Ar. 6 20 lil 31 Ar South I.yon I.v. 6 00 Connectlona: .t Toledo, wlth rallroaiJadlTeír 1 Manhattan JiuictioD, wiih Wheelini; A Krlo K. K.; at Alt-xls Junciion, wlh ti. C. K. B., L. 8. H. 8. R. and K. .H'. M. K.K.; at Unuroe Janctlon, itn L. S. 3fc M. S. liy.; ot DondiM, with L. s. A M. 8. l:y.. M. A O. Ky.;at Milán Junctiuii. with Wiilnh. St. Loóla A ParlBc H) ; at Pitífleld, with L.í. ï M. 8. l!y.; at Aun Arl'or Vflehlgao Ceatnl H. H., nnd al South Ljot witb Detroit, Lanxlni; 4 Northern K. H.. mul Micli. A. I. Div. of Grand Tronk Ify. At llnmluri; lili M. A. Une DirNion Orand Trut'k R'y. At Ilowt'll iih Detroit, LuwlDC t Xorlhern K'y. t lliiraiMl with (1 iñdTmnk K'y aiu Detroit, Qrand Havend Mtlwnk R'y. AiuwmaoJnnetiOB wiih Detroit, draiid Huviti Milwankr- K', nuil M chipan Contra! R. K. Al St. Lonií with Detroit. LatiingA Northern H. K. and nnti ni" V illev í Bt, Lonia I'y. At Alma vvitu Urtmt, I.811S1IIL; Á; Northern H'y. At Mt. Pleaaant wlft Fllot AlVre .Al trqnett li y. 11. sv. A8HLBY, General Manrer. W. II. BENNKTT, A. J. 1'AISIEY. Oeu'l. l'í. & Ticket Aeent. Local AfeDt. tl, DePORËSTT Fire Insurance Píate Glass Insurance, Steam Boiler INSURANCE! Lowost Hatos, Honorable Adjustments and Losses Proinplly I'aiil. REAL ESTÁTE RENTS Sl'nni. VI TIN I ION ÜIVKN TO ('0I.I.1 IF RBKT8 ANI MlNAliKMKNT OÏ IÍKU ' TATB INI'KKKSIS KOlt Ni i K KSIKKN IS. K.N" TIRK SA TISKACTIOS ]O t)WEKS OlABAN_ A. DeFORKST ClasgoW via Londonderry, Liverpool via Queenstown. Are Hlrletly Flrl- ln.. and araniiü tho lftl-KOSt, fastest and flmvt ni llu' Baloon. aeooad claa and ateerase i"ufnieT ƒ Aeonmmiiiliilliiiiit t'tifXcviK'ri. 1 roírarii for ttit ciMutort and oonvefi eengers muüiougly couaideroü and pracüoei' steamira evory Saturday for Glangow. City of Rom s:ills tor Liverpool October i. Ia the largest and naeal paMongor nteamer atloat. Ratea of p8sa-e íor all daanea Icwaw by any othtr flretclífs line. Balooa t xfiirsion tickets at reduced ral;1'lniit for any anión nt nt loweat rnrrent rates. Fr book oftítnr-. tickets, rirfurtiier inforniation.apply iii:ikhn íMtonii its. iii - cas. o C. "W. MELLOE, ANN RBOR, - MICH. Fútate if ('liarles Vlmcndinger. QTATK OV MICHIGAN, l'ounty of Waahtonaw At'aífíslon ofthe Proba ('oort forttieConntj ol Warfitcaaw. holden at the Probate office, in tno city of Ann Arbor. on Fr Ida j, the 25in dy of Novumher, in the year one thonoand eiciii hond red and elfrhrjr-aeven. Proeent WilliamDUarriman, Jadfte ui Prob In tlie matter of the cítate oí Charlee A mendli nr, decearad. Un readlng and Biing to ticiii, clnly veriti.d.ol i'.luton Aininndliiger prayli'ij tli n ;i certaln Inatrument no on tile iu thlí court pi.r(orl!ii-' tobe the last wlllaml testament I !'1 aeeeared, may be admltted to probata, and tliat oe and Rabeoca Almetidlngar maj be appotolear cntore th mof, iy. h Thereupon It is ordered, that Tuesdaj, tho ..t" dny of December next, at ten o'clock in the inrinoon, 1 assitned foi thehearliiR of aald pelltl and that the dovlaeee, légateos, and helr i law of aald Aaoeaaed, and all other perfou Intereated I naald estáte, are reqoired to app"r ealon ot lald court, thaa to be holden at tw I'n.bate Offlco.ln thrCity oí Aun Arbor. aiid eliow caoae, II an] ibera b, why the jimyer v! tni'P' ,1 nol bepranted. Andltlmrt"r ordered, that said petttloner Iva uotlce m " pnont In aald eatate, of tlr peni 01 saiil pelltlon, and ilie hearing ca i copj ol tbll oríei to le publlshed Ir itDO n ¦ Arbor Oowrttr, a newapapeí prtnted and cirru tedio aiil couuty, tliree iuocealT mmW mi to saiil d:iy or hearine. (A truc copy.) W1LLIAM D. HAKK1MAN, JudgeofProtwteWM . O. ÜOTY, Probate Reïluter. 137-!.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News