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POWDER Absolutely Pure. ThUpowdernever varios. A marvel of pU' rlty.strenatli and wlmlrsomenesB. More economical than the ordlnary kinds, and cannot be sold In corapetltion wlth the multitud il low test, short welght, slum or phosphate powders. Sold only In ciuis. Itoyiil link In " Powder Co . 1O6 Wall st.. N.V. Skin Diseases. our oldet child, now slx years of ge, whcn an Infunt (x m 'iitlis old, was attacged by a vlrulent, malignant skin diseaee. All ordlnary remedies failing, " caliud oar tiimily pbysictan, who at Mirited toca'elt; hut It spread wlth alraost incredlble rapidity, uutll the lower portion of the littlo fellow's pereon, from the middle of hls bark down to his kien, was one olid rash, ugly, palnfnl, blotcbcd, and maltcious. w'e hert uo rest at night, no i-eace by day. Finally we wcre aduised to Iry thcCirricURA Kemeiiies. The effect was simply marvellou. Iu three or four week a cora píete cure v i wroog it. leaving the littlc fellow's ht.-oii as white and heiilthy as tuough he hadnever been attack.-d. In my opinión your valuable remedies eaved his tifi?, and 'oday he isastrunf , hralthy child.p rrpetition of the diseaüe havingerer occurrid. I, 1!. SMITII, Att'y at Law and Ex-Prue. Att'y. Aehlacd, O. Rkfkrekce: J. 8. Weist, Druggist, Ashland, O. THOUSANDS OF CHILDREN Are born Into thc world every day with f orno ecze mitnuí affection eoch :is in:lk ctust. sea 1 head, ecurf, or dandrnff. snre to duvclop Into an agonizitg eczfmi, the ltchiog, burnine aud i!l-Du'urition H whlch make Ufe a prolongad torture nntnw pniperly trestod. A warm bath wlth Cutici:ka exquisitc Skln Heantitler. and a ii g ¦¦ np (catión of Outici'ílá, the (reat kin ('uru, with a little CUTirunA Kkvedieo, the Niw Blood l'uriliir. ta oHen (uffleient to arrest the prt greB of the disca-e, and point to a ipeadv and peiminent cure. Hei.ce, no mothir wlio loven her children, who takeg pride iu their buanf . purity, ind heallh. and ín besowirg apon th m a child'H tjettmt inheritance,- a skin withi'Ut a blemUh. and a hody nouriphed by pur bluod,- íhimld lall to ni ke trial of the C'üticuka Rekcdib. Sold everywhere. Prlce: CtmruA, 50 c. Soap, -!:i c; Rksipi.vkn t, $1.00. Prepars-d by the 1'ottkk l)aua Chemicai. Cu., Boetim. Mass. tSend for "Uow to Uure Skin Dleascs," 01 pages, 50 illustrations, and 100 testimoniáis. RARY'Q skinandScalppreservedand beautiUrU I O fltd by CuticlkíMkui.athdSoap. Gonstitutional Catarrh. No single disease has entailed more sufferlng or hastened the breaklng up of the constltutlon than Catarrh. The eense uf amell, of taste, of slght, of heanne, the hnman voice, the mind- one or more, and ometlmes all, yleld to lts destructive Inflaence. The poisun it dlxtribatey throu"hout the syatem attarks every vital forcé, and breaks up the most robust of corstttutlons. I?nored, becanse b it little understoud, ly moet physiclans, impotently assailed by quarks and charlatans, those suffcring frum it bave little hope to be relicved of it thtp side of the erave. It is time, then, that ti; popular treatmvnt of tbls terrible disease by remedies withln the reach of all passed into hinds at once competent and trnetworthy. The new and bitherto untried method adopted y Dr. Sandlord in the preparatlon .of hls Radical Cube bas won the heurty anp-oval of thousands. It ts ini-tantaneou tn aft"i)rdlug relief in all head cold, neezing. ennffilng and obstructcd breathint;, and nipidlv removes the oppressive symptoms, clearing the head, sweetenfng the breitb, ruftoring the senses or amell, taste and hearing, and ncutrallzing the constltutional tendency of the disease towarda the lungs, llver and kiüncys. SAsnroRD's Ridicai. Cir conslsts of one bottle of the Radical ('uri, one boi of Catakbiial Soi.vent, and an Improveü Iniialbk; $1. POTTIB Dlll'il AND I 'ii EMU 'Al. CO.. BOSTON. KIDNEY PAINS, Strnins and Weakneam, Kelleved in ore minute by that marvelV]9 " Antidote to l'aln. Inflammationland Jm We,knes. Iba I uticura Antlf #¦ PHin PlaMtrr. Thu first and only lk pain-killiiiK strenthcnilig piaster. Es' ir pocially adapted to lnstantly relieve ar.d speedily cure Kldney and Uterine Pains and Weakness. Warranted vawtly nnperior to all other plas ers. At all drusgists, 26 cents ; flve for $1.00 ; or, postage free, of I'oti'kr Dkl' Sl Cukmicai. Co., Boston, Mass. MonuinentsStatLiary. SCIEHTISTStór ¦ r Marb'lEOR wwXSSm WHITE BRONZE MONUMENTS! Took flrttfpremlami ut tlie Ann Arbor and Clielseii Faii-s. Not being porous like stone, tliey can not absorb moistnrp, grow moss, nor ¦ninil)]e and wil] Defjtne Toot hof Time tor Ceuturies. BENJAMIN CULY, Agent. No. 6 Easl Washington St., over Klusey & Seabolfg. -ti. IJ X I_J jL-L 1' a. tEGAN'S IMPERIAL TKUSS. Splral Spring, graded from 1 to 6 pounds In pressure. WORN DAY AND M(.ll I, by an lnfant a week old, or au adultSOyear. 1, ndles Trusfics a perfectlon. EncloHe Ktamps for testimoniáis of cures, etc. EOAN IMPERIAL TRD8S CO., ANN AltHuK, MlCH.


Ann Arbor Courier
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