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" N.iw in orklöfl dippen neatly, OlrU prepare ror Cbnstnia dy by and DJ iney'D work Lbem lleetly in a more emphatio wuy." -Ko pulcnt applietl for. Matt Btluison, tlie sign wrlter, is dow with O. O. Sorg. Win. 1'. OtOTM pays the highest tax oi any man n Xorthlicld. The otothtng stares aro open ereningi now duringthe holldays. What a horrible tliia pocket book paterfamilias carries nou ! This is the season of delight for the American people, old and young. In the liitest lift of pensions pnblishei is one for Edward L. Negus, Chelsea. The iut'aiit chlld of Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Mrl'ill, of Webster, dled Mondty. Xext Sunday tlie M. E. cliurch Sunday school will have ¦ ipeclal Cnristutaa service. Perry F. Potrera is sald to have palc $4,800 for the Citdillao News. Ctieap enougli. Some people have yet to learn that al] drop letters under free delivery require a two-ceut atnnp. Mary E. M irlett wasgranted a divorce from Obariea -Murlett i:i the circuit court court, yesterday :i. m. A record has just Leen completed at this office, coutaining 230 pages, in the case of Ilowu vs. Nortb. Rev. Dr. Steele filled the pulpit of the JeÜ'erson ave. Presbyterian ehurch last Suuday morning and evening. The desirable ChrUtmaa gifts have been mostlv Beleoted aml lald away iu a pretty pac-kage marked " paid."' Emily Defriee, aged about 10 yearp, dietl at the home of her parents in the 2d ward last Thursday, of CUptherta. It is quite noticeable that but few ofour young men are emigratlog to Canada because of the dread of leap year. The recular inonthly niother's meeting wil! be held iu the Baptist ehurch, Wednesday, Dec. 28th, at o o'clock p. in. The Temporalice Union will hold a social at Cropsey's hall, Friday evenlog, Dec. 23d. Come all and have a merry Christmas. At the Congregational ehurch next Sunday foreuoon the Suuday school of the churcli will bold its special service in eouiiuein mitiou of the day. Mrs. E. E. Beal has an Oleander tree, over 25 years of age, which is now putting forth buds and blossom, soinething unusual tor this time of year. The Cni'uiKii wiihea you all a Meny Christiuas, mul hopea tlial the ion wiil not go down next Sunday nlgllt on a wd heart iu all its cl iele of reader. Fred Brown, the Main street saloon keeper, had lus letl leg brokeu by beiag thrown from a buggy near Cnp-andSaucer hill list Sunduy evening. The board ot directora of the Washtenaw Fiie Ins. Co, will meet next Friday at 10 o'elock a. iu., to adjust some small losaes and make their anianil report. And now is the time of yearwhen Express Agent Ames bal his banda and head and wagons dnd cllice tull - all preseuts. W'hy uouldu't he make a capital Santa Claus V At the UiiHiirlan ilnucli next Sunday there will be a Cbrlatmas sermón in tin: murning ; and in fie evening the lifth of Mrs. Sunderland's leclures on "The Books ot the Biblc." At the meeting of republlcan clubs in New York City, the telegraph tells us tUat the Wasliteimw delegation called upon Roscoe Conkling wlnle there, and were very cordially received. When some of the parcuts of boys H'llO plav Loot buil om llic sticits hnvc to py tor a imasbed carri ige or au injured or kiMed norse, therawill probably be leS8 of the sport on the street. Cliauncey Oreutt lost his handsome black horse Moaduy nlght, he thinks from the result ef over-Ieeding. The animal was valued at $1M, but eould not have been bought for twice that figure. Chilclreu'8 Gbrtetmai services at St. AndrewV ehun-.h öunduy p. in. at 3:30 o'clock. On Monday afternoon at 4 o'elock a festival for tin: memben of ihe Sunday-school will be lield at llobart Hall. List Thursday night Mrs. C Cornwell, of Vpsilanti, had lier pookctboOk grubbed from her hand wliile walking upou the street, and the thii-f eacapedi 'l'iiis was the second robbery of the kind within a day or two. Verily the "gilded youths"' of ïpsl. are on a lark. It was not Bis. Mary J. Spaldlng whose deatb occured at Kunsas City, Mo., as stated last week, bot her husband Alphonso Bpaoldlng, Mr. S. was formerly a resident here iu business with Fred Esslinirer, aml was we 11 knowo to m-iny of our people. He wasabout -KJyearsof age. The tox levy of the Srat district of Ann írníL?8? íen 'lllc1"reii '"valid ou aocoont ter Lmita? " Paen.llng the tax.-DexTlmtitem U all right enough except there is not a word ot truth tn it, as the leader man will ünd out if he lias any property in foat district. The school board have Pettled with uonaldson tt Meier, giving tbem SlüO lor their preliminary plans, and f150 for the plans, ppecitications, etc, that were partially adopted. Eacb architect was Paid $.)0 fur plans submitted. In the Jappan school building, architect Pond was paid $200, altliough his plans were not adopted. Itisa cold day when Br.). Ulosser, of tue Manchester Enterprise doesn't get on to gome new i, lea. litar him : "Use the wners of envelopes for book mark. Justslip the triangular pieces over the corner of the leaf, or of two or three leaves together, and it makel the best Kiiw of a book mark. It does away with Jog-eared leaves." Last Thursday evening a large number oi visitlng brother.s were present at the nwting of Uolden Hule Lodge, from ipsilvnti ai,d Chelsea to wftneae the ralsmg of Fred W. Howlett, our genial ' ""'y c'ei to the degree of master maso,. After the work had been exemphhed the broihers repaired from labor to refreshments, and a very aceeptablc vo d Uble relasl W:IS liandsomely deAn attempt is being made to organize a company to be known as the Ann Arbor Mutual Fire Insurance Co, to take detached risks in cities and villages in the of Washtenaw, VVayne and Jackson. The company to have lts business office at Ann Arbór, and the oflicers to consist of president, secretary, treasiirer, and seven directors, to hold office (or one year The paper is being gen„rnVwll)y '"'"''oWers and the project bids fajr to be successful. . The new light at the corner of State id ulier streets, shincs out in a manner pleaslng to all the Inhabltants of Fuller street, more partieularly toevery one govin Il5t yet "tablished has given greater satisfaction 'nn P10"6"8 ro"ms llave been cleaned Z'r f i ! rk',wh" wi" devote the greater Part of his time in carin for the rol &; Clillk tilkC3 w% üm ¦ u?n",'' a'!'' Y" "l"nt of the same vwii be pleaalng to the public en'fsnf0!1.'1 b0!a of co""ty siipcrintendi tl, ' ""r UM llieir last müag boar 1 'm y h0Ue yrday. The new ward will meet Tueaday, J,in 31 it s candn ) McConnlck of Vpsilanti, are ake Whichever one iUlnVl? ' !"wi" Bod difficalt job m ni dne p[?ce K we" II8 lc l'as been nuul smee Mr. MeDowell look charge Thero's a box in the cellar, a bundle upstalrs And Uie íamlly cherubs are whlsperlng lu pairo, It's all about Cbrlst mas, I know lt Ís Christmaa, Oíd Chrlstmas once more. When I venture to enter wliero laughtrr i rife, " Yon cannot come Ín," cries the volee of my wMki 'Tls thcBweet slch of Chrlstmas, The cumian of Chrlstmas, Oíd Chrlstmas once more. When I open a closet to look for my hat 1 ñud- but no matter, it is not the cat, It Ís somethlnx for Chrlstmas, A comfort for ('hristmas, Oíd ChrUtmaa once more. New York Mom ing Journal The pulpit oftlieCongregnlionalcliurcl will be filleU by Kov. Dr. Steele next Sun day a. m. Ilarkiiis & Willis have got a'pnteut 01 tlieir bread toaster. They have a dead surc thing on it all the time. Fred. Barrett, of BonchtOD, has arrlvec In the city to enter the eniploy of the Thompson-Huston Electric Co. There is to be a course of lectures during the inonlu of Junuary, by Dr. Ed ward Egíjleston, on Dante, at Hobar Hall. Next Tuesday evening thu Epteoopa Sunday school at Geddes will have í Christmas tree, at which there will be slnging and recitatlons. Boys in the postofflee and boys in the court-house corridors are a good deal of a nuisance. Come to think of it, boys are nuisances anyway. The Milan Leader calis them the "Shewauagon Orchestra." But then It don't make much diflerence what you cali theni, they play just as sweet. Services in St. Andrew's church next Sunday, being Ohrlstmas day, as follows: 7:30 a. m., Litany and Addre9s; 10:30 a. m., Morning Prayer, Holy Comtnunion and AiUIrcss: 8:80 p. m , Evening Prayer and Children's Service. No night service. The A. M. E. church will glve a grand concert in Cropsey's Hall next week, 'l'uesday and Wcdnesdny eveuings. The lint (veiling will be a Iï.irley Harvest, and Cotton-Picking the secoiui. Singing, rtfreshments, social time, etc, will make a good programme. The following chancery cases were disdom4 of yesterdiiy by Judge Joslyn : I.uke Dake vs. Geo. and Phebc Naller Doeree granled to the complainant without costs, f or $525. U. L. Hale vs. Caroline Fergson; Judgmeiit for plaintiff, six cents, without costs to either party. At a meeting of the Mystic Circle last Mondiy evenlnj? the following Mystics were selected to mystlfy canuldatea for the next year : W. Ruler-K. Klttrldge. W. V. Kuler-A. Wllscy. Past W. Ruler- Geo. L. Moore. W. Reo.- N. D Gates. W. Col.-F. H. Belser. V. Trea.-W. A. Tolchard. Medical Examlner- Geo. A. Ilciuliick Chaplaln- t). C. Fall. Marshal- J. W. Haylpy. Wurden- Jos. I. WllUauu. Guard-L. D. Wtnes. Sentry- IIoraoeT. Parfleld Trustees-L. ü. Wlnes, W. W. Nlchol, O. Eberbach.


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