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The sophotnoies will swing $1.90 canes Tliere were 42 couples at the sophoniore liop. Tlie plee club wcre photographed Saturday. J. M. Stafford cunea forward as No. '¦ in the f 100 subscriptions for the gymnasium. Next. Jack Hibbard is able to be out again, at hia home in Hydo Park, UI. You can learn to remember not to forget for 5 and a book - perhap?. Tlie junior hop cotnmittee bavedecidec upon Feb. lOtli, as the d;ite for their hop. Prof. de Pont will rehearse the tnembers of the dramatic club who reinain in tovvn. F. C. Smith and O. C. Smith went to Jackaon Monduy to iuspect the new gas works. The l'alladluin will plvc a prtze fur Hu best song writleu by a gradúate or midergraduate. The senior int'chaiiical enpineers went to Detroit Hulurday, wilh Prof. Cooley, lo see a boat launcli. Dr. Palmef has been very ill for the past two weeks, and was not consideren! any betler at last reports. Ben n tor Palmer gaine a "spread'' to President Angelí and the fian coimniscioners, last Wednesday. O. C. Burnett medie '90, has been ouligcd to return to liis home iu Cleveand because of il 1 hcalth. The class of '91 were handsomely engrtofned at the Arlington house, last Kriday eveninr, by Mr. Howes. The glee club and amphion club were promiiuMit features of tlie cliaritj' concert at the Baptist church last evening. The Chrouiclc will not chronicle any nore university events until Jan. lOtli. All the boys have gone home to get their resents. Tlie free lecture at University hall last Friday eyeolnjr, was a big advertising scheme for the lecturei and his book on ïever forgettiug. Prof. Guyley is oontemplaUns a new course in exteinporaneous spcaking, on a lew plan, to commeiice at the beginning if llm lir'Y 1. kíMUPftf ír_ We predicr, right licre, that the $100 SnbscrlpUon fiincl for the gymnasium will be a success. Later on our rcason for thinking so will be giveu. Harvard collego dUtrlbuted ?53"000 to lnrtlgnannt student lust yeur, ind $,000 will be giveu Lhtsyear. - Uamerou (Mo.j Suu. Who wouldn't be " indignant " undcr those clrcumttanoes f It paya, you see. The soniors at their meeting last Saturday ndopted the Eualish (or Oxford) cap niid gown. The iashion-s must bc u.iheld, and our slyle Imported froni 'liOld 'HeDJJland. The glee club is in high glee. Gov. Alger lias ofltred thein his private car in which to m.ike tlieir tour daring the March vacaüon. Thcy will uudoubtedly accept. On a recent Suturday fre-hman "coed" made the dit-tunee iicross the country froni Ann Arbor to Ypsilanti, on font, in less thiin two hours. Wcll done. Who eau beat it? It wou ld be gooi exercise for the young ladies to try it. - Oluonicle. An antique farm log Implemeot in the form of a plow. arrived at the museum last week froin Holland. It was brought to Holland, Mich., from the Netheriands in 1847, and was donated by the Bon of Herr Dimmen Den Blagker. - Arjjonaut. While attempting to rob a bank at Galesburg recently, one of the burglars was shot and died a lew days thereafter. Now the boys in the medical depai tment are picking hii bones. A ead warninfr not to get cuught at it. And Ilarpcr's wny isu'l mach safer. An attempt is belng made to popularice 100 subBcriptions for a $10,000 organ to ie placed in University hall, to be ealled he " Frieze memorial organ," after the vorthy aetin preeident, wliom every one everes. It Is to be hoped tbat the $100 ubscriptions will roll in plcntiful and Ut llow ni(-e it would be for gome man 0 make the Univeráity a Christmas presnt of this organ. President Angelí la home from Washngtou to rest a bit after his arduoot utiesin scttllng the lisberies question beween thia country and Canada, or ita naina, QoMO Vic. He expects to return ;ain to Washington in acouple of weeks, n settliug this vexed question the Dr. aya that he rinds the llshlng tackle very nueh tangled, as lines are apt to be where nany are iishing in one pool, but he hopea 0 unravel them all and bring everything out atnicably. The Uniyeraity dramatic club Is not sleep, but is attendmg to business in a Iraniatic way, under the excellent guidance of Prof. de l'ont. Their ürst public ppearance will bo at the opera house, anuary 27tb, iu a play borrowed from rance for the occasion, entitlcd "The ilystic Bell of Honquerolles," whatever bat may mean. The club proposes to lave public i ehearsals in one of the liter-' ary halls at the Univeralty from time to 1 me. A change of venue has beengranted in he case of the Farmer' and Mechanic's !ank vs. John Keek nnd Wm. Aprill. It will bo tried in the Livingston circuit, at lowell. Wm. Kuehn, while bauling coal for Vlichael ötaebler, was quite severely inured Monday, by the reach of the wagon striking him :u the región of the hips, by the baeking up of the team. The people all have conlldcnce in J. T. Jocobs ite Öo., and kuow that when thcy advertise a Ihing they mean it, and when Iheysaya thinji it is so. That ia why tbelr trade booms right along all tho time. J. T. Jacobs & Co. are making thlogf livcly in their store this week. The crowds coming there to take advantage of tha great reduction sale is utonlabing. One would think that the people would all get clothed after a while, butstill they come for honest gooda It astonishingly ow i)rices.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News