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In the Sunntc on tbc ï'.'ih 594 bilis and joint resolutions woro introduood, among tbem beIng the following: Kor pensions to all who erved during the war; to prohmtt tho manufacture, iraportatlon or salo of lntoxicatlng liquors In th8 United States; to approprtate )_10;,800 for sea coast defenscs; to establish a postal tolegraph; for tho admlsslon of Dakota und Washington Terrltories a States; for a oonstltutional amendmcnt in relatlon to bigatny mul polygamy; to relio burse tho soveral States for interest pftld on war taxes; to prohlblt the lottlng of Government worlt to contractor employing convlct labor; for u constllulional ¦mendment cxtendlng tho right of Buffrage; requlrlng ton yoars' restilcnco beforo forelgners can declnre their intentlon to become oitizens of the United States, except t luit in the case of thoie arrlvlng bcfore they reach the age of twontyone yoars a residence of slx years only shall be required; opproprlatlng t7,M.000 to erect publlo buildings; to relmburse prisoners of war and nurses who were in the military or naval servlca dunne the war of the rebelllon; to restrict the ownershlp of real estáte in the Territorios to American oltlzens; to provide for the inspection of meats for exportation, and to prevent the importatton of adulterated articles. The comtntuees were announced .. In the House Speaker Carllsle requestcd thst tho members seleot the Committee on Eleetlons. A nuniber of propositloni to amend the rules were submittcd, to be referred when the comniittecs were appolnted. Hui.-; were introduccd as follows In the Senate on tho l.'ith : To remove the limltatlon in the payuient of arrcars of pensions and to equallzc the rates: to eztend the Congresslonal term till the last. Tuesday in April; to amend the Interstate commerce act; to open the great Slome reservatlon in Nebraska to settlement; to tax manufacturera and dealers in adulterated lard, and requlring it to be stamped: to repúlate the holding of Congresional electious In Soutli Carolina, Florida, Misslssipi amt Lonfltura. The CVmmlUee on Privileges and Klections deeided the West VirKinia contesied eleotiOB rase In favor of Mr. Faulkner In the House a large number of executive lommunications vine presented by the Speaker :ind appropriately reTerred. The Committee on Etocttons w;is unnounced nd accepted. Atljourucd to the löth. Ai nu the introductinn oí several bilis In the Sonate on the 1-lth Mr Morrill spoke at length on hls bill rclating to forclgn immigration, the principal object of which, he cxplained, was to have the character of the Immlgrants exauilned ty the United States Consul at the port of departuro. Re ftMted tbat nearly one-thlrd of the populatlon of the country was composed of foreigners, and expressed a doubt as to the possibllity of tninsfiM'iiiinK them Into good American oiii.-'ns The House was not in teulon In the Senate bilis were introduced on the &5th to protect employee and servants engaged In Inter-State commerce; to extend the general land and mining laws over the Territory of Alasku; to facilítate the settlement and development of the resources of A'.aska, and to open an overland commercial route between the United States, Asiatlo Russia and Japan; to forfclt lands granted to the State of Michigan for a railroad from Marquette to Ontonagon. Mr. Stewurt advocated his bill providlng for the Issue of coin certifícales to circuíate as money. Adjourned to the 18th The House was not in scsslon. The Senate was not In session'on the 16th In tho House a concurrent resolution was adopted providlng for the adjournment of Congress from Deccmbor K to January 4. A reolutlon of regret over the death of E. W. Iiobertson. late a member-elect of the Flftleth Congress from Louibian.t, was adopted. and as a mark of respect the Hoiwe niljourned untll the 19th. OOMESTIC. Fouit illloit distilleries were dlscovered on the 13th in Pickans County, Oa., by United States officials. Tliey had been in operatlon over five years. Thkek chililren of Henry Fawcett, living near l'olnt Pleasant, V. Va., were burned to death on the l:tth in the house in which they were locked while thelr father and mother were absent Whit.e diunk on the Kith at Claremont, Vt, Joel Crowthur, utfed twentv-twoyeara, choked hiB mother to death SrscK the moveinent began to curtall the production of oil the stocks have been reducedby 1,.!(M),(HK) barrelu The quarterlv report of President Green, of the Western Union Telegraph Conipany, ghowa that the net revenue of the oom - pany for the quurter endino December 31 wlll be about f1,300,000, and that the surplus will be ín the neijrhlxirhood of if!7,Ö34,000. The bain of John Cecker, in Manor townslnp, l'a., wus burned on the 1-Kh, wlth all the season's cropa and faim iniplementg, thirty-two head of oattle, twenty-flve heod of hogs, five inules and a horse. The season's lumber-ent at Cheboygan, Mich. . was on the 1 -tth estiinated at about 116000,000 feet- the lnrgest cut on record. AcroBDiNO to the annual report on the 14th of the New York l'homber of Commerce the ralne of goods exported from the l'nited Stntes during the year was $725,733,263, whüe the value of importe waa $7rc,4!iO,."i(i(), the excees in favor of Importe bfiiiR ¦-¦c,t)77.L!)7. The value of exporte of beef, hog and dairy producte for November, 1HS7, wa $7,O7ti,t;i; 1H8(, $7.570,760. For eleven months en'ded November 30, 1887, $79 - 273,262; 1K80, $77,050,04). Didry Producte-November, 1887, $U11,O93; 188Ö, $608,675. For eieren months ended November 30, 1887, 99,135,140; 1886, f7.438,331 Beef and Pork Produote- November, 1887, f8,460,896; itMM, $0,962,Otll. A team containing Charles Whalen, his ft'ii'e and daughter, feil through the ice on the 14th on the Missouri rlver, twenty miles below Bismarck, D. T., and all perished. At the convention of the American Federation of Labor in Baltiinore on the 14th a very bitter feellng was manifested agalnst the United States Brewers' Associatlon, which was denounoed as the most powerful antagonist that organb.ed lubor had to contend witli. Stockmen from the nor. hern part of the Panhandle, Tex. , called u]on the State and Federal authorities on the 14th f. protection against cattle-thieve. They declared that the public land strip was virtually in the possession of these desperadoes, and that murders were of daily occurrence. At a reception given in Washington on the 1 Hli to Slr Thomas Esmonde and Arthiir Ü'C'onnor, of Ireland, home-rule speeches were made by Senators iSherman, IiiKalls, Hawley and others. The greater part of Pocahontas, Tenn., was deBtroyed by tire on the llth. Stockbolders of tho Keely motor held a meeting at Philadelphia on the 1 Kh, the ürst llnoa lh.SU. Mr. Kefily in his report expres6ed contidenoe of ultímate success in the experimenta which he is making. Wono Ah Lusu, a Chinaman of San Francisco, was on the 1 Ith sentenced to ten years' hnprisonment and fined $2, 000 foc Importlng women into the country for immoral purpoeos. Thieveh broke into the store and dwelling of Thomas Powell on the 14th at Kllgore, Ky. , choked his daughter to death, frightfully beat the old man and stole $000. A fibï on the 14th deslroyed the Excelsior pall factory and the starch-mills at Elkhart. Incl. the los being $1 16.000. Sandb Hopkins, of Kansas City, who In uur year ran through a fortuno of $1,000,OOO In rlotouH living, commltted suïcide on the 1-lth by tuk ing; polson. In the United Staten District Court at Dubuque. Ia., on the 1 lih Judge Shlras renianded to the State courts all the brewery and saloon caaos whlch had been removed to hls court It was said that this aotlon foreshadowed the closlng up of all the saloons and breweries in the State at an early date. Mbs. Fannt Husbasds was robbed by a negro on the l.rth near Meridian, Miss., who afterwards cut out her tongue. A hotel, at Crescent. Cal, was blown down by a storm on the 15th, and two persons were killed mil fourteen others badly lnjured. Mant buildings on the south slde of the plaa at Bt Angusttue, Fla,, were burned on the lfith, causinsr a los of $200,000. The four coke strikers oo trial at Unlontown, Pa., for assaulting non-unlon minors, were convlcted on the of rlot and conplracy. The maximum penalty for rlot Is elght yoars' imprlsoninent At Polo, Mich. , James Scott and two shaineless women namei Hhamp and Oldstead wcre tarred and feathered on the lOth by a mob, then rldden on a rail and commanded to leave the town within ten hours. Mkssksüek ('hief, the noted trotting stalllon, died at Versailles, Ky., on the löth. Ho was the proierty of Oeorge A Slngerly, of Phlladelphla, who valued hun at $20,000. Thi hcaviest snow-Htorin In the memory of the oldest inhabitant was reported throughout Western 'IVxaa on the löth, four to slx Inuhes liaving fallen in soma places. A staoe running botween I.ittle Rock and Carrollton, Ark., was stopped by three men on the 15th, who robbed the passengen of ft0) and two gold watches. Two-dollab silver certlflcates altered to fives apearod in large nurabers in New York on the l."tli, and were said to be more dangerouo than if wholly counterfelta. The portralts of Oeneral Hancock on the gcnulne bilis are so changed, howover, on the spurlous ocrtiücates as to make thein resemble no person known to fame. Itauas resident of Washingion propose to present the Govcmment with a marble bust of Oaribaldl. OKOOBArimii. smveyors on the 15th found a rich outcrnp of copper noar Stamford, Vt It was being developed. A fibe on the 1 "tli in the business district otUhattanooga, Tenn., destroyed property valued at $100,000. At the twenticih annual meeting of the Freedman' Aid Society of the Methodist Church, held in Chicago on the 15th, ltwas shown that iu the past twenty years over one hundred thouaaud negroes had been educated. The societv has property valued at $1,500, WK). The three young sons of William Brewer, living Toledo, O., were crusbed to death ou the IMta by a tree which feil on them. Joskph Kvioht, who had bt-en bookkeeper of the Manufacturera' National Bank of Philadolphla for thirtv-tive years, waa arrested on the l,th for embexzliug about 5!70.O()O of the bank's funda A quARE of biislncxs buUdiiigs at Shelbyvllle, Tenn., was burned on the Llth, caustng a loss of over $100,000. and Charles UcCullom, on trial at Newton, IIL, for the murder of George Bowen, wcre both fonTid gullty on the 16th and sentenced to twenty-two years' imprisonment An Incendiary tire on the lüth destroycd the business portion of Mapleton, D. T. About one-s.xth of the real estáte in Shamokin, Pa, was on the 10 th found to be covered by au unsatisned mortgage dated 1840, and originally for $12,000. The sheriff had notiñed owners that he would sell the property to xutisfy the mortgage December 3(1 Mkr Marie Katheb, of Topeka, Kan., was bnmed to death on the lüth, her clothlng catching tire while she was filling a lamp. The exp'osion of a boller on the llith in the Edison Electric Iight Company's works at West ('heat er, Pa,, caused the death of ftvi' persons and the lnjury of three others. The Denver, Utah & Paciüc raüroad shops at Denver were wreoked on the 16i,h by the explosión of a boiler, a locotnotive and all the machtnery being ruined. Loss, $0,000. DirRrso a fumily quarrel on the lötb at Kenton, O., Charles Thomas stabbed and killed his niece, Miss Brlggs, and fatally cut hls brother's wife. The eoal f mninu still continued on the 16th in Western Kuiisiih, $12 50 per ton belng paid for an inferior quality, and very Httle to be had at that prica Durino the se ven days ended on the 16th there were 25D business failures in the United States, agalnst 238 the prevlous seven days. It was thought at Washington on the lGth that the Territories of Dakota, Washington, Montana and possibly Utah would be admltted Into the Union during the present session of Congress. A touth named Woolfolk, who murdered ntne of his faiully, was found gullty at Macon, Oa,, on the ltHh, and sentenced to be hanged February 10. Qeobue (been, a notorious cattle thief, was lynched on the lüth near Flemlngton, Fla. A oood flow of natural gas was struck on the lCth at Fairvlew, Cal R l'dr.TKR Las, of BuSalo, X. Y., a defaultlngbank cafihler, who awlndled numerous f anners and atook ralnorn in Michigan, was on the lüth pardo ned by President Cleveland. John Howson, a famous comedian, ageCL forty-f oux years, dropped dead at Troy, N. Y. , on the lüth, frora beurt dlsease. Chestek Helixiws was hanged on the lüth at Charle City, Ia, for the innrder of Allee Waterman. Thls was Ule ürst executlon In the State since 1863i Whitsett, a half-wltted boy, aged thirteen yeara, of Columbus, Ark., on the lGth cut off the heads of hls brother, aged nine years, and his sister, aged six years. At the meeting In BaJUmore on the lOth of the American Federation of Labor Samuel h. Gompers, of New York, was re-elected president. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. The official vote on división In Dakota shows that North Dakota gave a majorlty of 10,000 against división and South Dakota a majorlty of 13, 028 for it The State Granges of Illinois, Wlsconsin, Michigan and Ohio met in annual seaslon on the 13th, the first named at Sprlngtleld, tba second at Madlson, the third at Lanslng and the fourth at Cantón. Genebal Thomas Smith. a distlngnlshed soldier, who was Grant's chief of staff at the close of the war, dled on the 14th at New York, aged txty-8ven yeara. WrLUAM Mahonk was on the 1 Ith nominated by acolamation for United States Benator by the Republicana of the Virginia Legislature. Joheph H. Hunneman, of Boston, th largest manufacturar of re engines In the United States, died on the 14th, aged seventy-üve years. Hls fathr made the flrst flre engine. The Michigan State Grange, in session on the 1 Ith at Lanslng, adopted a resolutlon In favor of the Local-Opüon law, and pledglng tbo mom hem to seouro the prohlbltlon of the llquor tramV in tlmlr Reveral localltiea. GovKUNon Charles H. Bodweix, ¦ ! Mstne, diedoii the lfith at IiIn home la Hallowell, aged Blxtv-nine years. Êe h;il been Vifferlng fur ome timn. A coNVKNiioN of dolegattw, repteaentfag all the couuties In tbo Territory of Dakota, was held at Aberdeen on the lSlh, and a memorial to. Congress MI uuanimously adopted prnying that body to pass U enabllug act kdmMtlDg Dakota to the Union as one State. Tn Alabama deUgatei to the National Prohlbltion convention, in seaslon on the lfiüi at Montgomery, were instructed to rote for (oni'rel Clinton B Plake for President. Th National convrntinn of It-publican clubs met In New York on the 15th. Daniel J. Ryan, of Ohfo, was elected tomporary cbaixman, and a viro prosidont was ohosen froni eaoh Hl ad' The Anti-Kaloon Ropnbllcan Ktate Commlttee met in Syracune, N. Y , on tho lOth and adopted a platform doclaring that there Is an lrrepresslble oonllict between the liquor traftic and Chrlstian clvlllzatlon, and favoring prohibition amnndments and local option and rcstrlction by taxatlon. AT the meeting of the Republlcan clubs in New York on the 16th William M. Kvartii wm elected permanent chalrmnn. A draft was presented of a constitntion for a National organizatlon, to be known as the "Republlcan League of the Unitod States, of which a president, thrce vtce-president and a secretarv and treaaurer are to be the offleerw. WnxiAM Aiken, a colored man, sald tobe one hnndred and tbreo years old, was niarried on tho Kith in Coluniuta, S. C, to Bnsan Wataon, a young wldow thirty-three years old. _____ FOREIGN. The post-oföco at Norwood, Ont, was robbed on ths l.ith oí $1 1,000 in cash, $MW In stani] and #10.000 in notes and sccuritles. Three men, one of thera a New York detective, were convlcted at Liverpool on the llJth of smuggltnjr tobáceo inslde of cotton bales and were Üued .fS.OOO. The ljegislatnre which was recently elected in Hawali has cut down the salarles of all the Htato ofilcl ils and materially re duced the ualary of the KtAg. Twentt wealthy residents of the City of Mexico were on the 14th fined f or practlclng rellgious ocremonies on the streets contrary to law. A UNTTEn Statkr Finh ('oimnission car arrived in tbe Uity of Mexico on the 15th with flve thousand carp and goldflsh as a gift to the Mexican Government A discovebï of several bnshels of buried Spanish gold pleces. of the date of 17Ü5, was made by two persons near Kt Martiu's, N. B., on the l."th. Advices received in San Francisco on the 15tb state that Ching Chow and ten other populous citles in the provinoe of Honau, China, were destroyod on the nlght of September 28 last by the burnting of the banks of the Vellow river, a foriner rich plain of great extent belns now ten to tliirty feet nnder wator. TbousandB of lives were lost, and mllllons of people were reportcd naked and starvlug. The catastrophe was sald to ba the most appalling occurronce of modern tiraea. Mánt of the Btudents of the üniveralty of Moscow who created a riotin that city recently were arrested on the and sent into exile. Dispatchks of the 15th say that eight men were killed and forty wounded in an election rlot at Jamauive, Mex. The ballotboxes were destroyed and the old mayor wül hold over. John V. Ellis, inember of the Dominion Parliament for St John, N. B., in hls paper, the Olobt, declares In favor of annexlng Canada to the United States. The total narnber of immigrante arrivlng In Canada from .Tannarv 1 to November 30 of thlsyear was l.'IH, lüli, o ugainst 30'.,492 the correspondlng perlod of the year precedlug. Tbe Mexlcan Congress adjourned on the lOth after authorizlng a now loan of L10,500,000 and passing a law making educa tion compulsory tu the federal district and the territories. LATER NEWS. Jara O. Whtttier, the poot, celebrated the elghtieth anniversary of his birth on the 17th at his home in Danvers, Mass. M any distingaiflhed people called upon hiui during the day to o fier their congratulations. Geoboe üauebij and wife, an elderly couple at Hamburg, N. Y. , were burnedto deatli in their home on the 17th, As a result of the feud between the Adams and (Satwell foutions in Rock Castle County, Ky. , Beven men were killed during the week ended on the 17th, raany oth'rs were wounde 1 and severul hoiises were burned. The art store of J. C. Iverson A Co., at Milwaukee, was destroyed by flre on the 17th, the loss amonntinfr to over $100,000. The bodies of the Chicago Anarohlsts, Spies, Parsons, Fischer, Engel and Llngg, were lnterred at Woldhelm Cemetery on the lSth In the presenue of about two thousand people. Am extensivo systein of robbery from the Government stores in Kew York was discovered on the 1 7l)l St. Petei:sbuik adrices of the lSth say that tbere has been a conflict in Syria between Bedotiins and Drusea, in which the latter had 1 BO killed and 500 wounded. The convention of Republloan clubs at New York completad it labors on the 17th and adjourned. James P. Folter, president of the New York Itepublican Club, was elected president of the newly-created National League, and vice-presidents were chosen from each State and Territory. The total salt product of M ohlg au during the past year was 8,9 14,809 barrels, agalnst 3,007,237 barrels In 18815. lii an explosión on the 17th in a coalmine at Fleming, Kim., three men were killed. The exchanges at twenty-slx leadlng houaes in the United States during the week ended on the 17lh aggregated $i,oir,,Mo:i,iio:, againut 91,099,218,111 the previous week. As compared wlth thn corresponding week of lKStï the docrease amounted to 26 '2 per cent, A train on the Intercolontal road went through a bridge on the I Hth near Caraquette, N. B , and eight men were killed. Thubhton Lee was hanged at Bakersfleld, Cal., on the lUth for the murder of John Bwlft in Mnrcli, 1Km:(. The court-house of Graves County, Ky., at Mayfleld, was burned on the morning of the 1 Hth, with all the county recorda Loss, $30,00(1 Incendlarisin was suspected. Both branches of the South Carolina Legislature on the 17th paased a bilí penslonlng the Confedérate soldlers. The expense will amouiit to !{r)0,000 per year. Jam ks Caín and Joseph Cross were bnrned to death on the 17lh In a Clnclnnatl foundry. Ho, ti P. Boums, editor and principal proprietor of the Omaha Itepublican, dled in that city on the 17th, of pneumonía, aged flfty-nlne years. Mr. Rounds was Pubüo Printer under fteHident Arthar, was for man y yoars a r'sident of Chicago, and wa wall kDnwn thronchout the notintrv.


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