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i Time table taking effect Nov. 20th, 18W Central Standard Time. CHICAGO TO DETROIT. S 5éi l.J I? U.H. A.M. P. . P. M. P.M. T M IV Chicago.. Lv. 6 50 900 8 10 44OÍ 8 15 ó "ó s Kalamazoo... IS 17 150 6 58 950 12 31 7J7 Í Battle Creek.. 1 12 2 27 7 83 1 sf ó ,í , S Jackson 3 16 4 20 8 49 816 iinilV, GrassLake.... 3 38 51a1 Í5 Cheliea 35 " sasi L Dexler 4 14 ['.'" fiS!ii,f5 DelnlMIlls... 4 K Ann Arbor.... 4 83 5 30 9 45 '435 'áViaiaU Yrwllantl 460 5 45 58 4 52 Si o vaynejunc. 5151605 6 IS B}1? Detroit.. „Ar. 6 00 6451045 gW ?ïi S St.Thomas 1110 906.. liol KJl8Vlew i17 1$, N. Falls Í21 459 122 Buffilo [435 7 15 340 SUs!""1 DETROIT TO CHICAGO. I !! 4 'i 41133 a o o__ o L i j1 A.M. r. M, A. II A.M. A M A M Ht'fTaio 1130 585 6 U6 90U ifló""" N. Palla 1-J4.5 648 j "" St.Thomas 425 1000. j'jó 5o"" a.h a. a. p. a. pm. p.m p.m Detroit.... Lv. 7 00 910 130 4 00 8OOIÓI5"" WavneJnnc: 741 53 208 4 45 837 1056 Ypeilanti .... 808 1012 220 5 IS 8581118 Ann Arbor... K 18 lu .0 2 33 5 30 9 IS 1185 UelhIMills.. 838 5 42 Deit'-r 887 550 9-3s Chelnea 8 54 605 952 UrassLake... 15 627 1015 lackion 9 45 1135 8 32 7 10 1052 138 Battle Ureek.. 11 20 114 4 40 852 IS 12 2S3 "' Kalamazuo. . . IS 17 1 50 5 15 9 45! 1 io 3 0? is Chicago.. .Ar. 5 40 tt 40 .....] 700 7 45 10 2 ü. W. RUUÜLB8, H. W HAYBS Ü.P.T.Aünt Aiít. Ano Albor Chicago To.'edo, Ann Arbor North Mlchlru Kaiiiraj. TIME SCHBDULB. Te. t.ike eftVct at. 12 o'clock, noon, on Sundy, October 9th, 1887. Tralnu ran by Standard Time. GOING NORTH. L1 1. ie " srATIo.s. ó jj p Tledo LiVú'i'ú'itfa'i Mar.hiittan Junctiou 520 320 640 10 Alexl 527 3S 6 55 6 K mrl ¦-¦¦¦ . 545 3 43 723 7 Monr.MS Juuctlon 02 4 05 7 81 8 10 Uond gio 412 g 05 g % i,2"1' 628 4 18 8 20 SI 00 f11? 635 4 35 835 9 S0 Ji111-.-, 650 4 855 1000 Piltolleld 700 4 53: 90610 Aun Arbor 715 510 s j il 30 L1"1 ¦¦; 738 530 950 155 Whltmore Ijike 7 46 5 45 2 "owell 830 628 630 5U Dnratid 9 S0 7 S0 930r.M. Cornnna 9 f5 7 46' 10 35 .. JwusfO looi 7 55,11 (X) Owcsao Junction 10 05 8 10 11 05 Iltia h 11 16 9 15' 2 46 '.'.'.'.'. St. Louis 1136 9 3313 85 . A-W 11 42 411 3 j6 Mi. Pieaaant Ar l 30 10 30: 6 Ou p. a. p. m (iOING 8OÜTH. i-1 U A , Í-TATIONS. S g g L iS Mt. Picasant Lvl 8 40 P6 3ti Pl 30 Alm,a-; 10 15 7 20 220.'!'." ?' Lo' 11 Si 7 fl 2 2S Itliaca ...... 12 ia 7 4H 2 46 .... Uwoseo Junction '4 00 8 5ó 4 02 Owoeao . 408 9 10 408' Corunna 425 9 08 4 15 ... Durand 5 16 9 80 4 36 A. . Ilowell 740 10533 5 00 Whitmore Lakc Ex p. 11 00 6 16 6 50 'etand ft 30 u 14 6 80 7 38 ;innAr,b,or 7 15 11 30 (Í5II1UM iM-nriil 7 ÏS 11 41 Tn ürBia 7 ai 11 50 7 1011 Milan 7 45 12 04 7 20 i M Azalia 7 55 12 14 7 SU 12 M Dnndec 18 03 13 24 7 40 110 Juncti'in 8 10 12 31 7 51 I 90 Samarla 8 25 12 46 8 10 2 10 Alïin 8 45 1OO83O245 Manh.ttlan Junction 8 50 1 05' 8 37 S i0 l'olcdo Ar 9 00 1 10 8 tí 8U a. i. p.m.Ip. ¦. p.m. South IiVon Branch. NOKTH BOUND. STATIONS. SOUTH BOÜNT. Train 6 Trmln 1 P p. m. 9 50 Lv. Lelands Ar. 6 30 10 U0 Ar. Worden Ar. 6 S0 10 20 Ar Soutb Lyon Lv. 6 00 CunneclloDn: At Toledo, wlth rallroadi dlnrginir; at Manhntiau Junction, ltb Wbeellnc A Lake Krlc K. R.; at Aleil Jonction, wlth M. C. H. R., L. S. 4 M. 8. Ry. and F. A P. M. R. R.; at Monroe Jnnctlon. wlth L. S. 4 M. S. Ky.; at Dinlee, wiih L. 8. & M. S. Ry., M. 4 O. Rv.; al Milaa Junction. with Wabash, St. Louis 4 Padnc Hy ; at Pittsfleld, with L.i. 4 M. 8. Ry.; at Ann Arbor with Michigan Central R. K., and at South Lyon with Detroit, LaDving 4 Northern R. R., and Mlch. A. L. Dlv. of Grand Tronk Ry. At Hamburg wlth M. A. Line División Grand Truck K'y. At Howell wlth Detroit, L inning 4 Northern R'j. At Durand wtth Chicago 4 Grand Trunk R'y and Detroit, Grand Haven 4 Milwaukep R'y. At uwoa8O Junction iih Detroit, rand Haven ft Mllwankee R'y and Michigan Central R. R. At 8t Louli wlth Detroit, Lansing & Northern R. li. and !gl na Vill. y 4 St. Louis K'r. At Alma wlth Detroit, Lanslne & Northern R'y. At Mt. Pleaaant wlti Flmt 4 Pcre Marquette R'y. II. W. ASHLKY, General Mtnajer. W. II. BKNNKTT, A. J. PA1S1 EY. Guu'l. Paan. 4 Ticket Aeent. Local Agent A. DeFOREST. Fire Insurance Plate Q-lass Insurance. Steam Boiler INSURANCE! Lowest Bates, Honorable Adjustmenti and Losses Promptlj Faid. REAL ESTÁTE RENTS Sl'KCIAL ATTKNTIOÍÍ OI VBN TO COLLÏCTIO or Rf.nts and Manahement ok Real tTATK INTKRRSTS KOR NOS-RkSIDKNT. EK" TIRK BATISKACTION TO OVS1ÍR8 GUARANTEKD. A. DeFOREST. ClasgoW via Londonderry, Liverpool via Queenstown. f Are siriiiiy Flr.i- lu.., and amont tbe largent, fastest and nueat In the world. 1 Paloon. second ciasa and steeraire PMenrr J Ari'itmmodnlloin l" nexrrllrtl. Kviry reganl for thrt comfortand convenlenc oí Pff aenvers studiously consldered arnl pracuoW Steamtrn every Saiurdny for Glugow. City of Kome all for Liverpool October 12. I the larRt and flni'si ptvenger steamer afloat. Ratesof pU' sage for all c1atie as lowas by any other firgt-cla! line. Saloon excaralon tickets t redoced rate. Dralts for any araount at lowest current rates. For book oftonr-, tickets, orfurther Information, apply to IIIMilusiiN BHOTHKH8, CKÍcago, or C. W. MBLLOB, ANN ARBOR. - IWICH. Estáte of Charles Almeudinger. STATB OF MICHIGAN, Couniy of Wahtnw te At a sesslon of the Probate Court for the Connty ol Washtenaw. holden at the Probate Office, In tle city of Anu Arbor, on Frlday, the 25ih day of November, In the year one thousand eignl hnndred and elghty-seven. Present Wllllam D. Harrlmau, Judge of Probate. lu the matter of the eetate of Charle A men. dli K'or, decesed. On reading and nllng the petlIod, dnly verlncd, of Clinton A'mendlnger praylog that a ceruln Instrament now on nle In thls coort purportin.' tobe the last wllland teatamentof Mid decuased. may be admltted U probate, and that ho and Rebecca Almendlnger may be appolnted executore Iliortiof. . ThiTeupon, It ík ordered, that Tueidaj, tho 27tn day of Decimber next. at ten o'clock In the forenoon, assigned for the hearing of said petltlo" aml that the devíseos, legatrcs, and helr tt aw of ald deccad. and all other peroni ut.riítid insald estáte, are required to P1' at i sfHslon ot sald court, then to be holden attni lnibtttu OIBce.ln the City of Ann Arbor. and now canse, If any there be, why the prayur of tHe plUoner should not be grauted. And it i furto" irdered, that said pciltionfr give notice tuuj nou ntureeted In said eaute, of the penden' ƒ 01 said peiltlon, and the hearing causinu ¦ copy of thls order to be publlshed in the aijb Arbor Vountr, a newnpaper prlnted nd circuí od In said county, three successlve wek previom to aatd day of hearing. (A true copy.) W1LL1AM D. "ARRIMAN. Judge of ProbatoWM.O. DOTY, Probate Rerlster. 1Ï79-1 W


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News