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11IMII( DIKI TORI . ANN Arbor i'omm vndeky, No. IS mwts flrsi Tuesday of each mouth, W. G Doty, E. C. W. A. Tolchard. Hoeorder. VumM, Ch.vitkr, No. 6, R A. M.Mft'ts Hrsi Mnudny each inonth. Isaac Handy, H. P.; Z. Knntli, Secretary. BUSINESS CARDS. DR. H. R. ARNDT, PHYSICIAN Office Ovek First National Rank. Honrs Trom 9 to 11 a. m.. Frora 2 to S-.ilO p. m., Sun l;ii from 9 to 10 n. nu WILLIAn 1IEKZ, House, Bign, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Paperlog, (tla.iriL', Gilding, and Calcimiuinfi:, and work oí every descrlatton done Id tbe beet style, and warrantod to give satiefaction. Shop, No. 4 W. Washinarton St., Ann Arbor. W. W. A. A. V. M( IIOI.s. Rooms Over Aun Arbor Snvings Bank, Mnonie Temple Block. GAS or VIT ALIZED AIR Aduiinietercd Tor the paialese extraction of teeth. O. críLÍRTIIÑr, UI. VI.K.K IN CLOTH CASKET3, METALIC And Oomrann Oofflns. Calis attented to Day or NlïUt. RknbalmlDg a speoialty. Storeruim cm K. WnMliiïtoa street. Rcsidence Oor. Uherty rtuil Flftli. V. II. JACI4SO, JDÜESÜNTIITIililSIITIL OFFICE : Over Bach & Abel's Dry Good Store. Entrance next to National Bank. BEAL ESTÁTE INSURANef AGEN0Y. J. Q. A. SESSIONS. A.TTORXEY AND N'OTAliV PUBLIC Real Kstnte soll nr r,.r,i.. i .i.ri mnu colttíQta.i ... .. MonaDle terras. NonE bul old ind flrst-clasa Insurance Companles reprasetiteil- witto Insnriince capital of llO.iKXUmo. Hate as tow as any other nsaraiice compnny and losses promptly pald. Ofllceover Americiin Kxpress ornee, Main streel. Ann Arbor. Mlch. gëtTthe best FÍRE INSURANCE! $29,000,000. Secarity held for th1 protoctton of the pollcy huhkr-. CHRIST1AN MACK Bepreaent the followlne flri-cla-s compHnies, of which one, the JStna, has alonu pald fW.UiW.OOU ürc lomos In slity-Sve yeare : Etna, of Ilarlfonl f; 9,192,044 Fraiikiin of PiüladftlpMa 3,U8,71i Germania, N. Y 2,700, 7í9 Germán American, Ñ. Y 4.065, 96Í Loik1oi Assurance, Lontlon. . . l.416,78f Michigan F. & M., Detroit. . . 287, 60S N. Y. Underwriters, N. Y 2,59G,079 National, Hartford 1,774,608 Phcenix, Brookly n 3,759,036 Losses libcrally adjusted and promptly paid Policies ssued at the loweat ratcs of premium. llKltr Im; k 1 .1 1 1 jrío.'lL Kka.k. A V.jK,r nd Water- HXAtKilt é Ktunl. Old ïialhi lUnewed. f L 3ei fot cimUin. E. J. KNOWLTON. nn Arbor. Mlch. A COMPLETE ARRANGEMENT KOR Physicians and Families. Ñute?, Cheaper, AND MORF. CONVENIENT THAN A STATIONARY BATII TUB WITH NO KXl'KN.SK OK BATII ROOM AND FIXTUHK.S. 32-83 Hoinsiiri OVKIt TUK POSTO FFICE, (JOOD Clean Shaves and Baihs ! ¦AT A '¦ Reduction in Prices. Ladies' Special Bath Rooms. L. KAHOE, m Prop. Come around and wash once in a while. It will do you good, take away bad smells and lengthen your life. The Ann Arbor Courier. $1.00 PER YEA.R IN ADVANCE.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News