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4KlHö PQWDER I Absolutely Pure. Thlspowiler never varíes. A marvel of pu rlly.stretiïtli and wholesomeness. Alore eco noinical thau the ordlnary klnda,and canno be solil In competltion with the multitude o low test, short welght, slum or phospliate powders. Soldonly In cans. lloj al Itaklii' Ponder Co.. 1OO Wall Bt.. N.Y. INFANTTLÏT Skin Biseases. onr oldest chlld, now sis years of ge, when an inf'int ú m nths old, was aitnrked by a viruli-nt nmlUnant skin dlfease, All urdlnary r medies failtng, we called oar family physician, who at tmited to ca'e it; hut it spread with almost In credlble rapidity.untll the lower portion of the liltle fellow's person, fn m themlddle of hls barfc down to hls kneep, was one olld raen, ugly, painful, blotched, and mallclons. w"e hed no reet al nlght, no reare by day. Flnally wc wcre aduisec to try tbeCrmURA kkmkdiks. The etlict i siinply marveiious. In thrue or four week; a coiq pleM care wts wrouglit, leaving the Hitte fellow'8 erson as white anl ue:ilthy a timngli he hadnevur been attackt-d. In my opinión your valuablc reme dtessaved hls lift-, and today tie isagtron?, healthy child, p rfectly wel], no repetition of the dlsease hav.n ever occurrod. ;f.o. b.smitii, Att'y at Law and Ex-Pn. Att'y, A.-hlai:d, O. Refekesce: J. G. Weist, Drugglet, Ashland, O. THOUSANDS OF CHILDREN Are born into the world every day with f ome ecze mitous aflection hdcIi as mi Ik ctnst, scail heai, hciirf, or dandrnff. pure tí) develop into an asonizirg eczrmn, the itchiiiL, burnlnu and dlpfigurHtlon t whlch make life a prolonged torture unless propprly trt-ated. A wurm huth wtth í'ltrTri'RA So?, an exqntüitc Skin iïcautiner. and t singla np'ication of CuticritA, the Great !-kiu ('ure, with a linie Cuticuka Kevkdi, ihe Ntw Blood Puritiir, i ofien soffleient to arrest the progresa of the disi a-e, and point to a speedv and peiminent enre. Benea. n mntlur who loves her children, who tnki-Hpride in their lieant, purlty, ind health. and In besu.wirg opon thi ni a child's irrutect loherltauce,- a skin wlthont a blemi-h, and a body nonrifbed by puru bhiod,- sbuuld lail to m ike trial of theC'UTiciRA Hexedies. Sold cvprywhere. Prlre: Cuticcba, 50 c; Soap, 25 c; Rksoi.vknt, $i.00. Prepared by the Pottkb Dun: Chbüicai. Jo., lioston, Mass. tST'Hecd for "Uow to Cure Skin Dheaiee," Cl pages, 50 illustrations, and 100 testimoniáis. RARY'Q KknandScalppreervedand beautlUnü I O cd by CuticuraMedI' atkdSoap Constitutional Catarrh. No single disease has entailed more sufferlngor hastened the breaking up of the constltutlon than Catarrh. The sense of smell, of taste, of slght, of heanni;, the human volee, the mind- one or more and eometlmea all, yield to lts destroctlve iufluence. The poisou it dlstributes throuahuut the syitetn attarks every vital forcé, nnd breaks up the most robtist of rot titutions. Ienored, bef.uuse bit llttle understood, by most physlcians, impotently assalled by quarks and charlatans tbota sullering from it have llttle hope to be relieved or it thln side of the grave. It is time, theu, that tte popular treatment of this terrible discase hy remedies within the reach of all passcd into hnnda at once competent and Uustworthy. The new and hitherto untried method adopted l.y Dr Btndford In the preparation of hl Kadicai. (Tuk has won the hearty approval of thousands. It is lurtantaneons in alrording relief in all head colds, sneczing. snumlng and obstructed brcathlng, and rapidl; removes the opprestive pymptoms, clearing the head, Bweetening the bre th, restoring the senses of mell, taste and hearing, and neutralizing the coiiKtltutional tendency of the disease towards the lunes llver and kidneys. Sandpord's Radical Cure conslsts of one hottle of the Kadicai. Cuki, one box of Catarbiial SOI.VE1T, and an Ihproveu Inhalen; prlcc tl. Potteb Dbdq and Ciiexiual Co., Boston. KIDNEY PAINS, Stralns and WetkutM, Aa. Fellevcd in occ minu'e by that marvelJB I ons Antidote to Pain. Inflammationïand T Wcikne-i. the uticiiMi AntiT (m Pain PlaMter. The flrst and only lk pain-killing strengthcniiif; piaster. Ks' " penally adapted to ins'antly relieve atd speedlly cure Kldncy and Uterlne Palns and Wcakness. Warranti'd vastly snperlor to all other plaa ers. At all drugeist, 2 ci-ntn ; flve for $1.00 ; or, posiage free, of Pottkb Dkuo Chemical Co., Boston, Mass. Monuments,Statuary. otltNfiSISAyj.. mxf- MARBLE 0R WHITE BRONZE MONUIDIENTS! Took fir8t'i)remiuras at the Ann Arbor and Clielseii Falrt. Not belriK poroii9 like btonc, tliey cm not absorb moisttiro, grow moss, nor ortimble aml will licfj the Toolhof Tiinc for Centuries. BENJAMIN CULY, Agent. No. 6 East Washington St., over Rinsey & Beabolt. RUP TU n E3. tEOAN'S IHPBBIAL TUUSS. Splral .Spring, graded froni 1 to (i pounds in pressure. ' WORS DAY AND NIGHT, by an lnfant a week old, oran adultSOyear. i I. ml les TrusBen a perfoetlon. Endose stampa for testimoniáis oí cures, etc. EOAN IMPERIAL TRÜ8S CO., An.n Akbuk, Míen. I


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