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The next number of the Courieu commenees its 27tli vohnne. So here's our hand for anothcr year. Mark Twain is very fuuny - In cverything exoept the price of his books, in wblcL lie u extremely serious. Miss Roso Cleveland is credlted with the honorable intciition of writing another book. Don't Kose, dou't. It looks very much nnw as if J. A. Hubble would go back to Congrcss in place of Mr. Moifat, deccased. Frlendsof the late Gen. W. S. Hancock have nearly completcd a $15,1)00 fubscription with whieli to parchan a house for his widow in Washington, D. C. A worthy object. TIip U. S. geological survey stiltes that $105,000,000 of mlneruls have been ralned In the U. S. d uring the past year. Quite au inviting little lump to dd to the wealth of ¦ nation in one year. lt is iisscrted that the Ashleys li.ive left the niilroad line froin Durand to East Saglnaw to its o%vn construction, or destruclion. But those interestcd say that the railroad wlll be completcd just the same, and we hope it wili. Paper shirts are now beleg made in Urge quantities by a Detroit tinn, who claim that no overcoat ia needed when tliey are worn. How convement they will be for :ui editor. To say nothing abont the overcoat, he can leave the electric liglit burning and lie in bed and write on his shirt. We have received froni Chas. II. Dennison, of New York City, a copy of an oration delivered by him on last Memorial Day, before John A. Dlx posttí.A. K , at Trinity Cimetery, New York City. Mr. Dennison is a former gradúate of the U. of M , and liolds in his heart a green f pot for his alma mater. The telefrraph tells us thut Ilussia bas dein mdcd $3,750,000 indeinnity arreara, of poor Turkey, and if It'is not forthcoming will go uto Asia Minor and take it. The Russian bear sliould be changed at once to a hog- for that is what it is. Why, if Kussia keeps ou she will equal the standard oil corupany. Ex-Secretary Daniel Mannlog is no more, havlng succumbed to diseasc, and bis funeral services were held ye-terday, attended by ïnany of the prominent men of the country. He was unqueetlonably the ablest leader in the democratie ranks. When a man ofabillty aml worth is taken away it is a loss to the entile Datfon. Theienrc schemes and schemes. It Is now charged that the great Reading railroad stiike which U in progresa has been engincered by the coal mine owners to .1set the wavm mathei and l r i n i up the price of coal, as all coal must go over that road. It is not astonishing that such qneaUonable tactics should be resorted ti. Haj. W. W. Van Antwerp, poatmaatsr of Jackson, for many years the ble editor of the Jaekaoo Patriot, and a brave soldier in the Union anny during the rerebeltion, died at his home in Jackson last Thur.-d:,y. In his death the Central City loses one of its best citizens, and the prees of the state one of its most respectMi niembers. From the enthusiasm with which Hlaine's name was received at the New York meeting of the República Clubs it was evident tuat had that been the nominating convention no other man would have had a chance for the nomlnation. It is wonder! ui lio-.v this statesman liolds the hearts of his followers over all the land, and the actions of the present Aduiinistration In relation to foreign powers makes us Wlih to have a man as President who will stand up for American rights and principies. James Q. lüaine, evcryone knows, woukl and will be such a Chief Executive. A Corunna fannyehap ( wlio had at least one commendable trail, that of slgnlng li is own name to his own communtcatlon') wrote tothe Detroit Journal recently, acusing D. Bethuue Duflield of being " an hlreling of all the liquor flrmi of Detrmr," asd sundry other crank tiiings. Mr. Doffield replies in a way that must make BalM ears tingle and eye-balls glare. Ball evi(!ent!y didn't know the man he was shmdering. There is a "smart eleck" in Ann Arbor - too eowardly to iut his name to his production - that needs a little of the same sort of medicine. People who publicly accuse others of being " champions of the saloon and liijuor trafile," ought to liave manbood enougfa aboat them to let the public know who tliey are. Of all the ((intemptlble and eowardly curs in thls workl, the vilest are those who sneak behlnd a non de plume to utter their si anders.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News