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l'ror. Alonzo B. Palmer, M. 1)., LL. D., professor of pathology and the theory nul practico of medicine in tho department of mediciue and surgery of the University of Michigan, dcd at hls resldence, in tliia city, on Frlday, tho 2!M of December, 1887, In the scventy-third year of liis age. To the majorlty of pcoplc, even his acquaiutances and.intimate frlendt, this event wns wholly onantlctpttod iintll withln u few hours of his decease, but to the practiced medical observer it had been for inoro tlian u ycar apparent that Dr. Talmer was slowly faliing in fstrength and vigor, and, for somo months past, dlsease liad stamped itself upon hls features In such a manner - impoBsible to describe in worde, and incnpable of recognition or interpretaron except by the observant physician - aa to indícate tliat it waa organio in its nature and would soon terininatc hls life. For a long time be liad a constant and overwbclming dread oi becoming incapacItated for active work by the infirmities incident to advanced age, and tberefore relegated to a life of inactivity in which he would be a mere incumbranco and burden upon others, and where he would bc compelled with regretful eyes to look upon some younger and more active laborer taking up the line of work. which had lieen hls life's duty and pleasure. His wishes and his prayer were that he might be sparcd this inlliction. And so, with mi iv propriety, we may esteem it a subject for rejoicing rather than for mourning, that his desires in tbis respect were not disappointed ; for, while he was stilt in the active discharge of t'ull duty, " God's finger touched him and he died." Dr. Palmer was associated with the University for more than tliirty-flve years. Ia 1852 he was appolnted professor, of anatomy; in 1854 hs was t-ansfered to the mixed chair of materia medica and therapeutics and the diseases of women and children. And again in 1800 he was assigned to the professorship of pathology and the theory and practico ofmedlcine, which posltion he held up to the time of his death. k During tliis long service - whieh almost covers the lifc-history of the department of medicine and surgery - .ind engaged as he was in teaching therein several branches of medicine - he had a largo influence in slmping tbc general policy of the medical department, and contributed very materially to its unbroken success ; and it was his raro good fortune to see the college which had started as a feeble organization, limited in patronage and weak in influence and power, steadily develop into one of the argest and most prominent of the medical colleges of the country, and to realize that he could with strict justice assuine to himself no little credit for his oQ"rts in contributing to this end. liis success and bis reputatlon as a teacher was not limited to the bonndl of our own UniversHy and he was tendered appointments in otlier institutions. Tlic arrangement of the animal term of lectures in the medical deiartmenc was theu siich tliHt a portiou of each yeur was unoceupied ia liis professional work liere, and lie thercfore in 1803 accepted an appointment to the saine chair which lie lilleil bare, in tlie llourishing Herkshire Medical College at Pittsfield, Mass., and In 1869 a similar position in tlie medical department of Bowdoin College at Brunswick, Maine. These engagemeuts were termlnated - at Pittsliekl by the gradual decline and ultímate dissolution of the Burkshire school, and at Bowdoin College by the adoption in our own Univeisity, in 1877, of the gnuk-d system of medical education, and the extensión of the lecture term to the full collejriate year of nine months, whlcli necessitated bid coutinued reidence here. Dr. Palmer's devotion to teaching was remarkable ; it was not simply a duty, nor was it a labor peifunctorily gone tbrougb with in obedience to the requirements of the position lie occupied, but it was the inspiración and the eilief pleasure of his life. Actuated by these motives, it creatos no surprise to know that his fondues for the lecture room w ;ií snnictliing phenonienal. And so whenevcr trom illness or other exigenOJ colleague was ti'inporarily nbseni, be wai ever rrady and glad to step in and lili thu hour, a.s it enlnr;e(l hls epportuiiiiy for cngaglDX In his favorite work. In the different colleges In wliicii he wai engugnd, t is probable that from ciiilit Üiousanu to ten thousand stuih'iit have sat onder his teaoninys. l'nc laiyu majoiily of them enterad luto pr;ioüce, and it is simjily Impos.sible to Mtimatfl tlie laflueuce whicb uur late colleaue must Imve exarciMd npon thu trorkinic mcinbers of the medical prolession in th is country, and t Is simply appalUng to thiuk of tlie limilless disaster tiiat mntt come from one not noverued by high and inanly motives, and puie and elevatinj; principies, in nasoeiatioii with such a large of yonng men. But tliere can be no doubt on this score in Ur. 1'nlni, r' cureer, for he tvuapreemluently a man of principie. Uis Christian life and charaeter were be.iutiful and elfvatini in effect, and they wen knuwu and read by ereryone wlio caine into association with liiin. Outside of hls chief work as a teacher, his lixcd pflDOlpUt led liim to other eftbrts at doiug good. lie uaj a stern and uncompromisinif opponent of the use of alcoliolic or other stiinuluünir or narcotic agenU. His devotion to lixed convictions of duty in these matters wus lirm and constant, and so he was ahvays found In the front rank of the workers for reform, Qrglng wilh all his strenjfth otbera tojoin in the work, and encouraging by his advice, bis personal cxamplc, anl hls aid in supporting oranizations formad for euch purposes. No one for an instant could question bis sincerity and the bonesty of views and, while they may not always have carried conviction, they invariably commanded respect for the advocate, and admiration for his devotion to principie. Thls mental characteiistic led hini to an earnest ODROsition to wliat he deeuied erroneous views in ethici, In science, or in medicine. Ia the literature of medicine Dr. Palmer contrilnited many fngitive essays of Interest and value. Beside these, he imblished "Lccturesou Houutopatliy " in permanent book fonn, and a text boolc for schools eutitled "Temperancu Teacliiiiirs of Science," which has had a wklueirculatlon. As the crownlng work of his life he publithed in two larsc octavo volumes a complete treatise on " The Theory and Practico of Medicine." In preparatton for lliis work he was mi.ay years collecting materials, and just previous to the Inimediate work of composltion he spent over a year in Europe in the colleges and hospitals, to avail hiimelf of the most recent atlvances in medical science and art. It wül ri'in un a monument to hte industry, hia .ibility, and his devotion to duty, and his intense desire to aid lo the advance of thestudy and work of his life - practical medicine. The csteoin iu wbtcll his ability and attiiinment8 were held by hisbrethren in the profession, is IndlcaUd by the f.ict that In the Iuternational Medical Con {lesa, uliich recently met M Washington, he occupied the important posillou Of Chairinau of the section of Pathology, and in ihat capacity gave an address in the general sension of the Congress, and in the American Med ical Association ie held at the time of hU dofttli tlie (illlce of Chairman of the section ou the Practiee of Medicine. The mcmbcrs of the University Beoate with a profound 8ense of the loss whtob they have Buffered in the decease of tht'ir venerable and eminent colleague disire to express their deep and irader sympatliy with lus bercaved wlfc. Dr. Palmer's luneral services werc held it St. Audrew's cliurch yesterday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. Hishop Ilarris of Detroit, condncted the service, assisted by Jtev. Dr. Earp and Hev. Win. Galpin, after which hls remains were tuken to Forest llill cenietery.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News