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Salt Rheum The agonles of tliose who suffer írom severa salt rheum are indescribable. Tho cleanslng, healing, purifying Influences of llood's Sarsaparilla are uncqualled by any other medicine. " I take pleasure In recommendlng Hood's Sarsaparllla, for It has dono wonders for me. I had salt rheum very scverely, affccting me over nearly my cntlro body. Unly those who havo suftered from this dlseaso In lts worst form can Imagine the cxtcnt of my afilictlon. I trled many medicines, but failed to receivo benefit until I took llood's Sarsaparilla. Theu tho diseaso began to subslde, the Agonizing Itch and Pain dlsappeared, and now I am cntlrely freo from tho disease. My blood seems to bo thoroughly purlfled, and my general healtli ís greatly benefited." Lvmax Allen, Sexton N. E. Church, Nortli Chicago, 111. " My son had salt rheura on lils hands and tho calves of hls legs, so bad that they would crack open and Weed. Ho took Hood's Sarsaparllla and is cntlrely cured." J. 15. Stanton. Mt. Vernon, Ohio. From IO8 to 135 " I was serlously troubled with salt inm for threo years, and receiving no benefit from medical treatment 1 decided to try llood's Sarsaparllla. I am now cutlrely cured of salt rheum; my weiglit has lnorcascd from 108 lbs. to 136." Mits. Alice Smith, Stamford, Conn. Il you suffer from salt rheum, or any blood disease, try Hood's Sarsaparilla. It has cured many others, and will cure you. Hood's Sarsaparilla BoldbyalldniRgists. fll;8ixfor?5. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecarios, Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar NOTICE. Toledo, Aun Arbor aud Xorth Michigan Rallway Company. Notieo hereby given. that thero wlll be a meotiiiKof the Htockholders of the Ann Ar. oor & Nortli Michigan Hallway Company at the ('ompany's ollico In Toledo, Ohlo, on .Mniiiliiy, Feb. 37th. A. D. 1SS8, at 11 a. m. The object of this meeting Is to npprove or reject theaureement for consolidatlon, heretofore mado by the lioardg of Dlrectors of the Toledo Ann Arbor & North Michigan aud the Toledo, Aun Arbor Cadillac Rallwny Company, and for tho transacllon of such other business a muy pruperly come beforo said meeting. o. F. COOK Dated. Toledo, O., Dec. 12, '87. Secretary . fcV!! WJCHlKSBI Aftr Forty years ¦L '¦¦ x Waf il V4 cxPGrionco in tho 2 plilMMnM pi'fl'anit ion of moro ¦2 M thna One Hundred ¦I H JnouBRna apyilications fnr pntpnUi in ¦2 M '"e Unitod fitntcs nml l-'nroign counEZ H trles. .tho pnbtWiers of thi! S.-i.-ntillo P[ 1 Amorican continuo tnfl HHolicitors MM I 'or pfttentB, OAfat, tndi-:unrka. copy"¦ riKhta, eto., fxrtlio l'mlfil Sl.-ile. and to obuin patenta in Cana.ln. EogUnd, Prance. Uermany, aml all otlicr countrio Tlieir eiparinoe unequaled and thoir faoilltlM aro uuaurlnhawun? n,1 pecifloatinn preparcl and fllod In tho Patont OU..-,, on ik r .rin volï roawnablo. l) charge for cxHmitmtion ut modela Or 'drawinpi. Advico ly mail fros Patontohtain.-,1llir„iich Munn lnthe fCIBNTIFIC AMKRICAW.whloh hw tularneatcirculation n.l la the moal intluuntial newapapor of it kind publialud in tho world. i he advantagos of such a notjeo ovory patente I pablwhe.1 WIÍKKI.Y at 3.00 a rw, an.Ha dmittd te lio tho bot papor dovotod to cienca. mechantes. Inventions, enginoering Works and ptbor dupartinents oí industrial proEr()8. publiahed in any country. It contain tli ñames of all patentóos and I itle of overy invention patentod Tr? 't fotir inunths for ono dullar. bold by all nowadealers. If you havo an invention to patont write 8w liunn j Co., publihers of ScieuUBo Amerioaa, 161 Broadway, New York, k Utaabogk Duut pateuts nu:ied fre. Ë QVCDTICCDC or o!hora,yyho wlth to oxatnlne HWlkll I laCnO Ihll paper, eitimstei on advertising epaco whon n Chicago, will (ind It on filo at th.AdwrtiingÁgncyof LORD ftTHOaÜASl FOREST HILL CEMETlYCOMPAÑYr Theannual meeting o( tho stockholdor or ,he l-'orcst HUÍ Cemelery Company wlll be tt thelr ollloe on Mío groundg on Tuesday lamiary 8, 1K-8, ut lOiM a. ra. for the purpone )f elecllng three trustees for íull lerms and ne truHtcü In plnco of Kmanuul Mitnn deased ; and the Iransacllon of euch other mslness M m:iy properly come bofore tho neetlng. W. W. Wikbh, Seo. lun Arbor, Mlch , Doo. '2, 1H87.


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