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Once more the glass of timo is turncd by Jainiary's baad, And downwirt ilow the tlny gralug of slowly ful I i ni; smid. To elghty-seven suy fkrewull ; He's uow quite out of date, Aud welcomo In the glad New Year, the New Yeur elghly-uljiht. Qua Little Ones. Coramuniou at the Presbyterian cliurch next SunOay. J. T. Jacobs & Company furnish the Sophoniorelass caues. Eil. Ban;liart is assUting J. J. Goodyear tlirough these busy dayi. The S.C'. A. now have $18,000 of the $25,000 wantod. It is sure to come. This looks like :i büzzird, feels like a blizzard, and probably is a bli.zirj. The capsule factory is being raoveil in. to its new building In the Becond ward. Geo. W. Loucks, has a Detroit license to mMrry Miss Etnily Portar, of Ypsiluutl. Tlie Bilt Uien. Tnft'.v. will hold its nnnual reunión at Grand Iiapids, Jan. 12th. The jiiiglmg of sleih bolls greetcd the ears of Ann Arborites for the first time to-day. Lucius Flanulgaii wis sent to jail last Thuraday for bem dronk, by Justice Frueauff. The holiday season would have been a trille merrier, perlmps, bad there been good sleighing. Politics lias tlresdy commeaced to bubble and fizz in "de blooik-y 3rd ward,"1 so wc are told. Jos. Browncll, of Ottawa, Cinad;t, was sent to jail for 30 days by Justice Fruei.uff yesterday for bdn.a drank TheT. A. A. A N. M. Hy. booked and forwarded Ti!l paMongel Kt various pointsou its line last Satiuday. Geo. Cavanauh dk! not skip out and leave Lis bail as stated in the Detroit papers. But is on hand he says to stand trial. We are pleasod to clironicle thc rapid recovery of Hon. S.impson Parker, of Lima, wliose recent severe illness we noted. Ambrose Kearney donated 150 lbs. of turkey to '-The Lidie Sisters of UiePoor," in Detroit, a liberal gift made annunlly by Mr. Kearney. The pupils of St. Thomas' school are engaged in the plearing undertaking of raisiiir money witli whleh to purchase a chulice for their clinpel. There is to be a social at the Presbyterian Churcli ncxt Thursday nigbt Miiiibcrs of the chiirch are expected to bring gifts for the poor of the city. The mail carriers, Frank O'IIearn, G. Blum, J. E. O'Kane ind Asa Allen, gave Postniaster Duffy a line tliinnond pin, in theshapoof a cross, fora Chiistm isgrceting. Mrs. LouUe Eieljm, of the 2u.d w.ird, died Friday moruing from an extended illness with üver complalnt. She was about slxty yenrs o!d aiiil li-i 1 lived bere many years. Mr. Treadwell, ulio livw nor tl of the city, has made sorue very puccessful experlments in culrhinjr the-coddling niotlis, and win teil about it at the pomológica] meeting, Jan. "tli. The annual meeting oï the First Preshyterian society of this city oconrsat the church on Tutsday cveiiinj; Jan. Sd, at 1% o'clock. Election of two trastees and reporta of choren offlcers. While exeaTttlng for a ditcfa on Sec. 12, in Augusta townsliij), Eiijah and Dert Üarling cune upou a number of the bones of a maitodon, makiog the sicond skelcton found ia tliat .vk'inity reeently. ChrUtmu was the SOtfa aunlvenuy of the niarriajie of Mr. and Mrs Chas. B. Davison, anti a few of the inlimatc friemls of the oouple dropped in aml made the day a pleasant one f ir theni. Win. MoCreerv feil from a load of straw Tuesday, and the result m t broken Isg. Mr. McCrcery is one of our most estoemcd eitizens, and such au accident at lus idvaiicfl :iye may prove Berkius. Prof. Andrew D. Wlilte, late of Cornell says poker wlil 8oou be a necessary part of a classtcal education Democrat. Isitpossible tkat President White is so far behind the times-? ''Will soon be!" Has it not been for years ? The Professor is too ingenuous by far. Lewis A. Wilcox, of York, bad an examination on Dec. lOtb, before Justice Doyle, of Milan, on the diario of stlling liquor toa minor, Donald Murray, and was held to trial in the circuit couit, bail being tixed at 200. Tliis is the ürst case brought in this county under the new liquor luw. At the Methodist EpiieopaJ cliurch, watch-night services will beheld; sermón at 10:30 o'clock Siiimlay iii'íiit, by Uev. Dr. Campbell, followed by a consecration service. On Sabbath at 10:30 the sacrament of the Lord's upper will be administered, and preaching by the pastor at 7:30 in the eveni ng. The charïfy concert at the Baptiát chureh last week realized $165. It was enoiiRh so thatabout 150 poor cliildren of the city were made happy by the dlstiibution to them of presents, at Fireman's Hall last Friday afternoon. It was a grand charity, and reflects much credit upon the people having it in charge. The annual Chrlstmas tree celebration for the inmates of the county house, given by St. Andrew's cliurch society, occun this afternoon, at 3 o'clock. This custom was Instituted by Bishop Gillespie while rector of St. Andrews, and bas always been kept up. It makes a bright spot in the llves of these poor people. Among the guests from abroad present at the wedding of Mhs Bailey and Will J. oicott last Monday evening, were: John N. ailey, of Midland, father of the bride; Prof. llarlow Oicott, superintendent of schools at Ishpemins, father of thegroom; Mr. and Mrs. Ho race N Hitchcock, Mr. and Mrs. I. II. Fonda, Mrs. Henry Eiselstyn and son Klton.all of Detroit; and J. I). Olcott, Esq . of Milan. Monthly meetiflg oí Washtenaw porno logical society is announced by E. Baur secretary, for the 7th of January, 1888.' t 2 P. M. in the basement of the court' l'ouse. Topics: "Keeplng of grapes,'. opened by Pr„f. B. E. Nichols, "Fruit chance," by J. D. li.Udwin, "Keeptog upumluHToi-in.thH.rtilityofoursoil'. by J. Oaittor, "Is Ann Arbor a proper Pj"'weameryandacheMefitory E. Baur and others with report of sawïïSrSs Z7S 71' -'[""¦"-¦'¦ Weloome, sweet Baby Year! He does uot apeak, but, kim il ! n;', stands, Uutold treaauros wltliln lila hands. Oh, welcorae, welcome, Baby Year ! Bui wliat do you brlng for us, youdear? We want glad hearts and contentod mlnds, What the richest monarch rarely tlnds ; Wllllng liandsand ready feet;. Kindly words and tempers IWMl ; Twelvo monthl of happlness, work, and love, Llke a wee, wee bit of the heaven above,- O Baby Year, lf you brlng all thls, Wc will add u your welcomlng a klss ? He answcrs not, but, smlllng, stands Upou the Uireshold wlth oulstretclied hands, Emma C. Dowd. "Jim" Robison has been up to South Lyou iuvcsthig In ome excellent horse flesli aecording to the Picket. 1887! Farewell! We are throuyh witli you! A new frienü is coming to take your place. Good by! Ta-ta. The Christinas time sermón of Dr. R:im?ay at tlie M. E. chureb. last Sunday moruing was one of the best delivered by the eloquent illvine'iiuring liis pastorate here. There are now nine hunilred water takers In this city, whieh is a most excellent record for the second year. IIow many cities iu this western country can beat it f Ann Arbor's natural gas company Is reported defunct- Saline Observer. No, no, that's not true. It is simply waiting for an explosión to wake 'em up. "That's all." A person who has been all over the county, says Pittsfleld bas the best roads of any townslilp.- Saline Observer. Certainly. Accounted for, undoubtedly, by the fact that the poor house is in Pittsfield. At the Sunday school convention at Kalamazoo, wecently, Washtenaw county was pledged for an organization durinjf this year, and also for $100 in cash. It is to be hoped that the pledges will be carried out. Lovina Johnson vs. Albert L. Litchfield, slander, ig the title of a case cotnmenceil In the circuit court, for which Sawyer & Knowlton ure for plnlntiff, and J. T. Houey and John F. Lawrence for defendant. Supervisor Butts informs us that the gentleman who told us tliat he was a candidate for keeper of the county house lied about it; and that he wouldn't takc the position for $5,000 a day, or some such extravagant figures. On Friday last, at Boston, Miss Al ice Freeman, of whom the U. of M. is very proud, she having been president of Wcllesley college for sonie years, was uniteil in marriage witli Trof. George II. Palmer, professor of philosophy at Harvard college. The couple go to Europe for an extended tour. Mrs. lïrehm died on Kriday mornlng, Dec. 23, 1S87, at 9 o'elock, at the age of C7 years. Funeral services were held on Momlay afternoon at 2 o'elock. She was bom May 7th, 1821, and has boen a resident of Washtonaw 'county 54 years - having come to this country in 1834, with her parents, when she was about 13 yeara ot age, residing ht-re ever since. Ou Sunday next, t heing January fint, tluTc will be a n old fuhioaed pledge signing teinperance meeting at Cropscy's Hall, at 3 o'elock p. m. All those who In years past atteudod those meeting and all young men are conlially invited to be prewnt and sign the pledge and start the new ycar aright. Short talks by those present The Aun Arbor lodge No. 44, Knights of Pythias, held ts animal flection of offlcers last Monday tvealag at their castle hall, with the following choice: O. O - John LlntleotohmWU. P. C- Gilbert Bliss. V. C.-Kred. Bartcer. l'relate -Jonn Looker. M. of E.- W. Fred Schlanderer. M.of P-Wm.O. JacolniH. K. of U. S.- James Barker. M. ot'A. --Jas. CHtley. Kepresuntalive to Grand LoUgu -üilbort BllM. The many friends of Capt. Alien will regret to learn tliat lic returned home to Tpallantt last SaturJay evenlng, proatratid with lumbago. IIu was metby many fiiondí it the depot amt takcn to lila home where kind hands administer to his want?. May the invigorating air ofgood oíd Michigan soon restore him to his usual vigoroua litalth. Tlie Chicago Alumni Association of tlic Unlyereity of Michigan has sont out a circular torrad uates in its vicinity, solictiní tlieir mimes as members. Eacli applic.uH to pay $.5 iuitiation fee and $5 yearly ilues; lift-incmber?lip $50 without tlues. All Inltlatlon and life mcmbcrship fecs to be devoted "to a special fund to be devoted to the foundation of Scholarsliips and Pollowshlpe.11 For furtlier infonnation upon the subject, address Robfit II. McCurdy, Seey., Borden Block, Chicago, 111. To-night the Business Meni'i Ass iition of Cadillac are to give a grand banquet in honor of the completion of the Toledo, Ann Arbor, & N. II. R. R. to thut; city. The lirst through train went over the line this a. m., and the followiug people of this city boarded it, and will attend the banquet toniglit : A. L. Noble, F. Schmid, Thoa. J. Keech, W. W.' Wine?, II .8. Dean, and Judge Kinne. No. 18 Bowcry St., of broncliial trouble combiued with heart disease, .on Saturday last, aged about 50 years. She leaves a husband and two daughters. Funeral services were lield yesterday, and the remaine teraporarlly placed iu the vault at Forest Hill Cemetery. Mr?. Stuyt was au umisually well-informed and brilllant woman and will bc greatly miised from her circle. Last Wednesday night at about 10 o'clook, i lire broke out in the 3rd floor of "the Thompson block," 5 and 6 Huron st., liavinji caught from ashes taken froui a s(,pve in a room occupied as a tailor shop, and left in an unused room. The loss on the building has been adjusted by Mr. Wliedon at $100. The other losers were O. A. Kelly pliotograpber, and W. G. Burchfleld, tailor, not yet settled. The losa at Kussel's candy atoro, mercly nominal with no insurance. Workmen who were dlgginf la the cellar of a Monroe st. resklencc last Saturday, for the purpose of putting In a furnuce, exhumed the reinalns of au infant wliich had hved but a short time after blrtli, the doctors tlnnk. The indications were that the reinaius had been buried some three or four years, tliey also plainly told the story of howdealh caine by the severing of the jugular vein in the neck. There were wrapped about the remains a man's old patched undershirt, and a woman's uudcrgarinent, each of which liad been saturated with blood, some spots being still bright. A coroner's Inqucst was held last evenlng, the juiy Mturnlng a veredict of murdcr in the Bn degree, but at whose Iiand3 was a myitery. The all'alr h;is cicatcd a great Muatlon in the city. A. L. Noble calis ntteutlon to bkohaogc of "id" and more esp:icie!ly to the faets In regard to hls special sale which ure mentioned. Thls will bc an opportunHy to secura goods cheap.


Ann Arbor Courier
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