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Council Proceedings

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Tlie recular monthly meeting of the ouncil was held Tuesday eveniug, bciiiji Jjourned ooe cvcning on ïccount of londiiy being the legal New Ycar's Day. I'KKSENTATION OF TETITIONS. Of Jas. K. Gre?ory," C. M. Tliompon and 23 other teamsters of the city sking the council to afTord them the unie protectlon by refiuirinj; a licensc f $3 per day for non-resident tcamsters 3 is granted other business in the city. ),n inotioa of AU1. Swift the prayer of he peütioners was granted nul the city ttoruey rtquested to draft the nicessary rdlnanee. Ot D. .1. Itoss, W.B. Sudwortli, Mrs. T. A. Haviland and 13 other property wners on the eontli side of Kuiler st., skins for a eidewalk on tlie south side f Fuller 8t. Heferred to ildewalK comnittee. The eisijrnation of E D. Kinne as ty attorney was recuived and accepted. BBP0BX8 OF CITT 0KFICEH8 eceived and ordered placed on tile. The expedditure of the poor funtl was s follows: stward _ $15 35 2d " 15 71 d 84 45 tli " .. 93 Ui th " . 1 O'S Ui , _ 11 5) Total t 221 88 The report of the Finance committee howed the following expendituies for )eoember; Rtward fund 5 95 2d ' " „ 10 47 3d " 4 10 4tli hm 7 Bo 5lli ' " „ 3 00 Gen. street iund 32 62 General ' 898 rt works fund 2381 25 Contingent " 382 43 Total t 3728 01 A blll for $25.00 of John R. Miner for work on tax rolls was allowed, and one for $2.50 of M. Ware, also. MOT1ONS AND RESOLUTIONS. By Aid. Wines: Resolved, Taat the city ireasurer mako out a list of all those who pald the" lx mm i nu" tax, nul return lt to such as shall make appllcatlon thereior before tho tlrst of Marcti. By Aid. Wines: Reiolved, That a telephone be placed In the elxth ward school house, and In the care of the janftor thereof, for flre purposes In the sixth ward. By Aid. Wines: Resolved, Tbat hereafter all gas bilis be pald on the lirwt ot January and the flrst -luly - On motion of Aid. Swift the council proceeded to ballot for a city attorney, as follows: lst 2d Chnuncey Joslyn 4 5 A.F. HaDson 3 3 J.C. Knowlton ï J.F. Lawreuce 1 9 9 Judge Joslyn having received amajority of votes cast was declared duly elected. Council then adjourned.