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They Went But Didn't Get There

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In the last Courier we spoke of a nuinber of our business men who started froin Ann Arbor tliat morning to help celébrate the opening of the new portion of the T. & A. A. R. R. to Cadilac. W'ell, bad weather set In at the wrong time and made things unpleasant for the excursionista and banqueters. The story is told by the Detroit Journal in quite rucy tenns : The exeursionists who should have reachcd Cadillac and partaken of its warm-hearted welcome and stoaming banquet at 7 o'clock Wednesday night did not pret there until Thursday afternoon. They did not have a hilarious time of it. Mr. Ashley had forgotten to sand-paper his railroad track, and it wasn't as smooth as might have been and the 85 mile run through the woods was therefore not as tunny as it might have been. Seven miles from Mt. Pleasant the train was delayed three honra, and eight of the guests went back to Mt. l'leasant. At Clare two more left. The rear guard got ¦ bite to eat at Clare and pgMed a miserable nujlt. without any especially '"''''"'5,fJr'''i''""-'1' except the opening "Dl1 an occasional jack-pot, until 5 a. m. Then three of the coaches left the track very hurriedly, anl for few moments the euddenness of the stopping made Railroad Coinmissioner liicli and his assistant, Mr. Conger, believe they had again caught up to a drove ot cows the engineer had driven off tbe track an hour before. In the last two miles of the eventful ride through the sylvan beauties of Wexford couuty, the train got stuck four times, and one couple of pedro players in the rear car were " stuck" three times. Finally at 2:30 p. m. on Thursday they rode into town, but not "the three hundred.' Thirty-seven hungry, cold and ready-for-a-banquet visitors remained, and thanked heaven that they were still living. The citizeng of Cadillac received tliem royally, and they all agreed they never had such a good tune in tlielr life. One of the falthful employés of thiscity is Mr. S. B. llowell, with J. D. Stimeon & Son, but he perpetrated an excellent joke upon liimself last Tliursday raorning. At tiis boarding placo the lady of the house usually gets up and shakes down the coal stove ut a little before 7 o'clock a. in., which he Invariably takes for his alarm clock, and thereupon makes his morning toilet. That niorning the weather was unusually cold and the 1 id y aforesaid got up at 2 o'clock and went to agitating fie grates of the stove Hearing the usual morning noise, Mr. R. immediately arose. The moon was vcry bnllUnt, and his room was quite llgbt; looked at his watch and took it for plump 7, and thinking he was a little late made unusual liaste and was off to the store. On iiis way thither he missed the usual morning lights that were wont to greet lus visión, and everything seeined still, awtul still, (and the light in the court house tower, where, oh vvhere was that?) But he was not deterred from duty by any such little things. In a short time the outside displaj' was being put in its accuttomed pluce, when all at once some one grasped liim by bis collar, slipped a pair of handcuffi on his wrists and commenced moving him towards thejail before his astonishment could be sufliciently overeóme to ask, "wh-wh-at's the matter?" Finally the policeman recognized his prisoner, explanations followed, JIr. R. took in his display, and going back into the store improviaed a bed out of crockery crates and coffee sacks and sweetly nlept uittil morning. He has now changad alarma at hls boarding house. N. B. - Kowell didn't teil ua auythinj; about thi.. The constitutionality of the present llqnor law Is being tested In the sapreme court at LansinL. Altliur D. Bresier, lit. 'S5 of Detroit, opon returnlng froin theeast to hls home in Detroit last Sumlay, let't i pocket book containing $75 in moiiey god a $500 diamond pin In the toilet-room of liis sleeping car, and now can't lind it. Boys should be careful about such trilk'9. The $100 subscription opposite Mrs. President Cleveland's name on the list of the Prohibitiou cainpalgn fund (ubtcrlb ers, was paid any way, wlioever gave it, wlilch does not nesessarily show that Mrs. Cleveland loves prohlbition more, but Grover most. Siie knows where to put niouey to have it do the most good lor the democratie party. There are some flies on tuis Item even if it is Jimuary: "A grocer, being greatly troubled by llies, pul 21 sheets of sticky fly paper about his ttore. Iu the evenuit; he gathered them tip, and noticed how mueh heavier tliey weie, beiiifi eovert-d with tlies. He wetgfaed tlie '21 slieets and found tlioy wetebqd seven pmnids. Thcn he put "21 fresh sheets on the scales and thry weihed tour pounds tour oiinces. Thut the tlies weiglied two pounds twelve ounces. He found that there were 20 tlies to eaeli square inch of the fly paper, each sheet had 888 K(ii ue inelies and 6,720 llies, and the 21 slieets had 141,120 flies. That one may ascertain the weijiht of a fly ; for f 141,120 flie9 welgh two pounds twelve ouncfs, it's easy to calcúlate wliat one will weigli."