THZE AM ARBOR SAYIES BANK, ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN, Transacts General Banking Business. CAPlTALr$5O,OOO. Organized under the General Banking Law ol thls State, the stockholdors are indivlduallv liablc for an additlonal amouut equal to the stock held by them. thereby creating a Uuarantee Fund for the benefit of Depositors of $100,000.00. Three per cent. Interest Is allowed on all Savings Deposita of one dollar and upwards, according to the rulee of the Bank and interest compiiundcd acmi-annnally. Koney to Loan on nnlncumbered real estáte and other good security. DIRECTORS : CHRISnAN MACK, Wm. D. HARRIMAN, W . W. WINES, DANIEL UISCOCK, WILLIAM DEDBEL, WILLARL) B. SMITH. DAVID RIN8EY. OFFTCER8: C. MACK, Pre. W. W. WIN ES, Vice-Pres C. JL. HISCOCK.Oashler. If you are looking for TTSEFTTX. EVERYDAY DRY GOODS IT WILL PAY YOU TO EXAMINE OUR BARGAINS IN WOOL AND COMBINATION Dlti lili BLACK and COLORED SILKS! PLAIN and FANCY VELVETE ÜID PLUIS CLOAKS, SHAWLS, MUFFLERS and HAHDKiaCHIÏFS TABLE COVERS and SCARFS, LINENiSETS, PANCY TDWELS UI URDB fflact k Sèë.