GO TO GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE FOR PURE, CLEAN, FRESH DRUGS AND MEDICINES. FOR A SUITABLE BIRTHDAY PRESENT ! Purchnse a fancy $1 OR $2 BOX OF THE FINEST NEW YORK CREAMS AT HANGSTERFER'S Our Stock of toys, dolls, gaines, etc. wlll be closcil out regardless of oost.. 27 SOUTH MAIN ST. PROPOSALS FOR WÓÖD Beatod propoaali for 100 cords of wood, four 'eel long, young green, body or straight hlckirv, banl niapleund second growlh wlilte or rellow opland oak, to quantltles of not less ,Dan ten cords, and ) cords of bass wood , good jnuilty win be recelved bv tbe undersigned ïntll the9th of Janimry, 1SSS, inclusive up to i I in. The wqpd to be dellvered In ttieuext ,blrtydas nwarülng tlio, contract, at liedlfforentsoliool houses, iu such quantlles u dlreoted. _ . The rlght to reject any and all oners is L. Gbunkr, Treasurer. No. B Soutü Main strect.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News
L. Gruner