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"Of all imrsiills by man inveuted, i;ii ¦ i 's is Ihe best cniileiiletl, [lis proflU tfood, li Is chIühk high ; Aml mi bil labors, :ill rly." 18881 Tliafs the dato! So put it on your íláte. Wi te it rigiit, before its too Uta TbU adrice yon will liml first-rate. Swear oft' now, and strike. i stesidy gait, Mr. J. Frost has been on duty during the past week. If you wisli to swear off, swear off, that's all right. But stick to it. Remember the meeting of the pomological Society Satuiday p. in. next, The Congregatloaal Church holds its animal meeting this evening at 7 p. m. A calm has settled down on business, as the yearly settllng up is In progress. Regular Weilnesday ivening services will be rewimed at Bobart hall this week. Tlic council smoked the pipe (cigars ratlier) of peace at the nmyor's expense last night. Golden Rule F. & A. M. will hold tlieir regular to-inorrow night wlth three candidates to initiate. The Knights of Lsbor meet to-night to elect offloere, over J. D. Stlmson & Son's store on Aan st. Friday being the festival of the Epiphany, there will be service at St. Andrew's church at 10J o'clock. tfany of our Ann Arbor bloods danced at Wbitmore Lak lust Friday night - and slept all day Saturday. Wesley Hicks, of this city, is Iliperlntending the building of the new M. C. station at Battle Creek. Prayer meetins for the children and young eople at the Congregational Church Friday evening. During the month of December the Ann Arbor post office averaged about 8,000 letters and paroels daily. There bas been a general freezing up of water faucets over the city, and the plumbers are la clover - as usual. It cost $3,726.01 to run the city government last month. But the Water Works Co. received $2,381.25 out of ihat nmount. Judge Kinne, according to present indieations will holü hi# tirst term of court on the lir.-t Monday in February at Honro. Isn't it about time soine one rerived the stieet railroad project from Ann Arbor to Ypsilanti? It would be a good thing - to revive. Monday was a dull day, it being the legal New Years. Banks, stores, and other places of business being closed, as well as the P. O. Dr. Charles Howell, recently from Alpena, has opened an olli'e in tiie Masonic block, wliere hc is 00 deck for any one who wants a doctor. Emma Weinburg died Friday night of inllainm itiou of the liings, at the home of her párente about three miles west of the city, nged about 10 years. Morrell Goodrich, of Dexter, has been granted a pension. Many old friends in Aun Arbor and vicinity will congratúlate hini upon bis good fortune. i ne prouiuiuonisís, or some oi mem, have resolved to avail themselves of the provisions in the local option luw, and have an election in this county. County Clerk Howlett now smokes the pipe of peace, a monster of a pipe presented to liim by Go. Wahr. Not everyone can be a county clerk, howevur. Tlie round house of the Toledo & Ann Arbor K. R. at Owos-o is nearly completed. Ann Arbor's round linuse ju-t stepped round the corner - to see ¦ man. In tlie list of pensions in Munday evening's papers were these: Eliza J. Nelcon, mother of Rinaklo Clark, Ann Arbor; and Elisa, widow of liewl Clirfstl, Ypsilanti. If loc:il option icarncd in Washtenaw County Ann Arbor must sdd $H,000 to her tax rolls in some wuy. ISesides belng a moral question il la aqitestioi of dollars and c;-ius. Canalla money is now discounted at the banks and some of our merchauts have been caujfht just a trille. The discount is lá per cent., a dollar belng worth only 8S eentt. Rcv. Dr. Earp preached before the voung men's weoclatlon of Urace church, Detroit, last Snnday mernlng and erenIng, Rev. Win. Galpin Mipplyiiifr St. Andrew's pulpit. The light in the clotk tower was not there again several nignts last week. It iiiakcs maiiy fallares, but the bilis are prescnted lor tull time eveiy month, just the same, and paid. Many of our good people comraenced the New Year by slipping up, or down. The whole outside World was covered with a coating of ice, which made pedestrt&nlim aprecarious thing. Upon leavin Alpena for this city, recently, Dr. Chas. Howell was pre.-ented with a fine gold headed cane. The Dr. U one of those congenial spirits that makes friends wherever he goes. Tbree mlghty Nlmroiis of Ann Arbor trampd over Iho hllls and marshes of Lyndon ];ist Mouday and onty Hecured one llttle woodpecker for a trophy.- Stockbrldge Hun. Singular! We hadu't heard of Sawyer's absence from town. "Jim's Toasters" are the one thing of Ann Arbor that does boom. An orden for 1,500 was recelved from one Chicago house yesterday, and new machinery has been ordered to manufacture them on a large scale. Miss Sarah Donnelly of this city, Is to be married on Mond ly next, to Mr. Wilbur Jackman, of Detroit. Mr. J. is a gradúate of the literary department, and is now engaged in the drug business in Detroit. If any lady asks your company for a ride, to the theatre, or cblirch, or social, etc., do not be overwhelrned with bashfulnes8 and stammer over it. It is leap year now, and the ladies have a right to do that very thin;. John Ferdon, Theodore Royer and Henry Wade Rogers, were eleeted trustees of the M. E. church at the itnnual meeting held Monday night. The lirst two to succeed themselve?-, the latter to succeed J. T. Jacobs. Fred Esslinger, the Main st. blacksmith, with the assistance of his boy at the bellows, put on 80 Rhoes from 5:00 a. m., to 5:30 p. m., last Monday. If any other horse shoer haB ati}-thing to say about it, now'e the time. The Washtenaw lodie I. O. O F. have made a new lease of thelr hall in the J. T Jacob's block for ten yearl. This wili make 30 years Occupancy of the same quarters; a jood record. The lodge rooms were relitted last fall in excellent style. On Monday evening, Miss May Costello, daughter of Mrs. Ambrose Kearney, of this city, was married at the residence f Rev. C. O. Keilly, in Detroit, to Elmer b. iirestoneof that place. The couple will reside in Detroit after a short trip throiigh Ohlo. The office of Hecretary of the Washtenaw Mutual Fire Ins. Co. has been so satisfactorily and systematically attended to by W. K. Childs, that he wlll probably be re-electcd at titfl coming annual meet'"? without opposition. He is certaiuly a prompt and palnstaking oflidal. The drawins of the gold watches, took place at S. Eruiie'l store last night. A commlttee consistinr of Will Hatch, Warren Wadhams and Will Henne, counted the cyelets and it took them 2i bonn to make the cmnt, lindin" them to number 21, 47. The neareat gnasier for the gent's watch was John Koch, a malón of this city, who irneaied 21,700, and for the ladics' watch, Mrs. Lydia T. Thompson, (wife of Thad. Thompson) who guessed 22,028. The School of Music open8 Thursday, Jan. "ii li. Cha& W. HoOorkle, the former law partner of E. P. Allen, has removed from Ij silanti to Detroit. The hotel In Ypsilanti, ktiown as the East-side liotel, was damaged $1,000 by lire night beforc last. Jas. R. Bach will devote his entire time time to the insurance business, havlng liis offleo over Gaspar Rlnsey's as usual. At the recent meeting of Royal Society of Canadlan Musiciansat Mnntreal, Prof. C. IJ. Cady, of this city, read a luuch praised essay upon " .Social Science and Muslo." Services in St. Andrew's church nexl Sunday is follows: 7.30 a. ra., Litany and Holy Communion; 10 30 a. ni., Morning Prayer and Sermón; 12 in., Sunday School; 7.;0 p. m., Evening Prayer and Sermón. "Turn about is fair play," so they say. Judge Klnna resigned the ofllce of city attornev to take the judgeship and now Judge Joslyn steps olf the bench and is elected city attorney. The council seems to be a good judge of legal timber. This is the week of prayer and services are being held each afternoon at the variou8 churches as follows: Tuesday at the Congregatlonal, Wednesday at the Methodist, Thursday at the Baptiet, Fnday at tbe Preibyterian, and Saturday at the Episcopal. Wednesday evening, Drs. Vaughan, Dunster and Herdman were appointcd to share equally the duties of the late Dr. Palmer until a new occupant for the chalr is found. The name of Dr. Lyster, of Detroit, has been favorably mentioned for the place. Dr. C. G. Darüng went up on the roof over his office to clear the snow from the skylight last Saturday, and in returning made a mistep on the attic stairs, and fell several feet, striking upon his hip and head. It Is wonderful that he escaped without more serious bruises. Never having had any corns we run no risk in publishing recipes for annihilating them, as we never shall be tempted to try the same, so here is said to be a sure cure: "Baking powder dissolved in spirits of camphor applled to corns night and morning will entirely remove them." The Egan Truss Co. held lts annual meeting Friday evening after a prosperous year'8 business. It has a good stock on hand, no liabilities and is making money. Geo. A. Douglass was elected president, T. Y. Kayne vice president and manager, E. B. Lewis secretary and treasurer. Company A held its regular eleetioti of oflicers Monday evening, casting 41 votes, with the following result: Captain- Sydney W. Millard. lst Lleut Chas. M. Klng. 2ud Lleat.-Henry D. Merrithew. Executive Board- Jas. linrker, John Fisher, Qeo. Dengler, Win. (luetz, and Charles Boehm. The council at lts meeting last evening voted to requtre a license of f3 per ()ny trom non-resident teamsten, and to-day there has been a big kick from the outsiders, a number of whom were engaged in drawing tce. As the country folks delifilit in " salting the city," the city folks must through necessity protect themselves. The Caro Democrat observes : " The Ann Arbor Courier is one of the leadIng rcpublican papers of Michigan and CODtalni more original editorial., more loc ils, etc , tliao a dozen such 12 and 16 page republican papers as are isíiied in this section. It is handsomely printed and bears the ear-marks of being run by men of braius." A rnan named Win. Printz, was plcked up in front of the Presbyterian church last Sunday evening, just as cliurch let out, where he tmd fallen on the slippery siilewalk. Ho was badly henumed and Iujured having walked. up from Ypsilanti through the cold. He vvas taki'U to and cared for, and yesterday sent on lus way. The mantle of the Hon. E. D. Kinne seems to have fallen upon Hou. John J. Robison who has taken In partnership ProaecnUng Attorney Norris, and they will OL-cupy the Judge's old qimrters. Nothing but the most weighty and seriious and complioated legal cases will be considered by tlic now firm, who will mlil insiiruiira to the law. Prof. Austin George, of Ypsilanti, bas been chosen as a niembcr of the executive board of the State Teachers' Association for three years, and Prof. I. N. Deinmon, of tbis city, to fill vacancy. Prof. W. S. Perry, of this city, has ben made a nieniber of the state reading circle council, togitlier with Prof. Daniel Putnam, of Ypsilanti. The Old Mission Beach Resort Asoeiation held a meeting in ttiis city Monday, approved of a plan of the grounds and each sliareholder seleeted hi lot. There were present Maj. VV. C. Kansom, Win. Stagg, J. B Lee, W. II. Clark of Lansing; W. K. Gibson of Jackson ; Drs Frothingham, Breakev, Vaughn, W. C. Stevens, E. II. Scott, Col. Dean, J. E. Beal of Aun Albor. The f rienda of the eitstern colleges who are dying off and enrichiug them With bequeata is wonderful. The lateet is Win. Hilton, of Boston, who gives $50,000 each to Harvard, Williams, aud Auilierst colleges, and a like amount to Phillips' Academy, at Andover, and $300,000 to other benevolent purposes. Any nmark about they-'re belng very Luce-d down that way is ruled out of order. Judge Joslyn held court right up to the last day in tlie afternoon. The last case being the granting of a divorce to Jesále McGuire from John B. McGuire, Chelsea partita In the case of A. G. Éllair v?. D B. Taylor, a new trial was granted upon the condition that the defendant pay to the plalntlfiTl attorney $40 withm tliirty days. On Friday Clara Maiville was granted a divorce from Henry Maiville. The Manchester Enterprise man Tías been studying up tlie Almanac and tlnds that "Flve eclipses, three of the sun and two of the tnoon are announced for 1888. On Jantiary 2H there will be a total eclipse of the moon, which will be visible to every portion of the world, except on the Pacific ocean. None of the eclipses of the sun will be visible in this country. But the way the old maids will go for the bashful old bachelors will eclipse everything." Ah ! ha! Here you are boys and girls! "Look a leedle oud." The new "truancy law" provides that the supervisor of a township, mayor of a city, president of a village, or chief of pólice, can wake a cotnplaint before any justice of the peace and any boy or girl who is absent from school, frequents a saloon where üquor is sold, or lounges around tho streets or public places without consent of pareots or guardián, or who shall go to public dances or skating rinks shall be considered tiuants and disorderly, and may be sent to the Lanslng or Adrián reform school. What might have been quite a serious conflagration was checked last Friday morning by Lou Gerstner. Upon going out to take care of hls horse at about Ö o'clock he saw a bright liglit In the next block east, and golng to investígate found the woodshed in the rear of the house of Mrs. M. E. Foster, on E. Catharine st., on fire, and the flimes rapidly nearing the house. He routed out the Inmutes and got the llames extinguished before any damage was done aside from burning up soine wood and boards. The lire cuught from ashes being left too near the -lic 1 - A letter from W. II. Pottle, formerly of Manchester, requests his_ Coukiku sent hereafter to Arkansas City, Kan., where he has located perinatieutly, and where he will remove his family in a few weeks. Mr. Pottle has purchased a oncfourth interest in the Newman Dry Goods Company, of Arkansas City, which is considered one of the largest establishments of tlie kind in southern Kansas. He lms been cliosen lts president, and will have the buying to do, busides the general manaf(einent Mr. Pottle says he likes the outlook and the country very mach. The Couuieu predicts success for him in his new home. Hardly a man could have stt'pped out of this county taking witb him a more general deslre for good luck and prosperity than does Mr. Pottle. He is a thorough gentleman and excellent business man.