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jas. j. (.uarry was in Detroit Monüay. , Sheriff Wulsh was In Toledo ycsterday. Prof. C. N. Jones and bride are at home. 'r J. E. Sumner aud wife fpent New Years iu Sagluaw. Thos. D. Kearney was in Corunna sev; oral days last week. Prof. C. S Dcnnlson is home again from Lockport, N. Y. S. G. Bcnham lias moved into the Fantle house on Liberty st. I Postmaster Duffy spent New Years at Corunna, visiting a sister. Theo. Chapín, of Lansing, greeted oíd friends Uere during tlie week. Walter Wright has been home from Eaton Kapids during the week. Louis Hall New Years-ed at Grosse Islc iiotwithstanding the storm. Fred McOiuber ment New Years, Sanday and Monday, ín Jackson. A. P. Freeman, of Mancliester, was in the city yesterday, on business. Judge Cooley expects to return to Washington to morrow or next day. C; C. Warner, who is with Phil Stimson at East Saginaw, is home for a few days. Mrs. M. K. Seger, of Fenton, has been visiting friendu here durinar the past week. Miss Iva Gregg, of the P. O. bree. has been ill wüh tonsolitU for the past week. President Angelí will return to Washington Thursday, to settle up the flsh business. John L. and Jas. E. Duffy aud sisters Mary and Veva visited friends in Corunna laat week. Miss Louise Meinderinann bas returned from a holiday visit to releatives at Fort Wayne, Ind. P. B. Millen, of Manchester, spent New lears with his brother D. S. Millen in the 5th ward. Mrs. Geo. Sheeley, of Detroit has been spending the holiday season with her sister Mrs. P. Bach. J. C. Beal and Sarah V. Beal were in town Friday. The former Is a guest of Mrs. Prof. Steere. ueo. OHearn, nijrht operator at Wayne, on tbe M. C. B. R, was in the city over Sunday. Prof. John Dewey and family spent the hoiiday season with Mr. and Mis F. P. Riggs, of Fenton. Mrs. Mabel Keitli, of Jacksnn, spent the New Year's season with relatives in tliis city and Dexter. Deputy State Treasurer ffm. Stagg, of Detroit- or LansiDg?- New Years-ed in tlie city, and gave us a culi. Xewton McMillan, who spent the holidays with his father, wlll take a position on the N. Y. Heralil soon. Misses Mary and Hattie Starks, of Webster, have been visiting friends in the city during the past week. Misses Susic and Annie Smith, of Jackson, have been visiting Misses Mattie and MlnDte Urakc during the week. John Jaycox, lit. '87, of the Harrisbuig, Pa., steel works, spent the holiday season with his inother and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Capt. R. M. Barker retnrned to Flint yesterday after a several days visit with friends in the city. C. E. Mutschel and wife, who have been visiting relatlves in Owosso and Grand Ledge, are expected home to-night. Mrs. Jennie Darrow nee Cornwell, has returned to her Minneapolis home after a prolonged stay with her parents in this city. E. E. Beach '85, now of Chicago, and lus brolher It. W. Beach '86, of Kansas City, were visiting old friends here durthe holldayi. Miss Mattie McColl, of St. Clair, and Miss Nettie L'itson, of Brighton, have been visiting thelr aunt, Mrs. D. C. Fall, for the ]ast few days. Deputv U. S. Marshal Vao Riper, a son of the late Garry Van Riper, of this place, paid the city a visit last week, the guest of .Juilge Cheever. Mr. nnd Mrs. Nathan Keith, of Dexter, have been spending a few days with their dMunl.t.r, Mr. Euaene E. Rpal, and other relatives in the city. II. E. II. Bower, of the Democrat, who has been ill so Ion?, was aptovrn for the lirst time last Fridny, and his many friends are pleased to note his recovery. Counly Clf rk Howlett and family went to Lyndon, Saturday to attcnd a family reunión at the house of his brother, J. W. Howlett, on New Year's Day. The father, mother and live brothers and their families were present, and a good oldfasliiont'd time enjoyed. H. N. Glippen, of Superior, who lias pussed 71 years in tliis world, 61 of wbich have been pent on the farm on wliicli lie nw rende! was in the city Satuiday, vsitiiií friends, nmouj; which he classes the Courikh offlee. Mr. Crippen is extrcmely bright and nctive, and bids fair to be a centeimnriaii, if one can jndge of the future by the present. Capt. B, M. Barker, of Flint, who has been visiting friends in the city during the weck past, foimeriy lived lieie, and. remenjbers Ihnt during the great ciimpuign of "Tiipecanoe and Tyler too," thure was a wigwam erected on the court house square, and the way in wliich hard eider and buil Enjiüsli flourished in that wigwam was a caution. But, then, tliere have been many changes since those days.


Ann Arbor Courier
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