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Here is what the Roctiester Post-Express says of Chas. A fínrdner: One of the First Germán Dialect Comkdians.- Chas. A. üarduer, who wlll begin au engagement at the Aoademy thtsafteriiiniii, in Kurl, Is oue of the best comedlans In lliis line on the stage. He Is oneorthe best natured men in the world wherever he Is. In disposition and appearance he ie admlrably fltted to play the part of the good huraored Uerman in hl pluy. Mr. Gardner has a clear tenor volee whlch he can baudle wltli telling effect. Mr. Qardner has had a varled experience In the amusement world. In thedays of George Chrlatle's minstrels, Mr. Qardner wiu a burut cork artUt of recognlzed merlt. MODJKSKA'S FAREWELL. The announceraent in thls issue of the reappearance In Ann Arbor of Modjesk, wlll certuinly prove a source of pleasure to all our patrons of the drama. It must süiely be gratifying to all who love the drama for Ttself, and who protest against ita degradation of the servant of vain beauties or ambitious novices, to witnes the DnUued acting of Modjeska. In all her Impersonations of character, be they what they wlll, she caters to the intellectual and cultured with a grace and charm rarely cqualled upon the stage, and never excelled. That such an acconiplished and unlversally admired artiste, now in her very prime, and at the pinnacle of her artistic faine, should have serious thoughts of abandoninL the stage for at least twenty years to come, is a matter for sincere regret. Yet such is her expressed determination, and her present tour is unnounced as her farewell to the people. At its completion she returns to Europe to fullil important engageinents in the capitals and principal cities. Her stay abroad will cover a period of a year or more, after whlch slie returns to America to settle in private Ufe upon her estáte in California. The present opportunity of seeing Modjeska, perhaps for the last time, cannot well be allowed to pass unembraced, aud crowded houses will be sure to greet the di.-tinguUlied actress. The plays to be uresented are " Twelfth Night," with Mudjeska as Viola. Along with the serious and grand we must have the funny. So here comes the iniratable Chas. A. Gardner, in ''Tho New Kirl,'1 for Wednesday evening Jan. lOth. The Montreal Oazettc has this to say of the play: "StiindlDg room only" was tho motto at the Koyal yemerduy aflernooa, the bouue belug packed from orclmstra to gallery to wlluess the presentatlon of the comedy drama, Kurl. in whlch Mr. Chas. A. Qardner took the leadlng nart. Ah Karl, hte clever impersonations, rood hImkIhk mul good dancing and raplu changeN orcostmnes brought down the house, and he recelved recill after rvcnll. Mr. Qardner wis supported by an excellent compauy, all the characters helng full of fun. Mr. Bobert V. Ferijusou, au olu time favorito in Montreal, was warmly welcoraed and sconcl n Keat success. As Jack-ln-the-Box, llttle itlle liiiim dellghled the spectators. TROF. IIELLER'S GREATEST RIVAL. Prof. W. G. Anderson, who ranks among the very best magicians in the . world assisted by Miss Louisa Anderson, t the "queeu of mystery.'1 will apponr at the Opera house to-morrow ('f hursday) evening. In additlon to a flrst class entertainment, the professor will give free, to the audience, hundreds of valuablc presents. From the Fort Wayne Journal the followiug is clipped: "This very i clever magician amused the audience whicli well fillcd the Academy of Music . The gentleman is ably assisted by Miss Louisa Anderson, professionally styled the "queen of mystery." Professor ' Anderson is so easy and euecessful in his legerdemain, that.attcmpcs tocatch hini In hls delusions are ballled. He gave many gifts to persons of the audienoe, eaci person entering the hall being handed a ticket, which entitled liiin to i chance in the distribution. The Syracuse Evening Herakl thlnks "the New Karl " a pretty nlce thlng: Karl, received lts thlrd presentatlon at the Grand last evening. Two liour and a hall could uot be more agreeably passed. The play Is full of wit, pretty and catehy sougs and also contalns one ortwo of the "close cali" tableaux. Ono could listen all the even Ing to Mr. Gardner's singlng without hearing anythlngofadlscordant natare. His eones are of the kind that are simple bot sweet al contalnlng tho pleaslng yodellng, in which he has few superiors. His "Lufiaby" Is an exquisito plece of composltion, and always recelves rapturous applauae Tho handsome dresses of Miss Manon May are the admiratlon of the ladies, and she also plays her partwell. The audience last nlght was very tlHfe'eWkl1 promlse ofaoontlnuanoe during A fair sized audienco was greatly amused at the opera honse last evening by Prof. and Louise Anderson. Prof. Anderson is one of the best known and smoothest tricksters who ever appeared before an audience and his marvelous feats last night were all well done and brougut forth loud applause. He gives a great variety of feats sorae of which are sure to amuse some of his auditor. Louisc Anderson's cabinet work was also good. He gave away about 40 presents all of which were useful and valuable. Louis Youngs enjoyed the performance from a 10-cent gallery seat and carried home a fine hanging lamp, another a basket of groceries, etc. This evening a change of program will be given and another and mucli larger number of presents will be given. The engagement has been prolonged one evening and will close Saturday evening.- Jackson Citizen. TWELFTH NIGHT. Of Modjeska in this play an exchange says: In the role of Shakespear's wlnsome coraedy heroïne " Viola " since the days of Nellson, Modjeska has had no equai. It Is a companlon picture to her "Rosallnd" In all respect. The supportlng compauy In this play are unusually well adapted tothelr parts in a physical sense, and lntellectually, it can be truly said there Is no traveling organlzation superior to It. For "Mavolio" Mr. Vandenhoff Is quite enough fastidlous. cynlcal and credulous. Wllliam Morris Is endowed wlth the manly beauty and other qualltles necessary for an "Orsino." Grace Henderson ditto, for the oppoalte part of "Olivia" and Owen is as rotund and unctuous as any "Slr Toby" need be. Kobertson's figure, volee and face are an exact foll to Owen's, and therefore hls "Sir Andrew" In this respect cannot be beltered. The balance of the reportorle are beyond crlticism. A worthy honor has been conferr'ed upon Kev. Dr. W. II. ltyder, pastor of the Congregational church of this city, who has been tendered an associate professorship to the chair of sacred literacure in the Theological Seminary of Audover, Mass. Dr. Ryder has not yet made up his mlnd either to accept or decline the same. There were 43,920 letters, 8,342 postal cards, 33,705 papers delivered ; and 26,293 letters, 6,075 postal cards and 1,157 papers collected during the month of December by the carriers. A carrier's position Is evidently no sinecure. In a few years Coney island will live only in memory. In ten years 700 feet of the ocean frontale has been svvallowed up, and this necessitates the removal, back towardsSheepshead bay, of the huge structure known as the hotel Brlghton. lts estimated weight is 5,000 tons, it has been cut into three sections, and a railroad will be built to truck it on. It is thought thirty locomotives, hitched