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lili SHARP CUT IN PRICES OF Goats & Wraps We find on hand too large a stock ol Coats and Wraps. To sell the excess quick, we make a sharp and decisive cut in the prices. Ladies have now, therefore, an opportunity of obtaining the leading styles and best goods very cheap. Heavy cut in children's garments. We desire to close all out before Feb. 1. Yery radical bargains in Blankets and Comfortables. We have ignored precedents in making our reductions Ihus early, in order to dispose quickly of what remains of this seasons stock. Exlibit this week in windowon the left. All Gent's Scarlet Underwear, all wool, this week 85c. Former price 81.00. Look in window on the right. This week we also make quite a reduction in price in our foreign and American Dress Goods, An examination is requested. Remnants of Dress Goods at about Half Frice. In order to make room for our new Muslin Underwear, we have rnarkedwhat we have in stock at rediculous f)rices. Some are slighty soiled but the iuality and finish is excellent. BACH & ABEL. Two New Years Days riglit togethcr veré too uiany for some people, mul icadaches were plenliful yesterday. The Why oMÍT The new "Red Star"oilwe are now elling is beyond controveray the best oil ver offered in this market First: Be:ause we pump it directly frorn our tankt m the railroad, thereby avoiding contacs vith the coating of the oil barrels, and luis (eaving the oil as clcar and clean as listilled water. Second, The oil is, so to peak, from the lieart of the crude oil, vlilch leaves it free from paraflne and of l ligliter gravlty than ordinary "Water White" oil. For these reasons It will all urn out of the lamp, will not crust the vick, does not sraoke when burning, :ves a white light, and will fave your :ye8 by the purity and brilliancy of the ight. Ask for "Red Star" oil. Buy of is and you wiU be sure to get what you isk for. Dean & Co., 41 South Main Street. REPORT OF THE CONDITION of TUS INN ARtíOR SWINGS BANK ANN ARBOrT MICHIGAN - ON- VIONDAY, JANÜARY 2d, A. D. 1888, ¦taa In Accordance wlth Sections 18, 19 and 67 of the General Banking Law as Amended In 1871. HESOURCÍS. Ujaiwand Discounts - I-HU, 41 Hond and MorWage 203,359 18 Jverdraft 14 8 Furnitnre and Fixtures 1,930 85 Due from National and State Banks 101,3.10 80 Jaehon hand 34,699 18 $805,889 32 LIABILITIE8. 3apital Stock $80.000 00 iurplus Fund 50.000 00 Proflt and Los 30,612 06 Tanuury Dividend 2,735 00 Due Dciposltors 472,492 26 8005 839 38 I do solemnly gwcar that the above statement is trae, to the best of my knowledge and belief. CIIA9. K. U18COCK. Cashler. Subicrlbed and eworn to before me, thln 2nd lay ol Janaary, 1888. ' L. QRUNER. 1384-1385 Notary Public. NOTICE! The Auuual Meeting of the WASHTENAW MUTUAL FIRB INSURANCE COMPANY wltl be held iu the Office of the Company In the City of Ann Arbor on Wednesday, January llth, A. D., 1888, at 10 o'clock, a. m., for the purpose of eleotlng üvu (5) Directora for the ensulng year, and transactlng sucli other business as muy come before sucli meeting. WM. K. CHILD8, HENRY D. PLATT, Secretary. President. ïw FOR Jams, Confections and Preserves Manufactured by the Anu Arbor PreservtDg Co., go to 0TBROWIT dk CADY.JÖ Sole Agents for Ann Arbor, or to the factory PltUüeld road. South.


Ann Arbor Courier
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