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Don't hawk, and blow, and spit, luit use JJr. S:ige's Catarrh Remedy. I will honor Chrtetmna In my lieart mul try to keep it :ill the year. - Dickbdí, The belfries of all Clirlstemloni now roll üloiig the uubroken song of peaw on eartli, good will to men. - Loimfeliow. AT FREQUENT DATES EACH MONTH iW!IW'l!fRFRCM CHICAGO, 11 lHli I PEORIARrtaie ¦ftnfnuf sTLouis-ginfib Hyèiéiiiin ufó h 3E I f"nU CHOICEOF [¦¦afcaMüiWi fv routes; via PilirnDNlA DENVER, uALIrUn 'council bluffs, OMAHA, STJGSEPH.ATCHISGN oh KAN SAS CITY. Fop dates, rates, tickets or f urther Information apply to Ticket Agent of connectlng Unes, V or addrcss Paul Morton, Gen. Pass.&Tkt.ALt., Chica go, III. BTJY THE DETROIT EVENING NEWS, 10o A WEEK. Delivered at Your Home or Place of Business, or Sent by Mail. It is Universally Conceded lo be THE Newspaper of Michigan, Covering all tlie news of the day worth know1111; or worth readliig, tu such and con clse manner ns inakcs It posslble for the business man to keep promptly poated without Interference wllh tho lutles o! hls husi ne8R hours; the wm l; iim'tnaii to keep abraast of the time without maklnghls newspaper readlnp laborlous- tn fact , mnkliiL' It raiber arecreatlou nnl a pleasurable huif hour or moro after stipper; anti ftirnlhing sucli other and lnteresnng readlng matter, lnoladlDg stories, as glvesto the tlred liouse-wlfo an opportuulty toenjoy herself whlle (Datchlog pliysieul re8ts ol reater or less diiratlon throufiliout the day. liesides thls, it will ever be found the fi leurt or the people, iidvo catlng tUe reatest benefit to the greatssl number; exposing rottenness in the intcivsi of the general welfan'; advooallñg all reforms that will laura to the public weal, mul (enorally exerclslng snob a wiitebful lopervisión as shall malee lis patrong fiel that lts visita are llnse of a granillo frit-nd, apparonl to thein the longer ihcy continue lts ai'nua'ni - anee. Mothlni; shall be permltte.1 to enter lts col. umns that can offeud reíined sense or maku It other than a paper that paterfamillHS inay feel free to introduce to every member of hls fnmily capable of reiullnr, wlth tueasurauce tbat nothiiiü baleful Kliall result. Tire BvknInq Nkws is bomid to keep at the bead of the newspaper procession In Michigan and "dont you forget It!' TH! Kvknino Nkws, by Mali, i5 per year, THE SUÑDÁY NEWS, Isued every Snnday mornlnn. Is an S-page Kaper, wlth as tlne a'Mayout" of Interesting readlng matter as can be crowded luto 5ii columns, Includlng the current news, hditIuI anieles, flctlon, etc. Prlce $1.50 per year. THÏTËCHO, 8 PAGES, 56 COLUMNS, $1 A YEAR, Each Issue replete wlth storlos by wellknown wrlters, sketches from llfe, and both Instructivo aud mlrtblul mlscellany for the masses. The Michigan edltlon contalns the cream of the news of the state, an epitome of the geueral news of the week and the latest market reporta. Book premiums worth thecost of the paper glven tosuch subscrlber. Send for eample copy. Address THE ECHO, Detroit, Mlcli. Liberal Terms to Agents.


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