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What They Were

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Jolill MallOüe was :i lawyer. siuiiit Robnon whí h printer. Frank McXisli was n plumber. Joscph Wheeloek was ;i sailor. Anna Dickinson tuuglit school. .lolin 'J'. Haymond was n clerk. Frank Dofaann vu a bote] boy. (eorge E. Atkins was i weaver. Siirali Bern hardt was a rlreasmaker. Kilwin Forrest was a cabloet m.ikr. Ade.lalde Ncilson was i child's niirsc Edward Hnrrlgn wa a ihlp calker. Myron Leüin:well, Sr., Whí r printer. Harry Miner wus a New York (Irugyixt. 1'. Ti Haniiun ws H country stoic keeper. Angustio Daly was a iiewspaper reW)rter. Mlle. Albani was B oliolr singer in Alban v. ieore Speur wus a harneas nrikrr in Boston. Kobert O. Ilillard was In a broker's ofliee. Denman Thompson was n fermer and n soldier. George L. Fox, (lic down, was in tlie army. Manager McCiltllI wi'S 11 coloncl in the army. Euiinn Abbott was a ehoir alugir in New York. Christine Nillson s.-inr for peimies al country faiis. Ons Phillips was a NiW YoiU newspaper reporter. Ada Relian was a school tiaclnr in Connecticut. Emma Thursby was a choir singer in Brooklyn. John McCiilloitgh was R foundryman in Pittsburi. Mark Pi ice was n fnctory hand in Lawrencc, Muis. Bartley Caninbell's first employraeilt was in a brickyard. Kr deiick Warde w.ii srtlcled In a liw Ij i m i ii London. The arca! Ritoliel wa a street sinter and tamliDUiine plaver. Kirluird Maiiitield wis n repoiler on The Botton Daily News. Maurice Harrymore wui at one time a u lawyel', in l.ninlnn. Wil'liain E. Slieridan waf a c ptain in the United Stiltes army. A. M. Palmer was librarían of the Sier enntile library, New York. John A. Mnckay was casli boy in a store; then cali boy in a tlieatie. 'l'ony Pastor, Ben Mauinley and Geo. I!. Kilefon were circus clowns. Lotta tised to dance and sinj; for the "boy-" In the Sierra miningcamps. It is süid inoii' barben turn iictors tban jwople of any otlier t tilde. Frank lianas took lo the stasre biCuuse he culild iot make money ut the 1 iw Theodoie Tlioinas was a liddler it (0 a week In the old Bixiadwu Üjeatre. Kyrle Uellow a sallor, HU fatber J. M. Bellow, the leader, was II cleijjynian. Lawrence Bal ri-tt was once a waiter in a restaurant. Hè also si-rved in the army. Mande Ciraniiei' was an employé in tl o Weed sewlrtjc m ichine factory in II.uiford. Nute Salsbury was au arliiliMynvin. a cowboy, a restaurant waiter and a house painter. "Bllly" Florence used to peddle papfK and eat peanuts In tlie g:illery like othi 8 ol' his kind. Harry Rlnhinnnrl n.i.i AottrjM von li'iyle (brothers, whose name is Biyle) were pteDojrraphers. Maurice Strakosch w:is a tenor i;i Agram, where lus manager coiisidered liim wortii only $(i a inontli. Col. Mapleson was a baritone in au opera chorus - or a tenor; nobody who heard 11 I til could teil exactly whicli.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News