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In Favor Of The Thing That Did It

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A. Fríend tells the followhig story: M;ijor Smllll, of Allanta, better known as "Bill Aip," was talkinjfwith me about matteis and tlilng not long ago. "You know 1 was au cld-fashioned democrat," aaid bilí, "lirouglit up to believe in free trode and Mitora rijrlits. I ara one now; lm! .-omctliiiig Iris liappened. I own a I ule farm near Cartersville. I U9ed to gather corn and sel! it in Allanta lor whatever they woulü give me. I had somc pasture land for my stock, and I raiseü wheat .- 1 1 1 1 Tegetnbleg iu n small way. Wliat ve couhl not consume was wasted. Wlien Uie tariff went into operatlon oíd Joe Brown started some iron developments near-by, and the Cartersville Station becnine quite a vlllage. The day before I let't home I sold seventeen load of haf. Buyersdldn'c bargaiu for it, lul carne and took all I could spare at my own price. I haven't sold a bushel of corn Id si'vcral ycars. Those fellows come and buy it by the dozen for roastInj; fars. It's so with everythinfr that Krom on ?iny land. I cannot raise as muili as they want. I'm n favor of the thing that did it, so Tin a protectionist. "Tint Miss Jones is a nlce-looking irl, Isn'tshe?" "Yes, and slie'd be tlie belle of the town if it waant for one tliiug." Wliat'slIiHt?" "Slie lias catHirli so bad it is unpleasant to be near her. She has tried a dozen tilinga and nothliig helps her. I am sorry, for I like her, but tlmt doesn't make it any less disagteeable tor one to be round her.'' Xow if she had used Dr. Sase'sCatarrh I'emedy, there would have been nothinj; of the kind said, for it will ciiie catarrh every time. The last objection ofteu urged ngainst life insurance by people who have been worsted In every other, is the familiar "O yes, but you've got to die to win." Granted, in a eense, so far as a policy puyable at death is concerned: but did you ever stop to think that "you've rot to die," anyway, and while dying, might as well win as lose, particularly when it isn't you who win, but your faunily, wlin ntharwlae would cerhans be


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News