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Attorney General Taggart, of Grand Rapid...

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Attorney General Taggart, of Grand Rapids, Insurance Commisioner Raymond, of Lansing, and Charles Bunchcr of Detroit, compose a commission whose duty it is to draft a uniform fire ïnsurance policy. It is to be lioped that Iheir labors may be successful. The Sentinel, the lone Ypsilanti representntive of the "lost cause," tliinks that the Ann Arbor republican newspaper men are so mach inferior to the writers upou the Nation that it lookt ludicrous for tliem to criticise that paper. The Sentinel should practice what it preaches. It of ten criticises the Cor BI ku and Register. One nnrepentant rebel on the supreme bench of the United 8tates mny not be able to do much liarm ; but don't for a moment hug the fancy to your brain that the south will ever stop with one, after the ice is broken. Tlie middle aged men of thls day may live to see a majority ol ex-rebels on that bench if the democratie party is to rule this nation. Senators Jones and Stewart of Nevada, have both expressed themselves as beinj in favor of the contirmation of Hr Lamar to the supreme bench, and be wil probably be conlirmed. It is useless to deprécate this undesirable action. No ex-rebel sbould ever be placed upon Hip supreme bench of thU nation, even though fitted for the position, wbjcl Lamar is not. 'For my part, I know of nothing tha tobáceo is anecessity toexceptthctobacc( worm," says St. John. But we are al worm?. Dr. Isaac Watts said so. So dit Jolin Wesley. Sodid Jonathan Edwai ds So does every orthodox clergyman of the day. l'oor, miserable, dying worm. I we are again obliged to down Jim Blaine let us tackle him on the grounds whict do not involve heretical doctrines -Kan 'sas City Times. A Buftalo dispatch says the best car load o cattlesold at that place last week was stock ralsed aud fed by Gov. Luce. They wer ghlpped froiu lironson and Bold at 85.75 pe cwt. They were Durhams, and averaged 1,687 pounds. The dispatch, however, was in error; tlie cattle were raised bv the Oover uor's son Einory. - ColdwaterSun. What's the difference? You know the old song "There was old Sam Simon? andyoungSam Simons, old Sam Simons' son, and young Sam Simons will be Sam Simons when old Sam Simons is gone. There is n tcelinggrowingstronger anc' stronger every day in this communit; against the saloon influence and in favo of trying, for a term at least, prohibition in this county. The reason for thi comes from the saloons themselves, be cause of their utter disregard for lav an order and their defiant attitude towan decency and respectabllit3-. llamai constructed ttie gallows on which he wa hirnself hung, and the saloons are follow iug Haman's example. The Reed City Clarion, is rcsponsibl to the school marais for this article: "A school ma'am up lo Missaukee county explainliig: to a friend how a goat buttec hurled the previous"è'nd"oVnis'"a'natom against the boys aftorwards with an ear nestness and velucity, which backed u by the ponderosity of the goat's avoirdi poif, imparted to the youth a momentnn that was not impeded or relaxed until h was landed on terra firma, without tl) palcof the goat's jurisdiction." Ifyou protest against the honoring o Jeff Davis by great parades and jubilees you are "warlng t'ie bloodj' shirt." If you protest against a man goin upon the supreme bench who toontspoke in his eamity to the vital principies o this nation, and who is at heart a rebel you are "waVInjr tlie bloody shirt." Ifyou want the 14th and 15th amend ments to the constitutlon obeyed, you ar "waving tle bloody shirt." Do you not think, under the circum stances, that it ought to wave a llttle. The Kalamazoo Gazette says the taril is a tax. This we deny. A tariff is sim ply a table, list or schedule ofduties (free or otherwise), on goods importet from foreign countries or exported there to - a resource restorted to in all govern ments for the collection of revenue or to protect the home industries of any nation The internal revenue imposed on tobáceo and llquors of home growth and manu facture is however a tax, and all consuin ers of tliose products pay this tax and no body else. - Allegan Tribune. The millionaires who are howllng for protection to American labor liever scruple to import foreign laborers free of duty to force down the wages of home worklngmen.- Man latee Democrat. Senator Payne, (standard oil) of Ohio f'rinstance, Said to be worth $20,0000,000 Senator Hearst, of California, classet amongthe$10.000,000's; the Vanderbilts (who gave $300,000 for Cleveland's campaign expenses.) figured np at $150,000,000; SecreUry Whitney about $ö,- 000,000; aud so on througl) an auiHzing list. All democrats, all free traders (probably), and all bowling for sornetlilng. Take the mote out of thine own millionalrei1, Brother. At a banquet given Judge Morse, of Ionia, In Washington recently, the story crept out that John C. Tarsney, of Mo. a brother of Congressman Tarsney, ol Saginaw, clioked Congressman Henderson, of N. C, for insulting the memory of the Union soldiers, (he, Tarsney, having been a soldier). Tlie report was denied, point blank, but t comes out now that Henderson said this: "I live in a district where 30,000 brave northern soldiers are buried. I can say nothing more expressive of the altered sentiment ol these times than that we have forgiven tliem." And they do say that they had to liold Tarsney by main' force to prevent him from chastising Henderson, a thing they should not have done. Doesn't it seem strange that stiel) brave union soldiers as Tarsney will affiliate with a pnrty three-quarters of whicli Is composed of rampant dis-tinionlsts likethis man Heiiderson, who had forgiven the dead boys in blue for giving up thelr lives that the natiou might live? Sunday night the Knights Templar of Detroit met with a serious loss, the Light Infantry Armory which they had decorated with their prize banners and other elegant and costly decoration?, for their grand levee and banquet Thursday evening. was destroyed bj' lire. The loss to the Commandry js not to be computed in money, for all the handsome prizes which they had won in prize drill contests, etc., destroyed and can never be replaced. 'Iheir Iom is put down at $2,000. The Ann Arbor Commandry had loaned their banners fnr the occasion, but as good fortune would have it they had not been taken out of the express oflii;e. The banquet will take place however in the Detroit rink, which bas been rented and is being rapidly filted up, a gang of 50 men and women working night and day to put the building In proper shape for the occasion. Iuvitátions have been rccelved by many of our K's T., and are beautlful works of art. Tlic President denles that lie is going o send annther message to Congrcss. 'he fact is Grover and Daniel have all ny can altend to explaiuing the mesige nlready sent in. They know when ley have bad enough. - L:iDsing ltcpubcan. . The Northwest Territory waa kdded to o the U. S. 100 years ago, and they proesc to celébrate the cvent at Cincinnati ext suinmer, as Michigan was a pretty ood sized chunk of that territory she is nterested aiul a committce will solicit ubtcrlpttona therefor. Tlioro are 900 water-taker In Ann Arbor, ntl the Courier culis that a good record. So t Is for Aun Arbor; so 11 Is. The practlce of rluklng water there Is evidently on the ncrease.- Adrián Press. Sorry we can't return the compliment or Adrián, luit statistics will not bear ns out in it. "This edition is authorizcd by tho Iunin Board of Trade," is a head line f The Daily HiironLte, of Juli. 4, conaining a grand illustrated write up of luron city, together with a line map of Dakota. It is a booming edition of a ooniing paper, puhlished in a place, for whlch we are indebted to E. M. Thomas of that cily. Perry Joslyn, one of the pioneer editors of tliis state, who went to farming ïear Ilolly some years since, had the nisforlune to lose about $1,000 by the nirning of his. barn recently. As the oss is one of much consequence to hlm, he Saginaw valley editors propose to help him. They could not do n more worthy deed. With red-hot rampant rebels composing the majority of the supreme court of this uation, as will probably be the case if we have four years more of Cleveland, the lire-eaters of the sotith will be in excellent position to carry out their bragging threats. viz: That they will fel win the vietory by diplomacy and ballots that they failed to win with'bullets and bayoncts. We thlnk the Ann Arbor Continu man lu blowing a Uttle too much agalnst Supervisor Gllbert. "A llttle nonsense novf and then la rellshed by the wisebt men."- Cbelsea Herald. The Herald is in error. Neither the Courier nor the Couriek man have been '"blowing" about Mr. Gilbert. No one need put on a coat unless it fits. Furthermore Gilbert appears to be abundantly able to take care of himself. If President Cleveland ever had any chance of carrying Michigan, he threw away that opportunlty when he issued an unconditlonal pardon to Ii. Porter Lee, the rascally Buffalo bank cashier. Lee devastated the southern portion of this state a year before he was arrested and convicted of swindllng farmers and stockrnisers by getting possession of their stock and produce on bogus paper, and nearly every county in the southern tier snllered more or less, and the pardon of this scoundrel has caused loud and leep nnUtcrings all alonsr the path marked by his traniactlont. - Flint Globe. Tho case of Mr. Thoebe, the workingnian wlio was clucted In the district f the lOth ) represented by Speaker CarlUle o Kentucky, was presented to the Congres8onal Committee, recently, bilt the mem bers thereof are so sre.itful to the speake for appointment that they will not give Mr. Thoebe's case even an investigation It must be buonlliating to a man of hono to have such plain evidence broiight for wird against hitn as Mr. Thoebe brough against Mr. Carllsle. But possession i everything now, and Carlisle has posses sion with power and nfluence back o liiin, while Thoebe is a poor worklng man. The prlce of labor Is governed by the law r Stipply anti demand, and llie protecled mini opoüst makes the American laborer compet with the laborers of the wor'd by lmlgran importatlons. but prevenís competltton on his products by meaos of the larlff and com Íielst theworklngmen to pay enhanced prlco or all necessarles.- Manlstee üemocrat. The price ol' anvthing and everything 9 governed by the law of supply ani demand. If there is plenty of wood in the market wood is eheap; if there is scarcity wood is dear, tarifïor no tarif What this nation wants is to so shape it laws so as to best build up its own factor ies and supply its own demands. This the republican party has alway tried to do. Do away with our tarlff an( ¦ " - - '- "-- --- i--i;„.. r Ui world, as the democratie party c'esires and our laborers must expect to have th competition of the labor markets of th world to contend ngainst. No one dtnie but our laboring classes are the best pak of any ï n the world. If any one doubt it, let him go to any other Oation an learn b' experience. But. if foreitri made goods and utensils come here fre of duty they will soon be on a level wit other nations. Turn and twist this que tion any way you chose it resolves itsel right down to that fact. It is not true that foreigu laborers cai be imported to compete with our own The law expressly forbids it under heavy penalty, and if our frieud donbts it lc any of the democractic lumberman o Manistee attempt to import a few, ani flnd out.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News