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RU R E _ pRPRicrs CREAM lts su per (ir GX06ltan06 prOTOn in inlllions of liomcK moretbau n quarterofacentory. It is usni by tho Unli.i suiíi 's rovernment. Bni1.hs.mI by the beoda ol theQreal Unlveraltlea iis theStroimest, Purett, and mol Ilralihiul. Dr. l'ricv's iiiciinly Baking Powder Llial doei DOt oonlaln Mnmonla, Lima or Alom. soM onlv in r:ins. PRICE BAKING POWDKR CO., NKW Y01.K. CHICAGO. ST. l.lH'l. 1D THE CREAT Germán RemedyJ SB TRUTHS FOR THE SICK- lor lliusc ili-:i1llly ÍI.IHI will lir ]i;li. BMonsSpelIsdepenO toracaaewboreSix-lll ,111-11. nu BBITTEB8 I-mi! BlTTBBS vwljl It wlll cure yon. notasslstorcurc. I'J n " ¦" '¦'¦"'''' " ÍthattlrodandallgoDO cieanae the vlUatedH foollng; if bo, u.c i,i,)0i when you so- Sui.riiuit r.iTTERs: it3 impurtUei burst III it will run y. ui. ngthrough thc '"ll ¦"TrTTTrrrTTmrr n Pimples, Iihiii-lics.lll „SSÍ s-í-ár i-Vi íí ,nH not procure snfllclenl _ -III exercle,andaUwbo bulphüb r.rrrr.u.s I ¦reconfinedtndoon, win cur(. Livor Com-BI shonl.l use 8ULPHUB lnlnt. ,,„„, be .Usl I BrrntHS. I hev wll ouragedj itniUcurfUI Mslrkly. M Matlsm. uso a bottle o "g&g trons anUilI II si i.i mit Bl ni;iis : llp''""III Illt lM-vi-r fausto. ¦uro. BVLPHCR BrTTEBsM at liowiihuui a willmakeyourbloodSB -.bottle. Trv it; you puro, rleh and trong,fl WlllnotregBtjt ¦"'¦' your ili-sh )i;rd. lj jTÏÏöTTÏ"ïïÖHTaiT Try Si l.l'lll B ÜIT-I Illlloalth, who aro Ul TOS to-nlght, andl II lrun 'Inwn. slioul.l uso yon will sloop wolll I lilsi'I.Plirii Iíiitkhs. :m'l fool bottor forit.lii DovoiMvant Ilio best Medical Work publisbed? Senil S ¦.'-.¦ent stanips to A. 1'. OliDWAY &, Co, lioston, Mass., and receivo a copy, free. All Druggists, 25c, 60c., nd $1.00. Prcparcd only bj Dr. 8eth Arnoia, Med. Corp., Woomockut, R. I. ARBUCKLES' name on a package of COFFEE Ís a guarantee of excellenceARIOSA COFFEE is kept in all first-class stores from the Atlantic to the Pacific. COFFEE is novor good when exposed to the air. Always buy this brand in hermetically sealed ONE POUND PACKAGES. Tutt'sFiíls FOR TORPID LIVER. A lorpÍ4l liver dcraiiges llio wholesysít'in, uiitl produce1! Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Rheumatism, Sallow Skin and Piles. There is no better rcinedy f or these rominoii dimeuses tliun 'i'nfi's I.iwr I'ills, as a trial n ill prove. Price, 33c. Sold Everywhere. Thisis theTop of thc Gf.nuine PearlTop Lamp Chimney. Allotliers,similararcii-!iitation. vCXX&Tliis exact Label Afe&njjyaCk is on cach Pcarl ; tefeñ Top Chimney. "j '"%,': Sri - dealer may say VsKJmB BJ snd think he has V'í JcBy others as good, JJj1 BUT IIE HAS NOT. Insistuponthe Exact Label and Top. For Sale éverywhere. Mace only by 6E0. A. MAC8ETH&0., Pittsbargh, Pa THÏS PAPER fnod InlV I ffllkll UOWELI. & CO'8 Kewspaper Ailvcrtising Bureau (10 Spruca ¦¦¦¦llf lf ftfil tifliugcontra.asmay MI MI YIIHK le made for lt Ín HfcWW I UIll%l PAINT Jü "" Paint l:rilay. run it to Church Sundny. Elght ; = 2 St Kc limnable Sli.idcs: 1 iack, M.troon. VcmiUion „ .". ? Blue Vcllow. olive Lake, IlrL - i -¦ 0f co ' ? i""1 a lili a "liioe. une Coat aiid job il dunt. -.J S YOUR BUCGY A -. Tip top fr Chain, Lwn Scats. Sash. Fiower S [H JT Pota, Biby Camales, Curtain l';U-s Furniture. L ü IJLJ Kroot Doon, Storc-fronis, Scrccn Doori, BoatS, v? ¦ Man li s, Ii-m i en i s, Ín ( l. t everythiitf. Juit .= „ o i" ihe tM&g iur thc ladR-s to u&e bout the house SJ . L FOR ONE DOLLAR 1 S COiT'S HONESTÉ rfo Are you Roing to Paínt this ycarT If o, doni A ÏT .1 palnt containlna water or beiuine when g gS ¦ for thc tama ni"' " youcan procure - - " I (11 t" A. ) n'S l'l I(K I'IT t it is nrrnnled to t ' % - be .,-1 HO.NI BT, 0E51 l?t L1.8I i i-w, l'AIM ; i 3 and free froni v " 'i.ii" thU -j L J TZ brnd nl l:ik mi olhrr. Merchantl handllng a = tffr3 t ;irc our .i'' nts and aulhoricd byus.ln wntiny, ají torrrnt l lowpirl ÏKARSwilb t COAT r i -J :i TKÁKI 'lili -' COAT8. OOf Shad are the g L j l.ntcst S'yl.s nsed in thc Eist now becoinniff -"¦ U ao popular m '' West, uid np with thc timc a r H -fc rrytfi ¦ brand i t IIOSKS1 PA15T and you wili -=i. wlí never rcynt it. This to thc wisc is sufíicicm D u HOUSE PAINT J LOIT'SFLOORPA!NTS ¦ r.-iint éhat never drled bevond thc sticky point, 5C ¦m jirtii ,- wci k, ¦ ¦ 'r fi E Kext ti rOIT 's l i unit i'MM 55 t 'il o Ún i_ SÍONft)Rf ST ICÍOi


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