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Man And His Shoes

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How much aman Is llke hls hoe f For Instante, buth a soul muy lona, Botli have been tanned ; both have been tlglit; By cobblers, both get lelt and rlght. Both need a male to be complete. And both are made to go ou reet. They botti need heallnu; both are sold, And both lu time wlll run to raold. Wlrh Btioes, the last is flrst; wlth men The rirsl shall be the lasi ; and when The hoes wear out they're inended new; Wln-n meu wear out. they're men dead, loo ! Tlu-y both ure trod upon ; and both Wlll tread on olher. nothlng loth. Both have thelr tles, aud bolh Incline When poll8hed, m the world to shlne, And both peg out. Now would you choose To be a mau or be Uls tthoea Í - [Courant. A man ly tlie nanifi of Day was married to ii Miss Week, and the printer's devll Bcratclieil bis head aud sent back the ollowing poem :- "A Day U won, A week 1m lost : Uut times ueed not complaln, Kor soon there'll be of lltlle dayB Knough to make a week aealu." - Mlnneapolls Tribune. Wife (wlio bas been very filent all tlnouli breakfast)- John Bmith, you ;alked In your sleep lust night about a Miss Ford. I distlnctly beard you gay .hut she was a daisy. And you the fattier f a family ! Mother sball liear of tbis. "John(wbo bas been to the races)- Miss Ford, my dear, Is a borse. Wife- Jobn, love, let me setid you gome hot coffee.- Harper's Bazar. "The Btars will come back when tlie day is done and they'll gbine in the mldnigbt sky, and tlie clouds will corae back ind obscure the gun, and rain on the earlb so dry. The buds will come back that the winter froze, and the grass on be witid-gwept plain, and the birds will come back to the swaying boughs, and warble a joyous struin; the cows will come back wben the sun is low, and wander across the lea, but the monev I lost - sliukini.' dice - will liever come back to me." - Dakota Editor. The Dundee Heporter sensibly rmiirks: It will pay you well for all the trouble, t costs you to flle your home paper. No volume in your library wlll afford you more proflts, moro lasting benetitfor your nvestinent. lt gives you dates of local events which you can not procure elsewhcre - mnrriages, obitu.irles, legal DOtice?, etc. In short, your paper U a listory of that portion of' the world wbich you and your frierais occupy.'' Senator Stockbrldjje dldn't need au nterview in the New York Tribune to assure Michigan people tbat he would vote against Lamar's conflrmation, Iiowever he muy have nceded to let Eastern eople know bow be stands. Senator Hockbridge kuows the eentiment of Michigan, and can be depended upon to vote as the representativo oí Michigan every time. And Michigan knows hira, and depends up on blm every tiuie. -


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News