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Irish-americans And The Republican Party

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One of the most important, yet quie developments of tlie last state catnpaigus is a more tlecidedly expres-ted preference ot Americana for tho Kepublicai party. In Massachusetta there ia ai unmlstakable movement among thiaclass of voters which strongly indicates an in tention to desert thii party to which they haye been slaves, and to galn by a better political alliance that freedom which belongs to an American cltizen of whatever pareutage. This inovenient is nut that of ii few diaappointed, ambitious Irlshmen Who liave sought honors which their incrit jeenied to them to warrant, or promotion trom the minor positions in the party machine, bul it is one visible throiighout the rank and file ot Irish voters. The first noticeablc indication of a break away from the democratie party was during the campaign oí 1884. The dusertion theu begun bas not ceased, but continúes, and has grown into very sizeable proportions. It has ahvays been the il in of the demócrata to seemingly interest themselves in the sons of the Emerald Isle as soon us landed upon our sbores, and, promlsing guardianship and protection, deceiving the new corners by inisrepresentations In politica, and sometlmes presenting indiicenients of a very different nature, to weuve bout them, as the spiiler Uit' tiy, (ba silken web of party control. Tliis control would be permanent but for the fact that the Irishmen are briglit and intelligent, capable of thinking for tliemselves if giveu a half chance, and of perceiving their pülitical situation when they becomeacquainted withour iustitutions and our national relations witli Ireland. The Insumen come to this country for two reasons: lirst, to escape the tyrannj' of the British yoke, and, second, to ftnd euiployment, which is impossibleat liome througli oppression of landlords backed by the government. No matter what misrepresentations the democrats make ..Mictrning the beneiits to be derived by voting with that party, the intelligent Insinúen soon di.scern the falseness of democratie statements, They perceive the Intímate relations between the democratie party and the hated government from which they have üed. They recoguize the fact that their employment in this country is rendered uncertain by the determinatlon of the democrats to adopt liec U.ulc, eause Ot lOW V!lge8 in Kngland, and a certain cause for a less favorable condition of.labor in this countiy. In view of this determination the sympathy extended the oppressed of their race at home seema to them simply a pictured curtain bchind which the play is rehearsing, and which, raised as soon i s all is ready, will reveal the true cbaracter of the play - surmised, however, very accuralcly belöre. These things and the conttant treachery of the democrats in other matters are being realized, and forciug a desertion of the Irish-Americims from the democratie party. The movement bas begun none too soon and the iinpoitance of it is not underettlmated. However much the demócrata muy seck to prevent it, tliere seeins iittle chanco of their success, for the slaves of the party of a few years ago are now intelligent and progressive eitizens wbo, seeing their welfare, will pursue tliat couroe which will result in its accomplishment.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News